Vacation Under the Volcano 13.10 A Simple Explanation(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Vacation Under the Volcano 13.10 A Simple Explanation Jack didn't move. He had never been so tired in all his life. 杰克没有动。他一生中从未如此疲倦过。 "Breathe," said Annie. “呼吸,”安妮说。 Jack gulped in cool, clean air. He opened his eyes. 杰克吸了一口凉爽清新的空气。他睁开眼睛。 He couldn't see a thing. 他什么也看不见。 "Take off your glasses," said Annie. "They're filthy."Jack took off his glasses. The first thing he saw was his backpack. The white tunics and lace-up sandals were gone. So were their pillow hats and the leather bag. “把你的眼镜摘下来,”安妮说。“他们肮脏的。”杰克摘下眼镜。他首先看到的是他的背包。白色束腰外衣和系带凉鞋都不见了。他们的枕头帽和皮包也是如此。 Jack let out a long, deep breath. As he cleaned his glasses on his shirt, a voice came from behind him. 杰克深吸了一口气。当他用衬衫擦眼镜时,一个声音从他身后传来。 "I'm very glad to see you safe and sound."Morgan le Fay stood in the corner of the tree house. “我很高兴看到你安然无恙。”摩根站在树屋的角落里。 She looked as lovely and mysterious as ever. 她看上去和以前一样可爱和神秘。 "Happy to be home?" she asked. “回家高兴吗?”她问。 Jack nodded. The sound of the erupting volcano still echoed in his ears. 杰克点了点头。火山喷发的声音仍在他耳边回响。 "It--it was pretty scary," he said in a hoarse voice. “那——那相当可怕,”他嘶哑地说。 "I know. But you were truly brave," said Morgan. “我知道。但你真的很勇敢,”摩根说。 "You witnessed a famous event in history. Nowadays, scientists study the remains of Pompeii to find out more about Roman times." “你目睹了历史上的一件大事。如今,科学家们研究庞贝古城的遗迹是为了更多地了解罗马时代。” "I feel bad for all those people," said Annie. “我为那些人感到难过,”安妮说。 "Yes," said Morgan. "But most of the people of Pompeii did escape. The city wasn't completely buried by ash until the next day." “是的,”摩根说。但庞贝城的大多数人还是逃了出来。直到第二天,这座城市才完全被火山灰掩埋。” "We were almost trapped," said Annie. “我们差点被困住了,”安妮说。 "But we asked the ancient story to save us. Then a huge gladiator helped us."Jack reached into his pack. He breathed a sigh of relief. The scroll was still there! He took it out. It was covered with dust and ashes. “我们差点就死了”,但我们请求古老的故事来拯救我们。然后一个巨大的角斗士帮助了我们。杰克把手伸进背包。他如释重负地松了口气。卷轴还在那里!他把它拿了出来。它被灰尘和灰烬覆盖着。困,”安妮说。 "Here's the story," said Jack. “故事是这样的,”杰克说。 He handed it to Morgan. 他把它递给摩根。 "I am deeply grateful," she said softly. "You risked everything to bring this to me. I can never thank you enough." “我非常感激,”她轻声说。“你冒着一切危险给我带来了这个。我对你感激不尽。” "Don't worry about it," said Jack. He didn't want Morgan to know how scared he had been. “别担心,”杰克说。他不想让摩根知道他有多害怕。 "Yeah, no problem," said Annie. “是的,没问题,”安妮说。 Morgan smiled. "You are amazing Master Librarians," she said. "Do you think you're up to rescuing another ancient story?" 摩根笑了。“你们真是了不起的图书大师,”她说。“你以为你能拯救另一个古老的故事吗?” "Yes!" said Annie. “是的!”安妮说。 "Now?" said Jack. Actually he was a little tired now. “现在吗?”杰克说。实际上他现在有点累了。 Morgan laughed. "No. Take a nice vacation. Comeback two weeks from today. Then you will take a trip to ancient China,"she said. 摩根笑了。“没有。度过一个愉快的假期。两周后复出。然后你就可以去古代中国旅行了。” "Ancient China? Wow," said Annie. "Oh, man," said Jack. “中国古代?