[DJ节目]Karri_L的DJ节目 第150期

BBC 2018.7.28(Karri_L)

Hello, I'm Jerry Smit with the BBC news. The Congressman Pablo Casado has been elected the leader of Spain's conservative People's Party. He is expected to take the party further to the right. Mr. Casado succeeds Mariano Rajoy who was ousted last month. Guy Hedgecoe reports. Pablo Casado is a 37-year-old Congressman who has promised to shake up a party which has been plagued by corruption scandals in recent years and which has been struggling in the polls. Mr. Casado has presented himself as a stridently right-wing figure who appeals to the party's more conservative voters, especially on issues like the family, abortion, and euthanasia. He defeated the former Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria. The times it was a bitter leadership contest which exposed divisions in a party usually known for its unity and discipline. Mr. Casado has vowed to take a particularly hard line against those in Catalonia who want independence.There's relative calm in the Gaza Strip after a major flare-up on Friday that saw an Israeli soldier and four Palestinians killed.

