Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.3 The Silk Weaver(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.3 The Silk Weaver Jack and Annie kept walking across the pasture toward the road. Annie stopped when they neared the farmhouse. 杰克和安妮继续穿过牧场向马路走去。当他们走近农舍时,安妮停住了脚步。 "We have to find the silk weaver and give her the message," she said. 她说:“我们必须找到那个丝织工,把这个消息告诉她。” "Let's do that on our way back," said Jack. "I'm worried about finding the Imperial Library.""What if we don't have time?" said Annie. "We promised. And he was so nice."Jack sighed. “我们回去的路上再去吧。”杰克说。“我担心找不到帝国图书馆。”“如果我们没有时间怎么办?”安妮说。“我们承诺。而且他人很好。”杰克叹了口气。 "Okay," he said. "But let's find her fast. And remember to keep your head down so no one will notice us."Jack and Annie bowed their heads as they headed toward the house. “好吧,”他说。“但是让我们快点找到她。记得低着头,这样没人会注意到我们。杰克和安妮低着头朝房子走去。 As they got closer, Jack peeked out from under his hat. An ox pulled a cart filled with hay. Men hoed the ground. Women pushed wheelbarrows piled high with grain. 当他们走近时,杰克从帽子下面探出头来。一头牛拉着一辆装满干草的车。人们锄地。妇女们推着手推车,上面堆满了谷物。 "There!" said Annie. She pointed to an open porch where a young woman was weaving cloth on a loom. “那里!”安妮说。她指着敞开的门廊,那里有一个年轻的女人正在织布机上织布。 "That must be her!"Annie ran to the silk weaver. Jack looked around to see if anyone was watching. Luckily, all the farm workers seemed too busy to notice anything. Still looking around carefully, Jack walked toward the porch. “一定是她!”安妮跑到丝织工那里。杰克环顾四周,看看有没有人在看。幸运的是,所有的农场工人似乎都很忙,没有注意到任何事情。杰克仍然仔细地环顾四周,朝门廊走去。 Annie was already talking to the silk weaver. 安妮已经在和丝织工说话了。 "What did he say?" the young woman asked. Her voice was soft but strong. Her dark eyes glowed with happiness. “他说什么?”年轻女子问。她的声音柔和而有力。她的黑眼睛闪烁着幸福的光芒。 "He said you should meet him in the field at twilight," said Annie. "He's so handsome!""Yes, he is. The silk weaver gave Annie a shy smile. “他说黄昏的时候你们可以在田野里见他。”安妮说。“他很帅!”“是的,他是。丝织工对安妮害羞地笑了笑 Then she reached down to a basket near her loom and picked up a ball of yellow thread. 然后她把手伸向织布机旁的篮子,拿起一团黄色的线。 "It was very brave of you to bring the message," she said. "Please accept this silk thread as my thank-you."She handed Annie the ball of silk. “你带来这个消息真是太勇敢了,”她说。“请收下这条丝线,作为我的谢意。”她把丝球递给安妮。 "It's beautiful," said Annie. "Feel."She handed it to Jack. The thread was smooth and soft. “它很漂亮,”安妮说。“感觉。”她把它递给杰克。这线又滑又软。 "How do you make silk?" said Jack. "It is made from the Cocoons of silk-worms," said the weaver. “你怎么做丝绸?”杰克说。“它是用蚕茧做的。”织布工说。 "Really? Worms? That's neat," said Jack. "Let me write that down."He reached into his sack. “真的吗?蠕虫?太棒了,”杰克说。“让我写下来。”他把手伸进口袋。 "Please don't!" said the silk weaver. "The making of silk is China's most valuable secret. Anyone who steals the secret will be arrested. The Dragon King will have him put to death. “请不要!”丝织工说。“丝绸的制作是中国最有价值的秘密。任何窃取秘密的人都会被逮捕,龙王会处死他。 "Oops," said Jack. “哎呀,”杰克说。 He dropped the ball of silk into his sack. 他把那团丝扔进口袋里。 "I think you must leave quickly," whispered the silk weaver. "You have been seen."Jack looked over his shoulder. A man was pointing at them. “我想你必须快点离开,”丝织工低声说。“有人看见你了。”杰克回头看了看。一个男人指着他们。 "Let's go," he said. “我们走吧,”他说。 "Bye!" said Annie. "Good luck on your date!""Thank you," the silk weaver said. “再见!”安妮说。“祝你约会好运!”“谢谢你,”丝织工说。 "Come on," said Jack. “来吧,”杰克说。 They hurried away from the silk weaver. 他们匆匆离开了织布匠。 "Stop!" someone shouted. “住手!”有人喊道。 "Run!" said Annie. “快跑!”安妮说。

