Magic Tree House Viking Ships at Sunrise 15. 1 Before Dawn(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Viking Ships at Sunrise 15. 1 Before Dawn Jack opened his eyes. 杰克睁开眼睛。 A thin gray light came through his window. His clock read 5 A.M. All was quiet. 一道细细的灰色光线从他的窗户透了进来。他的时钟显示是凌晨5点一切都安静了。 Today we're going to ancient Ireland, he thought, back more than a thousand years. 今天我们要去一千年前的古爱尔兰,他想。 Morgan le Fay had told him that it was a very dangerous time, with Vikings raiding the coasts. 摩根·乐费曾告诉过他,那是一个非常危险的时期,海盗不断袭击海岸。 "You awake?" came a whisper. “你醒了吗?”有人轻声说。 Annie stood in his doorway. She was dressed and ready to go. 安妮站在他的门口。她穿好衣服准备出发。 "Yeah, meet you outside," said Jack as he climbed out of bed. “好的,在外面见。”杰克边说边从床上爬起来。 He pulled on his jeans, T-shirt, and sneakers. He put his secret library card into his backpack with his notebook and pencil. Then he hurried downstairs. 他穿上牛仔裤、t恤和运动鞋。他把他的秘密借书证和他的笔记本和铅笔放在背包里。然后他匆匆下楼。 Annie was waiting for him in their yard. 安妮在他们的院子里等着他。 The air was damp and misty. 空气潮湿而有雾。 "Ready?" she asked. “准备好了吗?”她问道。 Jack took a deep breath. 杰克深吸了一口气。 "I guess," he said. He was a little worried about the Vikings. “我想是的。”他说。他有点担心维京人。 They walked silently over the dewy grass. Then they ran up their street and into the Frog Creek woods. 他们静静地走过沾着露水的草地。然后他们跑上他们的街道,进入了弗格-克里克森林。 Mist clung to the trees as they walked through the dark woods. 他们穿过黑暗的树林时,雾笼罩着树木。 "It's hard to see," said Jack. “很难看清,”杰克说。 "Where's the tree house?" asked Annie. “树屋在哪里?”安妮问。 "I have no idea," said Jack. “我不知道,”杰克说。 Just then something fell in front of them. 就在这时,什么东西掉到了他们面前。 "Watch out!" shouted Jack. He covered his head. “小心!”杰克喊道。他蒙着头。 "The ladder!" cried Annie. Jack opened his eyes. “梯子!”安妮叫道。杰克睁开眼睛。 The rope ladder from the magic tree house dangled in front of them. 魔法树屋的绳梯悬挂在他们面前。 Jack looked up. The tree house was hidden in the mist. 杰克抬起头来。树屋藏在雾中。 "Come on, let's go," said Annie. “来吧,我们走,”安妮说。 She grabbed the ladder and started up. Jack followed. 她抓住梯子,跳了起来。杰克跟着。去吧,”安妮说。 They climbed through the wet air and into the tree house. 他们爬过潮湿的空气,进入树屋。 "Hello," said Morgan. "I'm glad to see you." She was sitting in the corner. At her feet were the scroll they'd brought back from Roman times and the bamboo book from ancient China. “你好,”摩根说。“我很高兴见到你。”她坐在角落里。她脚下是他们从罗马时代带回来的卷轴和从古代中国带回来的竹书。 "I'm so glad to see you," said Jack. “我很高兴见到你,”杰克说。 "Me too," said Annie. “我也是,”安妮说。 "It's good that you both came early," said Morgan. 摩根说:“你们俩都来得早,真是太好了。 She reached into the folds of her robe and pulled out a piece of paper. 她把手伸进长袍的皱褶里,拿出一张纸。 "Here's the ancient story you must find today," she said. “这是你今天必须找到的古老故事,”她说。 Morgan handed the paper to Jack. On it were the words: 摩根把报纸递给了杰克。上面写着: Serpens Magna The mysterious writing reminded Jack of the writing from their trip to the Roman town of Pompeii. 这些神秘的文字使杰克想起了他们去罗马庞贝古城旅行时的字迹。 "That looks like Latin," he said. “那看起来像拉丁语,”他说。 "Very good," said Morgan. "It is Latin." "But I thought they spoke Latin in ancient Rome,"said Annie. "Aren't we going to Ireland?" "You are," said Morgan. "But during the Dark Ages in Europe, educated people wrote in Latin.""The Dark Ages?" said Jack. “很好,”摩根说。“这是拉丁语。”“可我以为古罗马人讲拉丁语呢。”安妮说。“我们不是要去爱尔兰吗?”“是的,”摩根说。“但在欧洲的黑暗时代,受过教育的人用拉丁语写作。”“黑暗时代?”杰克说。 "Yes," said Morgan. "The time after the fall of the Roman Empire." “是的,”摩根说。"罗马帝国灭亡后的时间"。 "Why is it called dark ?" said Jack. “为什么叫黑暗?”杰克说。 "It was a difficult time," said Morgan. "People had to work very hard just to feed and clothe themselves. “那是一段艰难的时期,”摩根说。“人们不得不非常努力地工作,只是为了自己能吃能穿。 There was not a lot of time for playing, learning, or making art and music."Morgan pulled a book from her robe. 没有太多的时间用来玩耍,学习,或者创作艺术和音乐。摩根从她的睡袍中抽出一本书。 "Your research," she said, handing it to Annie. The title read: Ireland Long Ago. “你的研究。”她说着把它递给了安妮。书名是:很久以前的爱尔兰。 "Remember," said Morgan. "Your research book will guide you. But in your darkest hour--""Only the ancient story can save us," Jack and Annie said together. “记住,”摩根说。你的研究书会给你指导。但在你最黑暗的时刻——”“只有古老的故事能拯救我们,”杰克和安妮一起说。 "And remember this," said Morgan. "It must be your darkest hour, when there is no hope left. If you ask for help too soon, it will not come.""And we have to find the story first," said Annie. “记住这一点,”摩根说。“这一定是你最黑暗的时候,因为你已经没有希望了。如果你太早寻求帮助,它就不会来。”“我们必须先找到这个故事,”安妮说。 "That is true," said Morgan. "Do you have your secret library cards?"Jack and Annie nodded. “那倒是真的。”摩根说。“你有你的秘密借书证吗?”杰克和安妮点了点头。 "Show them to the wisest person you meet," said Morgan. “把它们拿给你遇到的最聪明的人看,”摩根说。 "Don't worry," said Annie. "I think we're ready now."Annie pointed at the cover of the Ireland book. “别担心,”安妮说。“我想我们现在准备好了。”安妮指着那本爱尔兰书的封面。 "I wish we could go there," she said. She gave Morgan a little wave. "See you soon.""Good luck!" said Morgan. “我希望我们能去那里,”她说。她向摩根挥了挥手。“再见。”“祝你好运!”摩根说。 The wind started to blow. 开始刮风了。 The tree house started to spin. 树屋开始旋转。 It spun faster and faster. 树转得越来越快。 Then everything was still. 然后一切都静止了。 Absolutely still. 绝对地静止。

