Vacation Under the Volcano 13.9 Save Us!(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Vacation Under the Volcano 13.9 Save Us! "The bridge must have caved in!" cried Annie. “桥一定是塌了!”安妮叫道。 They stared at the dried-up stream. Pumice had piled up in huge drifts, like snow. 他们盯着干涸的小溪。浮石堆成一大片,像雪一样。 "We'll have to get through that stuff to get across!"said Jack. “我们得穿过那些东西才能过去!”杰克说。 He and Annie slid down the bank onto the piles of pumice. As they started to move across it, more and more fell. 他和安妮从岸上滑到一堆堆浮石上。当它们开始移动的时候,越来越多的树倒下了。 Jack tried to move through the millions of warm, grayish white pebbles. But he was trapped. 杰克试图在数以百万计的温暖的灰白色鹅卵石中移动。但他被困住了。 "I'm stuck!" cried Annie. “我被困住了!” 珍妮喊着。 "Me too!" said Jack. “我也是!”杰克说。 "Remember what Morgan said!" said Annie. “还记得摩根的话吗!”安妮说。 At the moment, Jack couldn't remember anything. 此刻,杰克什么都不记得了。摩根说的!”安妮说。 He was too tired and dazed. 他太累了,头昏眼花。 "'In your darkest hour, only the ancient story can save you!"' cried Annie. "Where's your bag?" “在你最黑暗的时刻,只有古老的故事能救你!””安妮喊道。“你的包在哪里?” Jack lifted his bag into the air, above the sea of pumice. Annie grabbed it and pulled out the ancient scroll. She held it up to the dark sky. 杰克把他的包举到空中,浮石海的上方。安妮一把抓过它,拿出那张古老的卷轴。她把它举向黑暗的天空。 "Save us, story!" she shouted. “救救我们,故事!” Jack felt himself sink deeper and deeper into the pumice. 杰克感到自己在浮石中越陷越深。 Suddenly he heard a deep voice say, "Rise,son!"Then someone lifted Jack up into the air. 突然,他听到一个低沉的声音说:“起来,儿子!”然后有人把杰克举到空中。 A great flash of fire lit the dusty darkness. In the red light, Jack saw the biggest, strongest man he'd ever seen in his life. The man looked like a gladiator but even bigger than the ones they had seen earlier. 一团火光照亮了尘土飞扬的黑暗。在红灯下,杰克看到了他一生中见过的最高大、最强壮的人。那个人看起来像个角斗士,但比他们先前看到的还要大。 He held Jack with one hand and Annie with the other. He placed them both on the other bank of the stream. 他一只手拉着杰克,另一只手拉着安妮。他把它们都放在小溪的对岸。 "Run!" the giant gladiator boomed. "Before it's too late!"Jack and Annie didn't stop to ask any questions. “快跑!”“趁现在还来得及!”杰克和安妮没有停下来问任何问题。 Together, they charged through the olive grove. 他们一起冲过了橄榄林。 They jumped over fallen branches. They leaped over great cracks in the earth. Finally they came to he tree with the magic tree house. 他们跳过倒下的树枝。它们在大地上的巨大裂缝上跳跃。最后他们来到了树与魔法树房子。 They grabbed the rope ladder and scrambled up to the tree house. 他们抓住绳梯,爬上树屋。 "Where's the Pennsylvania book?" Jack shouted. He was too blinded by ash and dust to find the book that always took them home. “宾夕法尼亚的书在哪里?”杰克喊道。他被灰尘弄得睁不开眼,找不到那本总是把他们带回家的书。 "I've got it!" cried Annie. "I wish we could go there!"Jack felt the tree house start to spin. “我找到了!”安妮叫道。“我希望我们能去那里!”杰克感到树屋开始旋转了。 It spun faster and faster and faster. 它旋转得越来越快,越来越快。 Then everything was still. 然后一切都静止了。 Absolutely, wonderfully, peacefully still. 绝对的,美妙的,平静。

