Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.9 Sea Monster(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.9 Sea Monster The serpent's head rose higher and higher above the water. 蛇的头在水面上越飞越高。 Jack couldn't move. 杰克动弹不得。 "He's beautiful!" said Annie. “他很漂亮!”安妮说。 "Beautiful?" cried Jack. “漂亮吗?”杰克喊道。 The serpent's neck was as tall as a two-story building. Its green scales were covered with sea slime. 蛇的脖子有两层楼那么高。它绿色的鳞片上覆盖着海泥。 "Go away!" shouted Jack. “走开!”杰克喊道。 "No--stay! Help us!" shouted Annie. “不要走——留下来!救救我们!”安妮喊道。 The great serpent glided closer to the ship. Jack ducked. 那条巨蛇滑行着靠近船。杰克回避。 "Come on!" said Annie. "You can do it! Get us to shore before the ship sinks!" “来吧!”安妮说。“你能行!”在船沉之前把我们弄上岸! Jack closed his eyes. He felt the ship jerk, then move forward. 杰克闭上了眼睛。他感到船颠簸了一下,然后向前移动。 He looked up. They were gliding over the giant waves. 他抬起头来。他们在巨浪上滑行。 Jack turned. The great serpent was pressing its long neck against the back of the ship, pushing it toward the shore. 杰克转过身来。那条巨蛇把它长长的脖子压在船的后面,把船推向岸边。 As the serpent pushed them, the wind grew calmer. 蛇推着他们,风渐渐平静下来。 The clouds lifted and the water glittered with sunlight. 乌云散去,阳光洒在水面上。 The rocky shore grew closer. Jack could see the tree house on the ledge above it. 岩石海岸越来越近了。杰克可以看到树屋在上面的窗台上。 "Hurry!" Annie called to the serpent monster. The great serpent gave the ship one last push. The ship swooshed onto a sand bar near the shore. “快点!”安妮向蛇怪喊道。巨蛇最后推了一下船。船嗖嗖地飞驶到岸边的沙洲上。 Jack put the jeweled book carefully back into his bag. Then he and Annie climbed out of the ship onto the wet sand. They looked back at the sea. 杰克小心地把镶着宝石的书放回包里。然后他和安妮爬出船,来到潮湿的沙滩上。他们回头望着大海。 The great serpent was rearing its long neck into the air. Its scales glittered pink and green in the sunlight. 那条大蛇正把它的长脖子伸到空中。它的鳞片在阳光下闪着粉红色和绿色的光。 "Bye!" shouted Annie. "Thanks a lot!"The monster seemed to nod at her. Then he dove into the sea and was gone. “再见!”安妮喊道。“非常感谢!”怪物似乎在向她点头。然后他跳进海里消失了。 Jack and Annie headed toward the rocks. All of a sudden, Annie gasped. 杰克和安妮朝岩石走去。突然,安妮倒吸了一口冷气。 "Uh-oh," she said, pointing to the top of the cliff. “糟了,”她指着悬崖的顶端说。 Two Vikings were staring down at them! "To the tree house!" cried Jack. The Vikings shouted and started down the steep stairs. 两个维京人正盯着他们!“去树屋!”杰克叫道。维京人大叫着开始下陡峭的楼梯。 Jack and Annie began scrambling up the rocks. 杰克和安妮开始爬上岩石。 They reached the tree house and climbed inside. 他们来到树屋,爬了进去。 Jack grabbed the Pennsylvania book. 杰克抓起了宾夕法尼亚的书。 Annie stuck her head out the window. 安妮把头伸出窗外。 "Go home! Stop causing trouble!" she yelled to the Vikings, who were almost to the ledge. “回家!别惹麻烦了!”她向几乎爬到岩架上的维京人喊道。 Jack pointed at the picture of the Frog Creek woods. 杰克指着弗格-克里克森林的照片。 "I WISH WE COULD GO THERE!" Jack shouted. “我希望我们能去那里!”杰克喊道。 Just as the Vikings reached the ledge, the wind began to blow. 就在维京人到达岩架时,风开始刮了起来。 The tree house started to spin. 树屋开始旋转。 It spun faster and faster. 它旋转得越来越快。 Then everything was still. 然后一切都静止了。 Absolutely still. 绝对静止。

