Vacation Under the Volcano 13.7 The Sky is Falling(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Vacation Under the Volcano 13.7 The Sky is Falling The next thing Jack knew, he was lying on the stone patio. The patio stones were trembling. A rumbling sound came from the ground. 杰克知道的下一件事是,他躺在石头露台上。院子里的石头在颤抖。一阵隆隆声从地上传来。 Jack raised his head. Annie was on the ground, too. 杰克抬起头来。安妮也躺在地上。 "You okay?" said Annie. “你没事吧?”安妮说。 Jack nodded. 杰克点点头。 Everything was shaking and crashing down around them--pots, plants, the mermaid fountain. Water from the goldfish pond sloshed onto the patio and Jack and Annie. 他们周围的一切都在摇晃和倒塌——花盆、植物、美人鱼喷泉。金鱼池里的水溅到院子里,杰克和安妮也淋湿了。 They both jumped up just as roof tiles began falling into the garden. 就在屋顶瓦片开始掉到花园里时,他们俩都跳了起来。 "We better get inside!" said Jack. “我们最好进去!”杰克说。 He grabbed his leather bag. Then he and Annie stumbled into the scroll library. 他抓起他的皮包。然后他和安妮跌跌撞撞地走进了书卷图书馆。 Giant cracks split the stone floor as Jack and Annie ran to a window and looked out. 杰克和安妮跑到窗户前往外看,石头地板上出现了巨大的裂缝。 Glowing rocks were bursting through the sky above Mount Vesuvius. The whole top of the mountain had blown off. 维苏威火山上,炽热的岩石从天空中迸裂而出。整个山顶被风吹走了。 "What's happening?" said Annie. “发生了什么事?”安妮问。 "I'll check--" said Jack. He pulled out the Roman book. He read aloud from the section about the volcano: “我来检查一下——”杰克说。他拿出那本罗马书。他大声朗读关于火山的章节: When a volcano erupts, hot melted rock called "magma" is pushed to the surface of the earth. Once it gets outside the volcano, it's called "lava." "Lava! That's like burning mud!" said Jack. 当火山爆发时,被称为“岩浆”的热熔化的岩石被推到地球表面。一旦流出火山,它就被称为“熔岩”。这就像燃烧的泥浆!”杰克说。 "It covers everything!" cried Annie. 当火山爆发时,被称为“岩浆”的热熔化的岩石被推到地球表面。“它覆盖了一切!”安妮叫道。 Jack kept reading on: 杰克继续往下读: There was no running lava from Mount Vesuvius. 没有从维苏威火山流出的熔岩。 The magma from the volcano cooled so fast that it froze into small grayish white rocks called pumice. A pumice rock is very light and has holes like a sponge. 火山喷出的岩浆冷却得如此之快,以至于凝结成被称为浮石的灰白色小岩石。浮石非常轻,有像海绵一样的洞。 "That doesn't sound too bad," said Annie. “听起来还不错,”安妮说。 "Wait, there's more," said Jack. He read A great cloud of pumice, ash, and burning rock shot miles into the air. When it rained down on Pompeii, it completely buried the town. “等等,还有呢。”杰克说。他看到一团巨大的浮石、火山灰和燃烧着的岩石冲向数英里高的空中。当雨落在庞贝的时候,它完全掩埋了这个城市。 "Oh, man," said Jack. "This is a major disaster!" “哦,天哪,”杰克说。“这是一场大灾难!” "It's getting dark," said Annie. “天黑了,”安妮说。 Jack looked out again. A thick black cloud was spreading over the earth like an umbrella. The sun vanished as the sky turned smoky gray. 杰克再次向外看。一团厚厚的黑云像一把伞一样在地球上蔓延开来。太阳消失了,天空变成了烟灰色。 "That must be the cloud of pumice and ash!" said Jack. “那一定是浮石和灰云!”杰克说。 Just then the ground trembled again. Chunks of plaster from the ceiling fell on the scrolls. 就在这时,大地又颤抖起来。天花板上的大块灰泥落在卷轴上。 "We have to get out of here!" said Annie. “我们必须离开这里!”安妮说。 They ran from the scroll library into the garden. 他们从书卷库跑到花园里。 Ash and pumice began to fall. 火山灰和浮石开始落下。 "We have to cover our heads!" said Jack. “我们必须遮住我们的头!”杰克说。 They hurried from the garden into the dining room. 他们匆匆从花园走进饭厅。 "Look! Pillows!" said Annie. "Let's put them on our heads!"They hurried to the couches beside the table and each grabbed a pillow. “看!枕头!”安妮说。“把它们戴在头上吧!”他们匆匆走到桌旁的沙发旁,每人拿了一个枕头。 "Tie it around your head with your belt!" said Jack. “用你的腰带把它系在你的头上!”杰克说。 They both pulled off the belts from around their tunics. Then they tied on the pillows, like giant hats. 他们都解开了束腰外衣周围的腰带。然后他们把枕头绑起来,像大帽子一样。 A chunk of ceiling crashed down near them. 一块天花板在他们附近哗啦一声掉了下来。 "Let's get out of here!" said Jack. “我们离开这里吧!”杰克说。 They stepped over pieces of fallen roof tiles and ran into the main hall. They pushed open the front door. 他们踩着掉下来的瓦片,跑进了大厅。他们推开前门。 A blast of heat and dust nearly knocked them over. 一阵热浪和尘土几乎把他们吹倒了。 And when they stepped outside, pumice rained down onto their pillow hats. 当他们走到外面时,浮石像雨点一样落在他们的枕头帽上。 "Run!" cried Annie. “快跑!”安妮叫道。 They ran from the vacation villa into the dark, burning streets. 他们从度假别墅跑到黑暗、燃烧的街道上。

