Vacation Under the Volcano 13.6 The End is Here(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Vacation Under the Volcano 13.6 The End is Here Jack threw open the door to the room of scrolls. He and Annie rushed in and ran over to the shelves. 杰克推开了书卷屋的门。他和安妮冲进去,跑向书架。 Jack pulled out the piece of paper with the Latin title on it: 杰克拿出那张纸,上面写着拉丁文的标题: Vir For tissimus in Mundo "Okay " he said. "We have to find the scroll with this title."They began frantically unrolling scrolls one by one. “好的,”他说。“我们必须找到有这个标题的卷轴。”他们开始一个接一个疯狂地展开卷轴。 They were all handwritten in Latin. 它们都是用拉丁文手写的。 "Here it is!" said Annie. “在这儿!”安妮说。 She held up a scroll. The words at the top matched the one on their paper. 她举起一个卷轴。上面的字与他们纸上的字相匹配。 "Yay," said Jack. "I wish I could read Latin so we could find out what the story is." “哇,”杰克说。“我希望我能读拉丁文,这样我们就能知道这个故事是什么了。” "Don't think about it now!" said Annie. "Let's go!"Annie handed the scroll to Jack, then started out of the room. “现在不要想它!”安妮说。“我们走吧!”安妮把卷轴递给杰克,然后走出了房间。 "Come on," she said. "Bring it!" “来吧,”她说。“把它拿来!” "I just want to check and see what the story's about," said Jack. “我只是想看看这个故事讲的是什么。”杰克说。 He put the scroll in the leather bag. Then he flipped through the book on Roman times, looking for a picture of the ancient scroll. In the middle of the book,he found a picture of a volcano erupting over a town. 他把卷轴放在皮包里。然后他翻了翻那本关于罗马时代的书,想找一幅古代卷轴的图片。在书的中间,他发现了一张火山在一座城镇上喷发的照片。 Under the picture was written: 图片下面写着: For 800 years, Mount Vesuvius was a peaceful mountain, rising above the town of Pompeii. Then, at noon on August 24, A.D. 79, it erupted into a deadly volcano. 在长达800年的时间里,维苏威火山一直是一座宁静的山峰,矗立在庞贝城的上空。然后,在公元79年8月24日中午,它爆发成一座致命的火山。 "Oh, no," whispered Jack. "August 24, A.D. 79-that'stoday! Oh, man, what time is it?" He looked around wildly. "Annie!"She was gone again. “哦,不,”杰克小声说。“公元79年8月24日——就是今天!”哦,天哪,现在几点了?”他疯狂地环顾四周。“安妮!”她又走了。 "Annie!"Jack grabbed the leather bag. Then, clutching the book, he tore out of the scroll room. “安妮!”杰克抓起了皮包。然后,他抓着那本书,从书卷房里跑了出来。 "Annie!" he cried. “安妮!”他叫道。 "What?" Annie appeared at the door to the dining room. “什么?”安妮出现在餐厅门口。 "V-v-volcano!" stuttered Jack. “火,火,火山!”杰克口吃。 "What?" said Annie. "It's--it's coming--a volcano at noon!" said Jack. Annie gasped. “什么?”安妮说。“它——它来了——是一座正午将要喷发的火山!”安妮气喘吁吁地说。 "What time is it?" cried Jack. “几点了?”杰克叫道。 "So that' s what the soothsayer meant!" Annie said. “那就是那个占卜者的意思!”安妮说。 "The end is near.""What time is it?" Jack asked again. He looked around the garden. “末日即将来临。”“几点了?”杰克又问了一遍。他环视了一下花园。 He saw something near the mermaid fountain. 他在美人鱼喷泉附近看到了什么。 "A sundial!" he said. "That's how the Romans told time!"Jack and Annie raced to the sundial. "What time does it say?" said Annie. “日晷!”他说。“罗马人就是这样报时的!”杰克和安妮跑向日晷。“上面说什么时间?”安妮说。 "I don't know," said Jack. His hands shook as he turned the pages of the book. He stopped on a picture of a sundial. It showed examples of different times. “我不知道,”杰克说。他翻书时双手颤抖。他在一幅日晷的图片上停了下来。它展示了不同时代的例子。 Jack looked back and forth from the page to the real sundial in the garden. 杰克在纸上看了又看,又看花园里真正的日晷。 "Here!" he said. He had found the one that matched. “这里!”他说。他找到了一个合适的。 Jack read the writing under the picture: 杰克读着图片下面的文字: The shadow on the sundial can hardly he seen at noon. 中午他几乎看不见日晷上的影子。 "Oh, man," he whispered. He looked at Annie. "The end isn't near; the end is here."Just then he heard a terrible blast. It was the loudest sound he had ever heard. “哦,天哪,”他低声说。他看着安妮。“末日还没有临近;结束了。就在这时,他听到一声可怕的爆炸声。这是他有生以来听到的最响亮的声音。

