Vacation Under the Volcano 13.5 Books Books(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Vacation Under the Volcano 13.5 Books Books Jack and Annie ran up to the front entrance of the villa. Jack pushed the door open. 杰克和安妮跑到别墅的前门。杰克推开了门。 "Go in. Hurry," said Annie. “进去。快点,”安妮说。 They slipped into the main hall. 他们溜进了大厅。 "Hello!" Annie called. “你好!”安妮叫。 There was no answer. The place seemed empty. 没有回答。这个地方似乎空无一人。 The main hall had a large opening in the ceiling. 大厅的天花板上有一个大开口。 Below it was a small stone pool filled with water. 在它的下面是一个装满水的小石头池。 Jack looked at it carefully. 杰克仔细地看了看。 "Oh, I bet rain comes through the hole," said Jack. “哦,我打赌雨是从洞里出来的,”杰克说。 "Then it lands in that pool so they can use it for their water."He started to take out his notebook to make a note. “然后它会降落到水池里,这样他们就可以用它来取水了。”他开始拿出笔记本做笔记。 "There's no time, Jack!" said Annie. "We have to look in all the rooms for books!" “没时间了,杰克!”安妮说。“我们得在所有的房间里找书!” "Okay, okay, calm down," said Jack. He put away his notebook and followed Annie. “好了,好了,冷静点。”杰克说。他收起笔记本,跟着安妮走了。 "Books? Books?" she said, peering into a room off the hall. She moved to the next room. "Books?Books?" Then she moved on to the next. “书?书?”她说,朝大厅外的一个房间里看了看。她搬到隔壁房间。“书书?”然后她去看下一个。 Jack trailed behind her. Even though she had already checked the rooms, he took a quick peek in each of them. He wanted to see what a house in Roman times looked like. He'd write notes later. 杰克跟在她后面。尽管她已经检查过房间,他还是在每个房间里快速地瞥了一眼。他想看看罗马时代的房子是什么样子。他以后会写笔记。 The first two rooms had wooden beds. The walls had pictures painted on them. The floors were covered with tiny pieces of colored stone. The third room had a low table with silver dishes on it. Three sloping couches were placed around the table. The couches were covered with pillows. 头两个房间有木床。墙上挂着画。地板上铺满了彩色的小石块。第三个房间有一张矮桌子,上面放着银盘子。桌子周围摆着三张倾斜的沙发。沙发上铺满了枕头。 "This must be the dining room," said Jack. "People from Roman times lay down on couches while they ate. Did you know that?" He looked around for Annie. Where was she? “这一定是餐厅,”杰克说。“罗马时代的人躺在沙发上吃饭。你知道吗?”他四处寻找安妮。她在什么地方? "Jack! Come here!" Annie called. “杰克!到这里来!”安妮叫。 Jack followed her voice. She was in a garden off the dining room. It had a stone patio, palm trees, and grape vines. In the middle was a pond with a mermaid fountain. 杰克跟着她的声音走。她在餐厅旁边的花园里。它有一个石头庭院,棕榈树和葡萄藤。中间是一个有美人鱼喷泉的池塘。 Goldfish swam in the water. 金鱼在水里游。 "Look, there's another room!" said Annie. She moved to the door of a room off the garden . “看,还有一个房间!”安妮说。她走到花园旁边一间屋子的门口。 She opened the door and peeked inside. Jack looked with her. Along the walls of the room were long shelves with rolls of paper on them. 她打开门往里面偷看。杰克和她一起看了看。沿着房间的墙壁是长长的架子,上面放着一卷卷的纸。 "Rats!" said Annie. "No books." She closed the door. "No books in this whole villa. Let's get out of here." “老鼠!”安妮说。“没有书。”她关上门。“整个别墅里没有书。我们离开这里吧。” "Just a minute," said Jack. "I have an idea."He pulled out his book on Roman times. He found a section called WRITING. He read: “等一下,”杰克说。“我有个主意。”他拿出一本关于罗马时代的书。他找到了一个叫做写作的部分。他读: Romans used pens made of small reeds. Their ink came partly from the black ink of octopuses. They wrote their "books" on scrolls of papyrus paper. 罗马人用小芦苇做成的笔。它们的墨水部分来自章鱼的黑色墨水。他们在莎草纸上写“书”。 "Aha!" said Jack. "That's a library of scrolls! I bet our ancient lost story is in there!" “啊哈!”杰克说。“那是一个卷轴库!”我敢打赌,我们古老的失落的故事就在里面!”

