[DJ节目]Karri_L的DJ节目 第135期

BBC 2018.8.10(Karri_L)

Hello, I'm Neil Nunes with the BBC news. Disaster Agency officials in Indonesia say the number of people killed in a powerful earthquake on the holiday island of Lombok has risen to 82. Hundreds more suffered head injuries and broken bones in the magnitude-seven quake, this report from Roger Walker. Tourists and residents fled screaming and panic as building shook and cracked after the seven-magnitude quake struck at a depth of ten kilometers. Thousands gathered in emergency shelters in open spaces as aftershocks continued. The authorities urged people to stay away from coastal areas, but an official tsunami warning was later cancelled. Search and rescue operations continued throughout the night, but were hampered by powercuts over most of the island. It's the second earthquake to hit Lombok in a week. Fifteen people died in the first quake.The South Sudanese President Salva Kiir has signed a power-sharing agreement with the rebel leader Riek Machar and other opposition groups in a bid to end five years of civil war.