哇,”安妮说。“哦,天哪,”杰克说。 "Go home now and rest," said Morgan. She handed Jack his pack. “现在回家休息吧,”摩根说。她把他的背包递给杰克。 "Thanks," he said. "Bye.""Bye," said Annie. “谢谢,”他说。“再见。”“再见,”安妮说。 Morgan gave them a little wave. Then Annie and Jack left the tree house and head-ed down the rope ladder. When they reached the ground, Jack looked up. 摩根向他们挥了挥手。然后安妮和杰克离开树屋,头朝下爬下绳梯。当他们到达地面时,杰克抬头看了看。 "Morgan," he called. "What is that story about--the one we just rescued?" “摩根,”他叫道。“那个故事讲的是什么——我们刚才救的那个人?” "It's called The Strongest Man in the World," said Morgan. "It's a lost tale about Hercules." “它被称为世界上最强壮的人,”摩根说。“这是一个关于大力神的失落的故事。” "Hercules?" said Jack. “大力神?”杰克说。 "Yes, he was one of the heroes of the Greeks and the Romans," said Morgan. "He was a son of Jupiter." “是的,他是希腊人和罗马人的英雄之一。”摩根说。“他是朱庇特的儿子。” "Oh, wow. Now I get it," said Annie. “哦,哇。现在我明白了,”安妮说。 "I'm taking it back now to Camelot's library," said Morgan. "Everyone will be so excited to read it, thanks to you." She waved to them. "Good-bye for now!" “我现在要把它带回卡梅洛特的图书馆,”摩根说。“感谢你,每个人都会很兴奋地阅读它。”她向他们挥手。“再见了!” As she waved, the wind began to whirl. The tree house began to spin. In a blur of shadow and light, Morgan and the magic tree house were gone. 她挥手时,风开始旋转起来。树屋开始旋转。在一片模糊的光影中,摩根和魔法树屋不见了。 Jack and Annie started walking through the woods. 杰克和安妮开始穿过树林。 "Get it? Get it?" said Annie. “明白了吗?明白了吗?”安妮说。 "Get what?" said Jack. “明白什么?”杰克说。 "We were saved by Hercules!" said Annie. "We asked the story to save us--and Hercules appeared!" “大力神救了我们!”安妮说。“我们要求这个故事来救我们——大力神出现了!” "That's not possible," said Jack. "It was just some gladiator guy. The story of Hercules is a myth. That means he never really lived."They left the woods and started up their street. “那是不可能的,”杰克说。“只是一个角斗士。赫拉克勒斯的故事是个神话。这意味着他从未真正活过。他们离开了树林,朝街上走去。 "I know it's a myth," said Annie. "But I have a simple explanation." “我知道这是个神话,”安妮说。“但我有一个简单的解释。” "What?" said Jack. “什么?”杰克说。 "Hercules is a myth to people in this time," said Annie. "But in Roman times, lots of people believed he was real. So, since we were in Roman times, he was real to us." “在这个时代,大力神对人们来说是一个神话,”安妮说。但在罗马时代,很多人相信他是真实存在的。所以,自从我们在罗马时代,他对我们是真实的。” "I don't know..." said Jack. “我不知道……”杰克说。 "Did you ever hear the saying?" said Annie. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."Jack laughed. "Yeah." He looked up at the sky. “你听过这句话吗?”安妮说。入乡随俗。杰克笑了。“是的。”他仰望天空。 "Thanks, Hercules," he said softly, "whatever you are." “谢谢你,大力神,”他温柔地说,“不管你是什么。” "Jack! Annie!" their dad called from their front porch. "Time to go!" “杰克!安妮!”他们的爸爸在门廊上喊道。“走了!” "Oh, brother, I forgot," said Jack. “哦,兄弟,我忘了,”杰克说。 "Yeah, I hope nothing exciting happens on our vacation," said Annie. “是啊,我希望我们的假期里没有什么令人兴奋的事情发生,”安妮说。 "Yeah," said Jack. "I hope it's really, really boring." “是的,”杰克说。“我希望它真的、真的很无聊。” "Hurry!" their dad said. “快点!”他们的爸爸说。 "Coming!" they called. Then they took off running for home and a restful vacation. “来了!”他们喊道。然后他们就跑回家,度过了一个宁静的假期。

