Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.2 The Cowherd(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.2 The Cowherd "Oh, wow," Annie said. "These clothes feel so soft. “哦,哇,”安妮说。“这些衣服摸起来很柔软。 And look, I have a pocket for my secret library card."Jack opened his eyes. Their clothes had magically changed. 你看,我有个口袋装我的秘密借书证。杰克睁开眼睛。他们的衣服神奇地变了。 They no longer wore jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers. 他们不再穿牛仔裤、t恤和运动鞋。 Instead, they had on baggy pants, loose shirts, straw shoes, and round hats. Annie's shirt had a pocket in it. 相反,他们穿着宽松的裤子、宽松的衬衫、草鞋和圆帽。安妮的衬衫里有个口袋。 Jack saw that his backpack had become a rough cloth sack. Inside were his research book, his notebook, his library card, and the bamboo strip. 杰克看到他的背包变成了一个粗糙的布袋。里面放着他的研究书、笔记本、借书证和竹条。 "Cows," said Annie, looking out the window. “奶牛,”安妮看着窗外说。 Jack looked out, too. The tree house had landed in alone tree in a sunny field. Cows grazed, and a young man stood watching over them. At the edge of the field was a farm-house. Beyond the house was a walled city. 杰克也向外看了看。树屋落在阳光明媚的田野里的一棵树上。奶牛在吃草,一个年轻人站在旁边看着它们。在田野的边缘有一间农舍。房子的另一边是一座有围墙的城市。 "It looks so peaceful," said Annie. “它看起来很平静,”安妮说。 "You can never be sure," said Jack. "Remember, Pompeii looked peaceful before the volcano went off.""Oh, yeah," said Annie. “你永远不能肯定,”杰克说。“记住,庞贝在火山爆发前看起来很平静。”“哦,是的,”安妮说。 "Let's see what the book says," said Jack. “让我们看看书上是怎么说的。”杰克说。 He reached in the sack and pulled out the China book. He opened it and read aloud: 他把手伸进口袋,拿出了那本瓷器书。他打开信,大声念道: Over 2,000 years ago, China was ruled by its first emperor. Because he chose the dragon to be his symbol, he was called the "Dragon King." In China, dragons are seen as brave and powerful creatures. 2000多年前,中国由第一个皇帝统治。因为他选择龙作为他的象征,他被称为“龙王”。在中国,龙被视为勇敢和强大的生物。 "Dragon King? That sounds a little scary," said Jack. “龙王?这听起来有点吓人,”杰克说。 "I like his outfit," said Annie. “我喜欢他的衣服,”安妮说。 Next to the writing was a picture. It showed a man wearing a rich, flowing robe with wide sleeves. He also wore a tall hat with beads hanging from it. 文字旁边是一幅画。画面上是一个男人,穿着一件宽大、飘逸的长袍。他还戴着一顶高帽子,上面挂着珠子。 Jack pulled out his notebook and wrote: 杰克拿出笔记本,写道: First emperor called Dragon King"The book we need must be in the Dragon King's library," said Annie. "I bet his palace is in that city."Jack looked up. “我们需要的书一定在龙王图书馆,”安妮说。“我敢打赌他的宫殿就在那个城市。”杰克抬起头来。 "Right," he said. "And that's how to get there." He Pointed across the field to a dirt road that led to the walled city. “对,”他说。“这就是实现目标的方法。”他指了指田野对面的一条土路,这条路通向有城墙的城市。 "Good plan," said Annie. “好主意,”安妮说。 She climbed out of the tree house and started down the rope ladder. 她从树屋里爬出来,开始顺着绳梯往下爬。 Jack threw the China book and his note-book into his sack, He slung the sack over his shoulder and followed Annie. 杰克把那本瓷器书和笔记本扔进口袋,把袋子甩到肩上,跟着安妮走了。 When they reached the ground, they started through the field. 到达地面后,他们开始穿过田野。 "Look, that guy's waving at us," said Annie. “看,那家伙在向我们招手呢,”安妮说。 The man tending the cows was shouting and waving, He Started running toward them. 照看奶牛的人又喊又挥手,他开始向他们跑去。 "Uh-oh, what's he want?" said Jack. “噢,他想要什么?”杰克说。 A moment later, the man stood in their path. He was young and handsome with a kind face. 过了一会儿,那个人挡住了他们的去路。他年轻英俊,面容善良。 "Can you do me a great favor?" he asked. "I would be most grateful." “你能帮我一个大忙吗?”他问。“我非常感激。” "Of course," said Annie. “当然,”安妮说。 "Give a message to the silk weaver. You will see her at the farmhouse," said the young man. "Tell her to meet me here at twilight." “给丝织工捎个信。你会在庄主院看见她的。”年轻人说。“告诉她黄昏时到这儿来见我。” "Sure, no problem," said Annie. “当然,没问题,”安妮说。 The young man smiled. 年轻人笑了。 "Thank you," he said. Then he started to leave. “谢谢你,”他说。然后他开始离开。 "Wait, excuse me--" said Jack. "Do you know where we can find the Imperial Library?"A look of horror crossed the man's kind face. “等等,对不起——”杰克说。“你知道我们在哪儿可以找到帝国图书馆吗?”一种恐惧掠过那人善良的脸上。 "Why?" he whispered. “为什么?”他小声说。 "Oh, I--I just wondered," said Jack. The young man shook his head. “哦,我——我只是想知道,”杰克说。年轻人摇摇头。 "Beware of the Dragon King," he said. "Whatever you do, beware."Then he turned and ran back to his cows. “当心龙王,”他说。“无论你做什么,都要小心。”然后他转身跑回他的母牛那里。 "Oh, man," whispered Jack. "Now we know one thing for sure." “哦,天哪,”杰克小声说。“现在我们可以肯定一件事了。” "What?" asked Annie. “什么?”安妮问。 "This place is not as peaceful as it seems," Jack said. “这个地方并不像看上去那么平静,”杰克说。

