Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.1 The Bamboo Book(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.1 The Bamboo Book Annie peeked into Jack's room. 安妮偷看了杰克的房间。 "Ready to go to China?" she asked. “准备去中国了吗?”她问。 Jack took a deep breath. "Sure," he answered. 杰克深吸了一口气。“当然,”他回答说。 "Bring your secret library card," Annie said. "I have mine in my pocket." “把你的秘密借书证带来,”安妮说。“我的在我的口袋里。” "Yep," said Jack. “是的,”杰克说。 He opened his top dresser drawer and took out a thin wooden card. The letters M L on it shimmered in the light. Jack dropped the card into his backpack. Then he threw in his notebook and a pencil. 他打开梳妆台最上面的抽屉,拿出一张薄薄的木卡片。信封上的字母M L在灯光下闪烁。杰克把卡片放进背包里。然后他把笔记本和一支铅笔扔了进去。 "Let's go," said Annie. “我们走吧,”安妮说。 Jack pulled on his pack and followed her. What are we in for today? he wondered. 杰克拉上背包,跟在她后面。我们今天要做什么?他想知道。 "Bye, Mom!" said Annie as they passed their mom in the kitchen. “再见,妈妈!”当他们在厨房经过妈妈时,安妮说。 "Where are you going?" she asked. “你去哪儿?”她问。 "China!" said Annie. “中国!”安妮说。 "Great," said their mom. She winked at them. "Have fun."Fun? thought Jack. He was afraid that fun wasn't quite the right word. “太好了,”他们的妈妈说。她向他们眨眼。“玩的开心”。会玩的开心吗? 杰克想。他担心用“fun”这个词不太恰当。 "Just wish us luck," he said as he and Annie headed out the front door. 祝我们好运吧。”他和安妮走出前门时说。 "Good luck!" their mother called. "If only she knew we aren't pretending,"Jack whispered to Annie. “祝你好运!”妈妈喊道。“要是她知道我们不是在装模作样就好了。”杰克小声对安妮说。 "Yeah," said Annie, grinning. “是的。”安妮笑着说。 Outside, the sun shone brightly. Birds sang. 外面,阳光灿烂。鸟儿唱歌。 Crickets chirped. Jack and Annie walked up their street toward the Frog Creek woods. 蟋蟀鸣叫。杰克和安妮沿街朝树蛙溪森林走去。 "I wonder if the weather will be this nice in China,"Annie said. “我想知道中国的天气是否也会这么好,”安妮说。 "I don't know. Remember, Morgan said this would be a very scary adventure," said Jack. 我不知道。记住,摩根说过这将是一次非常可怕的冒险。” "They're always scary," said Annie. "But we always meet animals who help us, or people." “它们总是很吓人,”安妮说。“但我们总是会遇到帮助我们的动物或人。” "True," said Jack. “确实,”杰克说。 "I bet we meet someone great today," said Annie. “我打赌我们今天遇到了一个很棒的人,”安妮说。 Jack smiled. He was starting to feel excited now instead of scared. 杰克笑了笑。他开始感到兴奋,而不是害怕。 "Let's hurry!" he said. “我们快点!”他说。 They ran into the Frog Creek woods. They slipped between the tall trees until they came to a huge oak. 他们跑进了树蛙溪森林。他们在几棵高大的树中间滑过去,来到一棵巨大的橡树前。 "Hello!" came a soft voice they knew well. They looked up. Morgan was peering down from the magic tree house. "Ready for your next mission as Master Librarians?" she asked. “你好!”一个他们熟悉的轻柔的声音传来。他们抬起头。摩根正从魔法树屋往下看。“准备好做图书管理员了吗?”她问。 "Yes!" said Jack and Annie. “是的!”杰克和安妮说。 They grabbed the rope ladder and started up. 他们抓住绳梯,开始往上爬。 "Are we still going to China?" asked Annie when they had climbed into the tree house. “我们还要去中国吗?”当他们爬进树屋时,安妮问道。 "Indeed," said Morgan. "You're going to ancient China. Here is the title of the story you must find."She held up a long, thin strip of wood. It looked like a ruler, except it had strange writing on it instead of numbers. “的确,”摩根说。“你要去古代中国。这是你必须找到的故事的标题。她举起一根又长又细的木头。它看起来像一把尺子,只是上面写着奇怪的字,而不是数字。 "Long ago, the Chinese discovered how to make paper. It was one of the world's most important discoveries," said Morgan. "But you are going to a time earlier than that, to a time when books were written on bamboo strips like this one." “很久以前,中国人发现了造纸的方法。这是世界上最重要的发现之一。“但你要去的是更早的时代,那个书都写在像这样的竹篾上的时代。” 'Wow," said Annie, pointing at the figures on the bamboo. "So this is Chinese writing?" “哇,”安妮指着竹子上的数字说。“所以这是中国文字?” "Yes," said Morgan. "Just as we have letters,Chinese writing is made up of many characters. Each one stands for a different thing or idea. These characters are the title of an ancient Chinese legend. “是的,”摩根说。“就像我们有字母一样,中文书写也是由很多字组成的。每一个代表不同的事物或想法。这些字是一个古代中国传说的标题。 You must find the first writing of the legend before the Imperial Library is destroyed." 你必须在帝国图书馆被毁之前找到这个传说的第一个文字。” "Hurry, let's go," said Annie. “快点,我们走,”安妮说。 "Wait, we need our research book," said Jack. “等等,我们需要我们的研究书,”杰克说。 "Yes, you do," said Morgan. “是的,你需要,”摩根说。 From the folds of her robe, she pulled out a book. 她从袍子的皱褶中抽出一本书。 On the cover was the title: The Time of the First Emperor. 封面上的标题是:秦始皇时代。 Morgan handed the book to Jack. 摩根把书递给了杰克。 "This research book will guide you," she said. "But remember in your darkest hour only the old legend can save you.""But we have to find it first," said Annie. “这本研究书会给你指引,”她说。“但请记住,在你最黑暗的时刻,只有古老的传说才能拯救你。”“但是我们必须先找到它。”安妮说。 "Exactly," said Morgan. “没错,”摩根说。 She handed Jack the bamboo strip, and he slipped it into his pack. 她把竹条递给杰克,他把它塞进背包里。 Jack pushed his glasses into place, then pointed at the cover of their research book. 杰克把眼镜放好,然后指着他们的研究书的封面。 "I wish we could go there!" he said. “我希望我们能去那里!”他说。 The wind started to blow. 开始刮风了。 The tree house started to spin. It spun faster and faster. 树屋开始旋转。它旋转得越来越快。 Then everything was still. 然后一切都静止了。 Absolutely still. 绝对静止。

