[DJ节目]Karri_L的DJ节目 第165期

BBC 2018.8.3(Karri_L)

Hello, I'm Jerry Smit with the BBC news. Zimbabweans are voting in the country's first elections since Robert Mugabe was ousted in November. Mr. Mugabe's successor and former close colleague Emmerson Mnangagwa's main challenger is the leader of the opposition MDC Nelson Chamisa. Andrew Harding reports from Harare. A long quiet queue formed before dawn at this polling station in Harare, Zimbabwe's capitalism opposition MDC's stronghold and many voters here say this election is poised to deliver a political earthquake in real change. But the governing ZANU-PF now under new management having pushed out Robert Mugabe insists that it is the best place to revive a shattered economy and lure in foreign investment. ZANU-PF remains a formidable election winning machine with strong support in the countryside. Several thousand local and foreign observers are looking to ensure a free and fair vote, not something that anyone takes for granted here. Hundreds of hikers are trapped up a mountain on the Indonesian island of Lombok, following an earthquake on Sunday.

