[DJ节目]Karri_L的DJ节目 第157期

VOA 2018.7.31(Karri_L)

Designers at the Levi Strauss are creating new finishes for jeans by using digital pads and touch-screen computers. The new designs are uploaded to a laser machine and in just 90 seconds. A new pair of jeans is transformed. The process used to take 30 minutes by hand. It’s a radical breakthrough, says Bart Sights, Vice President of Technical Innovation at the company. It’s one that will surely transform how jeans ware is designed and developed, how it’s manufactured and how it’s sold. By using this new digital platform, the 165-year-old retailer can significantly reduce the time it takes to bring the jeans from the factory to the consumer, says Liz O’Neil. We can get our products in front of the consumer at the right time and we can much more accurately predict what our consumers are going to want to see in our stores. Global sourcing giant Lei Wang is helping its clients’ transition to a digital supply chain by showing them how new software in 3D rendering can make clothing manufacture more efficient. 李维斯的设计师们正通过数字平板电脑和触屏计算机来设计新的牛仔裤样式。短短90秒内,新的设计款式就可以上传到激光机上,然后摇身一变成了新款牛仔裤。 这个过程以前通过手工做的话需要半小时。这是一次根本性的突破,该公司技术创新副总裁巴特 赛特(Bart Sights)如是说道。这种突破会让牛仔裤的设计研发方式、制作方式、销售方式发生彻底的变革。 通过这种新型数码平台,李维斯这家已经有165年历史的零售商可以大大减少牛仔裤从生产到销售的时间,莉兹 欧内(Liz O’Neil)如是说道。我们可以在合适的时候将产品呈现的消费者面前,此外我们可以更加准确地预测消费者想在实体店看到怎样的产品。 全球采购巨头雷王品牌正在助力其顾客转型到数字供应链,方式是向他们展示三维制图软件技术可以如何提高服装织造的效率。

