Vacation Under the Volcano 13.8 Nightmare at Noon(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Vacation Under the Volcano 13.8 Nightmare at Noon In the distance, fire burst from Mount Vesuvius. 远处,维苏威火山爆发。 Burning rocks and fiery ash fell from the sky. 燃烧的岩石和炽热的灰烬从天上落下。 The hot, dusty air smelled like rotten eggs as Jack and Annie rushed down the street. In the forum, everyone--shoppers, soldiers, gladiators, fruit sellers-was running in every direction. 杰克和安妮沿街飞奔,闷热、尘土飞扬的空气闻起来像臭鸡蛋。在广场上,每个人——购物者、士兵、角斗士、水果商——都朝四面八方跑去。 Stalls had collapsed. Carts were sliding. 摊位已经坍塌。车是滑动。 Jack froze. He didn't know where to go. 杰克冻结。他不知道去哪里。 "That way!" shouted Annie. “那边!”安妮喊道。 Jack followed her as they ran past the Temple of Jupiter. Its mighty columns had fallen, and its walls were crumbling. 杰克跟着她跑过朱庇特神殿。它的巨大的柱子已经倒下,它的墙也在倒塌。 They ran past the Public Baths just as its roof cave din. 他们跑过公共浴池,就在那公共浴池的顶洞发出嘈杂声的时候。 "Which way now?" shouted Annie. “现在往哪走?”安妮喊道。 "The tree house is in the olive grove!" Jack said as they kept running. “树屋在橄榄林中!”杰克说,他们继续跑着。 "The olive grove and the bridge are near the street with all those open shops!" said Annie. "Remember the bridge?"Jack looked up at the erupting mountain. A red-hot cloud billowed over it. Fires burned on its slopes. “橄榄林和桥离街道很近,那里有很多开着的商店!”安妮说。“还记得那座桥吗?”杰克抬头看着喷发的山。一片红热的云在上面翻腾。大火在山坡上熊熊燃烧。 "Head in the direction of Mount Vesuvius!" he said. “朝维苏威火山的方向走!”他说。 "It was behind us as we came into Pompeii." “当我们进入庞贝城时,它就在我们身后。” "Right!" cried Annie. “对!”安妮喊着。 So while others ran away from Mount Vesuvius, Jack and Annie ran toward it. 所以,当其他人逃离维苏威火山时,杰克和安妮跑了过去。 On the street with the open shops, baskets and broken jars rolled over the cracked stones. 街上开着商店,篮子和破罐子滚过破碎的石头。 Jack and Annie ran past the bakery and the shoe shop. They ran past the butcher shop and barbershop. 杰克和安妮跑过面包店和鞋店。他们跑过肉店和理发店。 All the shops were empty. Their owners had fled. 所有的商店都是空的。它们的主人已经逃走了。 The closer they got to the volcano, the more the ground trembled. The darker and dustier it got. 他们离火山越近,地面就越震动。越黑越脏。 "This is just like my nightmare!" cried Annie. “这就像我的噩梦!”安妮叫道。 Jack choked on the rotten fumes. His eyes watered. 杰克被腐烂的气味呛住了。他的眼睛的。 "Look! The olive grove!" shouted Annie. “看!橄榄树林!”安妮喊道。 "The tree house is just over there! Come on!" “树屋就在那边!”来吧!” Jack could hardly see, but he followed Annie. They left the street and ran to the dried-up stream near the olive grove. 杰克几乎看不见,但他跟在安妮后面。他们离开街道,跑到橄榄林附近干涸的小溪。 "Where’s the bridge?" cried Annie. “桥在哪儿?”安妮叫道。 They looked around wildly. The bridge had vanished. 他们疯狂地环顾四周。桥消失了。

