抖森(Tom Hiddleston)-《Talking in Bed》(失眠音乐台)

欢迎收听失眠音乐台 我是主播Julia 《Talking in Bed》 翻译:戴珏 Talking in bed ought to be easiest 在床上交谈应该最随意 Lying together there goes back so far 那样躺在一起可追溯到很久以前 An emblem of two people being honest 已是两个人坦诚相对的标记 Yet more and more time passes silently 然而越来越多的时间沉默地度过 Outside, the wind's incomplete unrest 外面,风未完成的动荡把云聚起 Builds and disperses clouds about the sky 然后又吹散至天空各个角落 And dark towns heap up on the horizon 而黑暗的城镇在地平线上堆簇 None of this cares for us 都不管我们 Nothing shows why this unique distance from isolation 没有迹象表明为什么在与孤立保持的这个特别间距 It becomes still more difficult to find words at once 想要找到某些词语变得更加困难 true and kind 既真实又体贴的话 Or not untrue and not unkind. 或既非不真实,亦非不体贴的话 睡不着? 不如进来听首歌❤

