Magic Tree House Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.10 Sunrise(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.10 Sunrise "Boy, I'm glad to be back in my jeans," said Annie. “天哪,我真高兴又穿上了牛仔裤,”安妮说。 Jack opened his eyes. He still felt damp. But he was glad to be wearing his jeans again, too. 杰克睁开眼睛。他仍然感到湿漉漉的。但他也很高兴又穿上了他的牛仔裤。 "Welcome home," said Morgan. She was standing in the shadows. "Are you all right?""Of course!" piped Annie. 杰克睁开眼睛。他仍然感到湿漉漉的。但他也很高兴又穿上了他的牛仔裤。“欢迎回家,”摩根说。她站在暗处。“你没事吧?”“当然!”安妮说。 "And we brought back the lost book," said Jack. “我们还把丢失的书带回来了。”杰克说。 He reached in his backpack and took out the jeweled book of Brother Michael. He handed it to Morgan. 他把手伸进背包,拿出了迈克尔兄弟那本镶着宝石的书。他把它递给摩根。 The enchantress sighed. She ran her hand over the sparkling cover. 女巫叹了口气。她用手抚摸着闪闪发光的封面。 "A great work of art," she said. “一件伟大的艺术品,”她说。 Morgan then put the book next to the scroll from Roman times and the bamboo book from ancient China. 然后,摩根把这本书放在罗马时代的卷轴和古代中国的竹书旁边。她说。 "I'm afraid the story you wanted is not all there,"said Jack. "Brother Michael didn't get the chance to finish it."Morgan nodded. “恐怕你想要的故事不全在那儿。”杰克说。“迈克尔兄弟没有机会完成它。”摩根点点头。 "I know," she said. "Sadly, we have only bits and pieces of many wonderful old stories.""What's the story about?" asked Annie. “我知道,”她说。“可悲的是,我们只有许多精彩的古老故事的零零碎碎。”“这个故事讲的是什么?”安妮问。 "It's an ancient Irish tale about a great serpent named Sarph," said Morgan. “这是一个古老的爱尔兰故事,关于一条名叫萨夫的大蛇,”摩根说。 "He saved us by pushing our ship over the stormy waves!" Annie said. “他把我们的船推过狂风,救了我们!”安妮说。 "Sarph was a huge, ugly monster," said Jack. “萨夫是个又大又丑的怪物,”杰克说。 Morgan smiled. 摩根笑了。 "Sometimes monsters can be heroes," she said. 她说:“有时怪兽也能成为英雄。” "What about Vikings?" asked Jack. “那维京人呢?”杰克问。 "Oh, most definitely, Vikings could be heroes, too,"she said. "In fact, once the Vikings settled down, they became more than just a warrior people. They actually added a lot to civilization.""We found civilization on our trip," said Annie. “哦,毫无疑问,维京人也可以成为英雄,”她说。事实上,一旦维京人定居下来,他们就不仅仅是一个勇士了。他们实际上为文明增添了很多。”“我们在旅途中发现了文明,”安妮说。 "Yeah," said Jack, "in the library of the monastery."Morgan smiled again. “是的,”杰克说,“在修道院的图书馆里。”摩根又笑了。 "Their library was a light in the Dark Ages, wasn't it?" she said. “他们的图书馆是黑暗时代的一盏灯,不是吗?”她说。 Jack nodded. He thought of Brother Michael and the other monks making their beautiful books by candlelight. 杰克点了点头。他想到了迈克尔兄弟和其他修道士在烛光下制作他们美丽的书。 "Thank you also for your great courage," Morgan said. "You are both heroes, too."Jack smiled shyly. 摩根说:“也感谢你的巨大勇气。”“你们俩也是英雄。”杰克害羞地笑了。 "Go home now and rest," said Morgan. “现在回家休息吧,”摩根说。 "Bye," Jack and Annie said together. “再见,”杰克和安妮一起说。 They started down the tree house ladder. The sky was turning pink and gold. 他们开始从树屋的梯子下来。天空变成了粉红色和金色。 When they reached the ground, Morgan called out to them, "Come back in two weeks. I need you to find one more lost book.""Where is it?" said Jack. 当他们到达地面时,摩根对他们喊道:“两周后再来。我需要你再找一本丢失的书。”“它在哪儿?”杰克问。 "Ancient Greece," said Morgan. "A place with the highest civilization--and the first Olympic games.""Oh, wow!" said Annie. “古希腊,”摩根说。“一个拥有最高文明的地方——还有第一届奥运会。”“哦,哇!”安妮说。 Jack was thrilled. He had always wanted to go to ancient Greece. 杰克很高兴。他一直想去古希腊。 Jack and Annie took off through the woods. 杰克和安妮穿过树林逃走了。 The sun was rising when they got to their front porch. 当他们到达前廊时,太阳正在升起。 Annie opened the front door. She stuck her head inside and listened. 安妮打开前门。她把头伸进去听。 "Everything's quiet," she whispered. "I think Momand Dad are still sleeping."She moved quietly inside. “一切都很安静,”她低声说。“我想爸爸妈妈还在睡觉。”她悄悄地走了进去。 Jack turned back to watch the red sun rise through a clear blue sky. 杰克转过身去看红日从湛蓝的天空中冉冉升起。 He thought about how it was the same sun that had risen in Ireland--over a thousand years ago. 他想起了一千多年前在爱尔兰升起的太阳。 "Shine, 0 light of the sun," Jack whispered, "on this day filled with wonder."Then he slipped inside his quiet house. 杰克低声说,“在这充满奇迹的日子里。”然后他溜进了他那安静的房子里。

