[DJ节目]Karri_L的DJ节目 第168期

VOA 2018.8.3(Karri_L)

This robotic arm could revolutionize breast cancer screening. European researchers are developing an automated biopsy tool that could lead to earlier diagnosis of the disease. Their research project called Murab combines data from sensitive magnetic resonance imaging with the speed of real-time ultrasound scanning. You have the benefit of both worlds. If you combine the data, at first, we are going to combine it, and then we are going to improve the localization based on modeling because the tissue is deforming. Because breast tissue changes shape as the ultrasound scanner moves over it, researchers say locating the tumor can be a challenge. The ultrasound probe locates the tumor in real time and places the biopsy needle holder directly over it. A radiologist inserts the needle manually while the robotic arm keeps it aligned.The researchers say this innovative technique processes the data from the scans to construct a virtual 3D model of the area of the body under investigation, which means that small tumors, not visible to conventional ultrasound imaging techniques can be targeted. 机械臂可以为乳腺癌检测带来变革。欧洲的研究人员正在研发一种自动活检工具,获能实现乳腺癌的早期诊断。他们的研究项目名为核磁共振成像和超声机器人辅助活检(Murab),该项目将灵敏的磁共振成像数据余实时的超声波扫描速率进行了结合。 这样是就能得到两方面的优势。如果要结合数据,那么在进行了这一步操作后,就要根据建模的情况提高定位能力,毕竟组织是会变形的。 由于胸部的组织会在受到超声波扫描仪照射时改变形状,所以研究人员认为定位肿瘤的位置会是一项挑战。超声波探头可以实时定位肿瘤,还可以将活检针的固定器直接放在肿瘤上方。放射线研究员会将活检针手动插入,与此同时,机械臂会保持对准。 研究人员表示,这项创新的技术可以对扫描仪的数据进行处理,从而对身体的检测部分构建一个虚拟的3D模型。也就是说,即便是再小的肿瘤,即便是传统的超声成像技术无法发现的肿瘤,都无处遁形。

