Day of the Dragon King 14.10 The Ancient Legend(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.10 The Ancient Legend Jack opened his eyes. He was wearing his own clothes and his sneakers. The cloth sack had turned back into his backpack. 杰克睁开眼睛。他穿着自己的衣服和运动鞋。布袋又回到了他的背包里。 "Welcome home, Master Librarians," said Morgan. “欢迎回来,图书馆员大师,”摩根说。 She stood in the tree house, smiling at them. 她站在树屋里,对着他们微笑。 "Hi!" said Annie. “嗨!”安妮说。 "We brought you the ancient legend," said Jack. “我们给你带来了古老的传说,”杰克说。 "Wonderful!" said Morgan. Jack reached into his pack. He took out the China book. Then he pulled out the bamboo book. He handed them to Morgan. 摩根说:“妙极了!”。杰克把手伸进背包。他拿出了那本瓷器书。然后他拿出了那本竹书。他把它们交给摩根。 "What's the legend about?" said Annie. "It's called The Silk Weaver and the Cowherd," said Morgan. "It's a very famous Chinese tale.""Guess what, Morgan?" said Annie. "We actually met them! We helped them get together!""Oh, did you?" said Morgan. “这个传说是关于什么的?”安妮问。“这叫做织女和牛郎,”摩根说。“这是一个非常著名的中国故事。”“你猜怎么着,摩根?”安妮说。“我们真的见到他们了!”我们帮助他们团结起来!”“哦,是吗?”摩根说。 "Yes!" said Jack. "The silk weaver's ball of silk saved us!""What does the legend say about them?" asked Annie. “是的!”杰克说。“是织布的丝球救了我们!”“传说是怎么说的?”安妮问。 "It says that long ago they were heavenly beings who lived in the sky," said Morgan. “据说很久以前他们是住在天上的神灵,”摩根说。 "When they came to earth, they fell in love.""That's when we met them!" said Annie. “当他们来到地球,他们就相爱了。”“那就是我们遇见他们的时候!”安妮说。 "Yes, I imagine so," said Morgan. "The book you brought back tells about their happiness on earth. But I'm afraid a later legend tells us that when they returned to the sky, the king and queen of the skies separated them by a heavenly river called the Milky Way.""Oh, no," said Annie. “是的,我想是的。”摩根说。你带回来的那本书讲述了他们在地球上的快乐。但恐怕后来有个传说告诉我们,当他们回到天上时,天上的国王和王后把他们隔开了一条天河,这条天河叫银河。”“哦,不,”安妮说。 "They get back together once a year," said Morgan. “他们每年都会团聚一次,”摩根说。 "On that night, birds make a bridge in the sky over the Milky Way."Jack and Annie gazed up at the bright summer sky. “那天晚上,鸟儿在天空中搭起一座桥,越过银河。”杰克和安妮凝视着夏天明亮的天空。 "Go home now," said Morgan. "Come back two weeks from today. Next you're going to find a book in the country of Ireland, over a thousand years ago.""That sounds like fun," said Annie. “现在回家吧。”摩根说。“两周后回来。接下来你会发现一本书在爱尔兰,一千多年前。”“听起来很有趣,”安妮说。 Morgan frowned. 摩根皱起了眉头。 "I'm afraid it was a very dangerous time," she said. “我担心那是一段非常危险的时期,”她说。 "For Viking raiders often attacked the seacoasts.""Vikings?" said Jack. He'd had enough danger to last a long time. “因为海盗经常袭击海岸。”“海盗?”他的危险已经够长时间了。 "Don't worry about it now," said Morgan. "Just go home and rest."Jack nodded. “现在不用担心了,”摩根说。“回家休息吧。”杰克点了点头。 "I'll try," he said, pulling on his backpack. "Bye,"said Annie. "See you in two weeks.""Thank you for your help," said Morgan. “我会试试的,”他说着,背上背包。“再见,”安妮说。“两周后见。”“谢谢你的帮助,”摩根说。 "Anytime," said Annie. “随时待命,”安妮说。 They headed down the rope ladder. From the ground, they waved to Morgan. 他们顺着绳梯往下走。他们从地上向摩根挥手。 Then they started for home. 然后他们开始回家。 As they got to the edge of the woods, Annie stopped. 当他们走到树林边上时,安妮停了下来。 "Listen to the crickets," she said. “听听蟋蟀的叫声,”她说。 Jack listened. The cricket chirps sounded louder than usual. 杰克听。蟋蟀的叫声听起来比平时更响。 "Their ancestors lived in the time of the Dragon King," said Annie. “他们的祖先生活在龙王的时代,”安妮说。 "Oh, brother," said Jack. “哦,老天,”杰克说。 "Right now the grownups are telling the little crickets a legend," said Annie. “现在大人们正在给小蟋蟀们讲一个传说,”安妮说。 "Yeah, sure," said Jack. “当然,”杰克说。 "A legend passed down from their ancestors," said Annie. “这是他们祖先传下来的一个传说,”安妮说。 Jack smiled. He didn't want to admit it, but the cricket noise did sound like story-telling. He could almost hear them saying, Dragon King, Dragon King, Dragon King. 杰克笑了笑。他不想承认,但蟋蟀的声音听起来确实像在讲故事。他几乎能听见他们在说:龙王,龙王,龙王。 "Jack! Annie!" came a voice. “杰克!安妮!”一个声音传来。 It was their mother calling them. The spell was broken. The cricket stories were just plain old cricket sounds again. 是他们的妈妈在叫他们。咒语被打破了。蟋蟀的故事又变成了普通的古老蟋蟀的声音。 "Coming!" Jack shouted. “来了!”杰克喊道。 Jack and Annie ran down their street and across their yard. 杰克和安妮跑到街上,穿过院子。 "Did you have a good time in China?" their mom asked. “你们在中国玩得开心吗?”他们的妈妈问。 "It was pretty scary," said Annie. “太吓人了,”安妮说。 "We got lost in a tomb," said Jack. "But we were saved by an ancient book."Their mom smiled and shook her head. “我们在一个坟墓里迷路了,”杰克说。“但一本古书拯救了我们。”他们的妈妈笑着摇了摇头。 "My, books are wonderful, aren't they?" she said. “我的书真棒,不是吗?”她说。 "Yep!" said Jack and Annie. “是的!”杰克和安妮说。 And they followed her inside. 他们跟着她进去了。

