

盘尼西林乐队Penicillin(CN)从成立之初就被冠以“优质青年偶像乐队”之名,是90后一代乐队里最受瞩目的新星。盘尼西林以传统吉他摇滚为根基,融合多类型音乐风格,打造出属于他们的“浪漫主义摇滚乐”。拥有着超越年龄的思维与渴望,歌唱九零一代年轻人敏感而丰富的世界与生活。极强的现场感染力和出众的外形也成为他们脱颖而出的法宝。2017年,乐队首张专辑《与世界温暖相拥》正式发行,在这个纷繁萦绕的世界里,盘尼西林就是你所需要的一针安慰剂,2019年,第二张专辑《群星闪耀时》发布,时隔两年不断成长与探索,带来“夜空繁星多闪耀”。 Penicillin (CN) since its inception has been dubbed an "amazingly talented band of young idols," and in short order has shot up the ranks to become the most talked about band of new stars born in the 1990s. At its heart Penicillin is a guitar driven rock band in the traditional sense, while at the same time integrating multiple styles to create their own brand of "romantic rock n' roll." Wise beyond their years, Penicillin's music and lyrics stretch beyond their age and speak to the world and lives of people born in the 1990s. Possessing an extremely intoxicating live performance only further enhanced by their charm and good looks, eyes are always on the band and they attract a crowd wherever they go. Penicillin will release their debut album "Embrace the world" ("与世界温暖相拥") in 2017, and in this troubled world of ours, Penicillin is the one and only medicine you need.In 2019, the second album, "As All The Stars Shine," was released, and two years of continuous growth and exploration, bringing "the stars of the night sky shine more."

