[DJ节目]麦格兰岛的DJ节目 第63期

奥登名诗《漫步夜色中》| No. 53(麦格兰岛)

麦格兰岛 Explore all the fun about English! 最美英文诗篇 NO.53 As I Walked Out One Evening 漫步夜色中 作 者:[美] W. H. Auden (奥登) 中文译者:岛主·Sean 朗 读 者:奥登本人 As I Walked Out One Evening 漫步夜色中 As I walked out one evening, Walking down Bristol Street, The crowds upon the pavement Were fields of harvest wheat. 我在夜色中 沿着布里斯托大街漫步 人行道上摩踵擦肩 就像丰收时的麦田 And down by the brimming river I heard a lover sing Under an arch of the railway: ‘Love has no ending. 在水面丰盈的河边 一座铁路拱桥的下面 我听到献给恋人的歌声: 爱情啊,永不剧终 ‘I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you Till China and Africa meet, And the river jumps over the mountain And the salmon sing in the street, 我将爱你,亲爱的,我将爱你 直到中国和非洲相连 直到山巅上奔腾着江河 直到三文鱼在街头高歌 ‘I’ll love you till the ocean Is folded and hung up to dry And the seven stars go squawking Like geese about the sky. 我将爱你,直到大海 被折叠被悬挂被晾干 直到北斗七星就像大雁 一样鸣叫着,掠过天边 ‘The years shall run like rabbits, For in my arms I hold The Flower of the Ages, And the first love of the world.’ “逝者如斯,如同脱兔 因我的怀中拥抱着 悠悠岁月的花瓣 和人世间第一场爱恋。” But all the clocks in the city Began to whirr and chime: ‘O let not Time deceive you, You cannot conquer Time. 此时,城里的万千时钟 一起嗡嗡作响,钟声轰鸣: “噢,莫要被时间欺瞒 无人能征服时间。” ‘In the burrows of the Nightmare Where Justice naked is, Time watches from the shadow And coughs when you would kiss. “在梦魇的层层深渊里 是赤裸的公正 监视你的时间在阴影里躲着 在你情浓亲吻时便一声轻咳 ‘In headaches and in worry Vaguely life leaks away, And Time will have his fancy To-morrow or to-day. “在头昏脑涨和坐立不安中 生命悄然溜走 时间就此得势 不是明朝,便是今日 ‘Into many a green valley Drifts the appalling snow; Time breaks the threaded dances And the diver’s brilliant bow. “在无尽的青翠山谷中 骇人的积雪四处漂流 时间击碎了缠绵的舞步 以及跳水者优雅的圆弧 ‘O plunge your hands in water, Plunge them in up to the wrist; Stare, stare in the basin And wonder what you’ve missed. “噢,将你的双手浸入水中 让水淹没你的手腕 凝视,凝视那水底 思索你所有的失之交臂 ‘The glacier knocks in the cupboard, The desert sighs in the bed, And the crack in the tea-cup opens A lane to the land of the dead. “冰川在橱柜中敲门 沙漠在床头叹息 茶杯上那条缝隙裂成 一条通往冥府的幽径 ‘Where the beggars raffle the banknotes And the Giant is enchanting to Jack, And the Lily-white Boy is a Roarer, And Jill goes down on her back. “在那里,乞丐抽彩赌博 巨人对杰克施展魔法 纯洁如雪的男孩疯狂咆哮 吉尔仰面躺倒 ‘O look, look in the mirror, O look in your distress: Life remains a blessing Although you cannot bless. “噢看啊,看镜子里面, 噢看你们多么凄惨: 生命是神灵的恩赐 但你无法乞求福祉 ‘O stand, stand at the window As the tears scald and start; You shall love your crooked neighbour With your crooked heart.’ “噢站起来,站在窗前 让滚烫的泪水汹涌而下; 你将用你扭曲的心 爱上你扭曲的芳邻。” It was late, late in the evening, The lovers they were gone; The clocks had ceased their chiming, And the deep river ran on. 这时的夜色越发沉重 那对恋人已不知所踪 时钟停歇,鸦雀无声 河水幽深,兀自流通 更多双语文本请登录:麦格兰岛 回复关键词:“诗篇” 微信订阅号:麦格兰岛

