抖森(Tom Hiddleston)-《Take, Oh, Take Those Lips Away》(失眠音乐台)

欢迎收听失眠音乐台 我是主播Julia 《Take, Oh, Take Those Lips Away》 翻译:@失眠音乐台 Take, oh, take those lips away 远离 噢 快远离这迷人的唇瓣 That so sweetly were forsworn 曾经那些甜蜜都是被打破的誓言 And those eyes, like break of day, 那双眼眸 好似破晓时的天色 Lights that do mislead the morn; 璀璨的光芒混淆了晨光与夕照 But my kisses bring again, 我的吻却再次带来 Seals of love, though sealed in vain. 爱的誓言 即便结局总是枉然 Hide, oh, hide those hills of snow, 躲起来吧,噢,躲进那雪山之巅 Which thy frozen bosom bears, 在你胸怀之中冰封的小熊 On whose tops the pinks that grow 粉色的石竹花在山顶上盛放 Are of those that April wears; 这都是四月的华衣 but first set my poor heart free, 但请先让我凄苦的心重获自由 Bound in those icy chains by thee. 那颗心正被冰冷的锁链束缚 睡不着? 不如进来听首歌❤

