歌词版扫毒2片头曲Wayward One(Jmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)

扫毒2片头曲Wayward One-Jillian Rae You are always hiding in the dark 你总是躲在黑暗中 Face only having in the light 只有在光下才可以看见脸 What are you so afraid of 你为什么那么害怕 What are you so afraid of 你为什么那么害怕 You are will safe behind the maps 你在地图后面是安全的 Show everybody were you thinking they wanna see 告诉大家你以为他们想看 Cause being real only makes you feel uncomfortable 因为真实的只会让你感到不舒服 And we wayward one that 而我们任性的 All my wayward one 我所有任性的人 Where are you going 你要去哪里 Where are you now 你现在在哪里 Feels like I'm hiding in the dark 感觉好像我躲在黑暗中 When so long seems I say don't like 当如此漫长的时候我说不喜欢 Sometimes I view you at weekend night 我有时在周末晚上会看着你 I wonder why I do this too much myself 我想知道为什么我会这么做 All my wayward one 我所有任性的人 Where are you going 你要去哪里 Where are you now 你现在在哪里 Keep on running from the faith 坚持信仰 Whisper from your screaming heard 听到你的尖叫声 And need all searching from the faith 需要从信仰中寻找一切 All my wayward one 我所有任性的人 Where are you going 你要去哪里 Where are you now 你现在在哪里 Where are you going 你要去哪里 Where are you now 你现在在哪里 All my wayward one 我所有任性的人

