Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.5 The Scholar(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.5 The Scholar "It's a book from our country," said Jack. "Your books are made of bamboo, but ours are made of paper. Actually, your country invented paper. But later, in the future."The man looked confused. “这是我们国家的一本书,”杰克说。“你们的书是竹子做的,而我们的书是纸做的。实际上,你们国家发明了纸。但后来,在未来。那人看起来很困惑。 "Never mind," said Annie. "It's for reading. It's for learning about faraway places."The man stared at them. Tears filled his eyes. “没关系,”安妮说。“这是阅读。这是为了了解遥远的地方。那人盯着他们。泪水充满了他的眼睛。 "'What's wrong?" Annie asked softly. “怎么了?”安妮轻轻地问。 "I love reading and learning," he said. “我喜欢阅读和学习,”他说。 "So do I," said Jack. “我也是,”杰克说。他说。 The man smiled. "You don't understand! I am dressed as a farmer," he said. "But in truth, I am a scholar!""What's a scholar?" said Annie. 那人笑了。“你不明白!我穿的像个农民,”他说。“其实,我是个书生!”“什么是书生?”安妮问。 "We are great readers, learners, and writers," he said. "We have long been the most honored citizens in China."The scholar's smile faded. “我们是伟大的读者、学习者和作家,”他说。“我们一直是中国最受尊敬的公民。”书生的笑容消失了。 "But now scholars are in danger," he said. "And many of us have gone into hiding.""Why?" said Jack. “但现在书生们处于危险之中,”他说。“我们很多人都躲起来了。” "The Dragon King is afraid of the power of our books and learning," said the scholar. "He wants people to think only what he wants them to think. “龙王害怕我们的书本和学问的力量,”书生说。“他希望人们按照他的想法去思考。 Any day he may order the burning of the books!"Annie gasped. 他随时都可以下令烧毁这些书!“安妮气喘吁吁地说。 "Does that mean what I think it means?" said Jack. “你的意思和我想的一样吗?”杰克问。 The scholar nodded. 书生点了点头。 "All the books in the Imperial Library will be burned," he said. 他说:“帝国图书馆的所有书籍都将被焚毁。” "That's rotten!" said Annie. “太糟糕了!”安妮说。 "Indeed it is!" the scholar said quietly. “的确如此!”书生平静地说。 "Listen, we have a mission to get a book from that library," said Jack. “听着,我们的任务是去图书馆借一本书。”杰克说。 "Who are you?" asked the scholar. “你是谁?”书生问。 "Show him," said Annie. “给他看看。”安妮说。 She reached into her shirt pocket as Jack reached into his sack. They brought out the secret library cards. The letters shimmered in the sunlight. 她把手伸进衬衣口袋,杰克把手伸进口袋。他们拿出了秘密借书证。这些字母在阳光下闪闪发光。 The scholar's mouth dropped open again. "You are Master Librarians," he said. "I have never met ones so honored who were so young."He bowed to show his respect. 书生的嘴又张大了。“你们是图书大师,”他说。“我从未见过这么年轻的人如此荣耀。”他鞠躬表示敬意。 "Thank you," said Jack and Annie. “谢谢,”杰克和安妮说。 They bowed back to him. 他们向他鞠了一躬。 "How can I help you?" asked the scholar. “我能帮你什么吗?”书生问。 "We need to go to the Imperial Library and find this book," said Jack. “我们需要去帝国图书馆找到这本书,”杰克说。 He held out Morgan's bamboo strip to the scholar. 他把摩根的竹条递给那位书生。 "We will go to the Imperial Library," said the scholar. "As for the story, I know it well. It is a true one, written not long ago. But I warn you. We will be in great danger.""We know!" said Annie. “我们要去皇家图书馆,”书生说。“至于那个故事,我很熟悉。这是一个真实的,不久以前写的。但我警告你。我们会很危险的。”“我们知道!”安妮说。 The scholar smiled. 书生笑了。 "I am happy to be doing something I believe in again," said the scholar. "Let us go!"They all climbed into the front of the cart. The long line of wall builders was marching in the distance. As the oxen started forward, the scholar turned to Jack and Annie. "Where are you from?" he asked. “我很高兴能再次做我相信的事情,”这位书生说。“我们走吧!”他们都爬上了马车的前部。修筑城墙的人正在远处行军。当牛开始前进时,书生转向杰克和安妮。“你从哪里来?”他问。 "Frog Creek, Pennsylvania," said Annie. “弗格克里克,宾夕法尼亚州,”安妮说。 "I have never heard of it," said the scholar. "Do they have a library there?""Oh, sure, there's a library in every town," said Jack. "In fact, there are probably thousands of libraries in our country.""And millions of books," said Annie. "And no one burns them.""Right," said Jack. "Everyone gets to go to school to learn to read them."The scholar stared at him and shook his head. 书生说:“我从来没有听说过。”“那里有图书馆吗?”“哦,当然,每个城镇都有图书馆,”杰克说。“事实上,我们国家大概有几千家图书馆。”“还有几百万本书,”安妮说。“而且没有人会烧掉它们。”“没错,”杰克说。“每个人都可以去学校学习阅读它们。”书生盯着他,摇了摇头。 "It sounds like paradise," he said. “听起来像天堂,”他说。

