Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics 16.1 Just One More(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics 16.1 Just One More Jack opened his eyes. 杰克睁开眼睛。 A thin gray light came through his window. His clock read 5 A.M. All was quiet. 一道细细的灰色光线从他的窗户透了进来。他的时钟显示是凌晨5点一切都安静了。 "You awake?" Annie's voice came out of the dark. “你醒了?”安妮的声音从黑暗中传来。 "Yep," said Jack from his bed. “是的,”杰克在床上说。 "Get up," said Annie. "We have to get to the tree house before sunrise." “起来,”安妮说。“我们必须在日出前赶到树屋。” "I'm ready," said Jack. “我准备好了,”杰克说。 He threw back his covers and jumped out of bed. 他掀开被子,跳下床。 He was wearing his jeans and T-shirt. 他穿着牛仔裤和t恤。 "You slept in your clothes?" asked Annie. “你穿着衣服睡觉?”安妮问。 "I didn't want to waste any time," said Jack. He pulled on his backpack. Annie laughed. “我不想浪费任何时间,”杰克说。他背上背包。安妮笑了。 "You must really be excited about going to ancient Greece," she said. “要去古希腊,你一定很兴奋,”她说。 "Yep," said Jack. “是的,”杰克说。 "Do you have your secret library card?" asked Annie. “你有秘密借书证吗?”安妮问。 "Yeah, do you?" said Jack. “是啊,你呢?”杰克说。 "Sure. Put it in your backpack," she said. She handed her card to him. "I'll carry the flashlight." “当然。把它放在你的背包里,”她说。她把名片递给他。“我拿着手电筒。” "All set," said Jack. “都准备好了,”杰克说。 They tiptoed downstairs and out the door. Outside the air was fresh and cool. 他们蹑手蹑脚地下了楼,出了门。外面的空气新鲜而凉爽。 "There's no moon," said Annie. "Just stars."She turned on her flashlight. “没有月亮,”安妮说。“只是星星。”她打开了手电筒。 "Ta-da!" she said. "Let's go."They followed the beam of light across their yard and up the street. “哈哈!”她说。“我们走吧。”他们跟着那束光穿过院子,一直走到街上。 Jack was thrilled to be going to ancient Greece. But something worried him. 要去古希腊,杰克很兴奋。但有件事让他担心。 "What do you think will happen after we go to Greece?" he asked Annie. "Is this our last mission ever?" “你觉得我们去希腊后会发生什么?”他问安妮。“这是我们最后一次执行任务吗?” "Oh, I hope not," said Annie. "What do you think?" “哦,我希望不会,”安妮说。“你怎么想?” "I don't know. Let's ask Morgan," said Jack. “我不知道。我们问问摩根吧,”杰克说。 "Hurry!" said Annie. “快点!”安妮说。 They started running. The flashlight beam flew in front of them, lighting the way. 他们开始跑起来。手电筒的光束飞到他们面前,照亮了道路。 They slowed to a walk when they got to the Frog Creek woods. The thick woods were pitch-black. 当他们来到青蛙溪森林时,他们放慢了脚步。茂密的树林一片漆黑。 Annie shined the flashlight upward as they walked between the trees. Finally, they found the magic tree house. 他们在树林间走着,安妮用手电向上照了照。最后,他们找到了魔法树屋。 "We're here!" Annie called. “我们在这里!”安妮叫。 "Go on up," said Jack. “上去吧,”杰克说。 Annie grabbed the rope ladder and started up. Jack followed. 安妮抓住绳梯跳了起来。杰克跟着。 Annie shined the flashlight around the tree house. 安妮用手电筒照着树屋周围。 Morgan le Fay was sitting at the window. She covered her eyes when the light hit her face. 摩根·勒菲坐在窗边。当光线照在她脸上时,她遮住了眼睛。 "Turn off the light, please, Annie," she said softly. “请把灯关掉,安妮,”她轻声说。 Annie turned it off. 安妮关掉了。 "Welcome," Morgan said in the dark. "Are you ready for your next mission?" “欢迎。”摩根在黑暗中说。“你准备好执行下一个任务了吗?” "Yes!" said Annie. Then her voice got quiet. "This isn't our last one ever, is it?" “是的!”安妮说。然后她的声音静了下来。“这不会是最后一次了,对吧?” "Ask me that question after this mission," said Morgan. “任务结束后再问我这个问题吧,”摩根说。 "We want to go on more," said Jack. “我们还想继续,”杰克说。 "You're very brave to say that," said Morgan. “你这么说真勇敢,”摩根说。 "You've had three very hard journeys as Master Librarians." “作为图书管理员,你经历了三次非常艰难的旅程。” "Oh, they weren't so hard," said Jack. “哦,它们不是那么难,”杰克说。 "You risked your life to save the lost story of Hercules," said Morgan. 摩根说:“你冒着生命危险去拯救失去的赫拉克勒斯的故事。” "It was nothing," said Annie. “没什么,”安妮说。 "And the Chinese story of the silk weaver," said Morgan. "And the Irish story of the serpent monster Sarph. Thank you." “还有关于丝绸织女的中国故事,”摩根说。以及爱尔兰蛇怪萨弗的故事。谢谢你。” "You're welcome," said Jack and Annie. “不用谢,”杰克和安妮说。 "Now," said Morgan, "for the last story... Jack heard a rustling sound. “现在,”摩根说,“讲最后一个故事……杰克听到一阵沙沙的声音。 "Here is the title," Morgan said. "You can shine your light on it, Annie."Annie turned the flashlight back on. She shined it on the paper. “这是书名,”摩根说。“你可以用你的光芒照亮它,安妮。”安妮又打开了手电筒。她在纸上擦了擦。 "Wow, is that Greek?" asked Jack. “哇,那是希腊文吗?”杰克问。 "It certainly is," said Morgan. “当然,”摩根说。 She reached into her robe again and pulled out a book. 她再次把手伸进长袍,拿出了一本书。 "For your research," she said. “为了你的研究,”她说。 Jack took the book from her. Annie shined her flashlight on the cover. They read the title: A Day in Ancient Greece. 杰克从她手里接过书。安妮用手电筒照着封面。他们读到的题目是:古希腊的一天。 "Now, what must you always remember?" asked Morgan. “那么,有什么是你必须永远记住的呢?”摩根问。 "Our research book will guide us," said Jack. “我们的研究手册将指导我们,”杰克说。 "But in our darkest hour, only the lost story can save us," said Annie. “但在我们最黑暗的时刻,只有古老的故事能拯救我们,”安妮说。 Morgan nodded. "And you must show your secret library cards to the wisest person you meet," she said. 摩根点点头。“你必须把你的秘密图书证给你遇到的最聪明的人看,”她说。 "Don't worry. We will. Bye!" said Annie. Jack shivered with excitement as he pointed at the book's cover. “别担心。我们会的。再见!”安妮说。杰克指着书的封面激动得直发抖。 "I wish we could go there," he said. “我希望我们能去那里,”他说。 "And I wish we could go on lots of other missions!"Annie added. “我希望我们还能执行很多其他的任务!”安妮说。 The wind began to blow. 开始刮风了。 The tree house started to spin. 树屋开始旋转。 It spun faster and faster. 它转得越来越快。 Then everything was silent. 然后一切都安静下来。 Absolutely silent. 绝对地安静。

