Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.4 The Great Wall(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.4 The Great Wall Jack and Annie ran around the farmhouse. At the back was an oxcart filled with bags of grain. There was no one in sight. 杰克和安妮绕着农舍跑。后面是一辆满载谷物的牛车。看不见一个人。 The shouting behind them got louder. 他们身后的喊叫声更响了。 Jack and Annie looked at each other, then dived into the back of the wooden cart. They buried themselves in the middle of the bags of grain. 杰克和安妮互相看了看,然后钻进了木马车的后面。他们把自己埋在谷物袋的中间。 Jack's heart pounded as the shouts came closer. He held his breath and waited for the people to leave. 喊声越来越近,杰克的心怦怦直跳。他屏住呼吸,等着人们离开。 Suddenly the cart lurched forward. Someone was driving them away! 马车突然向前颠簸了一下。有人把他们赶走了!他屏住呼吸,等着人们离开。 Jack and Annie peeked over the bags. Jack saw the back of the driver. He was calmly steering the ox cart over the dirt road. They were on their way to the walled city! 杰克和安妮从袋子上偷看了一下。杰克看到了司机的后背。他平静地驾着牛车走过土路。他们正在去那座有城墙的城市的路上! Jack and Annie ducked down again. 杰克和安妮又蹲下身子。 "This is great!" whispered Annie. "All we have to do is jump out when we get into the city." “太棒了!”安妮小声说。“当我们进入城市时,我们所要做的就是跳出来。” "Yep," Jack said softly. "Then we'll find the Imperial Library, find the book, and get back to the magic tree house.""No problem," whispered Annie. “是的。”杰克轻声说。“然后我们会找到帝国图书馆,找到那本书,然后回到魔法树屋。”“没问题,”安妮小声说。 "Whoa!" The cart slowly came to a halt. “哇!”马车慢慢地停了下来。 Jack held his breath. He heard voices and the heavy tramping of feet--lots of feet. He and Annie peeked out. 杰克屏住呼吸。他听到了说话声和沉重的脚步声——许多脚步声。他和安妮偷偷往外看。 "Oh, man," he whispered. “哦,天哪,”他低声说。 A long line of men was crossing the road in front of the cart. They carried axes, shovels, and hoes. Guards marched alongside them. 马车前面有一长队人在过马路。他们带着斧子、铲子和锄头。卫兵在他们旁边行进。 "Let's find out what's happening," said Jack. “让我们看看发生了什么事。”杰克说。 He reached into his sack and pulled out the China book. Pushing his glasses into place, he found a picture of the workers. He read: 他把手伸进口袋,拿出了那本瓷器书。他把眼镜推上合适的位置,发现了一张工人们的照片。他读: The Dragon King forced many of his subjects to start building a wall to protect China from invaders. 龙王迫使他的许多臣民开始修建城墙来保护中国免受入侵者的入侵。 Later emperors made the wall even longer. Finally, it stretched 3,700 miles along China's border. The Great Wall of China is the longest structure ever built. 后来的皇帝把长城修得更长了。最后,它沿着中国边境延伸了3700英里。中国的长城是有史以来最长的建筑。 "Wow, the Great Wall of China," said Jack. “哇,中国的长城,”杰克说。 "I've heard of that," said Annie. “我听说过。”安妮说。 "Who hasn't?" said Jack. "Those guys are going to work on it right now."Just then, someone grabbed Jack and Annie. They looked up. It was the driver of the cart. “谁没有呢?”杰克说。“那些人现在就会着手解决。”就在这时,有人抓住了杰克和安妮。他们抬起头。原来是车夫。 "Who are you?" he asked angrily. "We--uh--" Jack didn't know what to say. “你是谁?”他生气地问。“我们——嗯——”杰克不知道该说什么。 The man's gaze fell on the open book in Jack's hands. His mouth dropped open. He let go of Jack and Annie. Slowly he reached out and touched the book. 那人的目光落在杰克手中打开的书上。他张着嘴。他放开了杰克和安妮。他慢慢地伸出手去触摸那本书。 He looked back at Jack and Annie with wide eyes. 他回头瞪大眼睛看着杰克和安妮。 "'What is this?" he said. “‘这是什么?’他说。

