Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.8 The Tomb(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.8 The Tomb Jack and Annie stood frozen. 杰克和安妮愣住了。 The silent soldiers did, too. 沉默的士兵们也一样。 Finally, Annie spoke. 最后,安妮说。 "They're fake," she said. “它们是假的,”她说。 "Fake?" whispered Jack. “假的?”杰克小声说。 "They're not real," she said. “它们不是真的,”她说。 "They look real," said Jack. “他们看起来是真的,”杰克说。 Annie walked straight toward the front row of soldiers. 安妮径直朝前排士兵走去。 Jack held his breath. 杰克屏住呼吸。 Annie pulled the soldier's nose. "Fake!" she said. 安妮拉了拉士兵的鼻子。“假的!”她说。 "Oh, brother," said Jack. He walked over to the soldier and touched his painted face. It was as hard as stone. 安妮拉了拉士兵的鼻子。“哦,兄弟,”杰克说。他走到士兵跟前,摸了摸他涂过颜料的脸。“假的!”她说。 "It's amazing," Jack said. “太神奇了,”杰克说。 Annie nodded. "It's like a museum."She walked down a row between two lines of soldiers. 安妮点点头。“它就像一个博物馆。”她从两排士兵中间走过去。 "Wait. This is spooky," said Jack. "What is this place?"He put down his sack and pulled out the China book. He found a picture of the frozen army and read aloud: ”等。这太可怕了。”杰克说。“这是什么地方?”他放下口袋,拿出那本瓷器书。他找到了一张冻僵的军队的照片,大声朗读道: The Dragon King had 7,000 life-size clay figures made for his burial tomb. The clay was baked and painted. 龙王为他的墓葬制作了7000个真人大小的泥人。黏土被烘烤并涂上了颜料。 The Dragon King hoped that the clay army would protect him after he died. 龙王希望泥军能在他死后保护他。 "It's like the pyramid in ancient Egypt," said Jack. “就像古埃及的金字塔,”杰克说。 "Remember? The queen was buried with a boat and lots of things to take to the after life." He looked around. "Annie?""I'm here," she called. “还记得吗?女王下葬时有一艘船,还有许多东西要带去来世。”他环顾四周。“安妮?”“我在这里,”她喊道。 She was far down another row. 她在另一排很远的地方。 "Come back here," yelled Jack. “回来,”杰克喊道。 "No, you come here," said Annie. "It's so cool. All their faces are different."Jack threw the book into his sack. Then he hurried down the row to Annie. “不,你来这里,”安妮说。“这是太酷了。他们的脸都不一样。杰克把书扔进口袋。然后他急忙跑到那一排去找安妮。 "Look," she said. "Just look."In the flickering lamplight, they wandered down the rows of soldiers. No two soldiers had the same nose, the same eyes, or the same mouth. “看,”她说。“看看”。在闪烁的灯光下,他们从一排排士兵中间走过去。没有两个士兵有相同的鼻子,相同的眼睛,或相同的嘴。 "Oh, man. No wonder so many people had to work on this tomb," said Jack. “哦,人。难怪这么多人要为这座坟墓工作,”杰克说。 "They really did a good job," said Annie. “他们真的做得很好,”安妮说。 "Yeah," said Jack. “是的,”杰克说。 There were kneeling archers and foot soldiers dressed in red and black armor. 那里有跪着的弓箭手和穿着红黑盔甲的步兵。 There were real bronze swords, daggers, axes,spears, bows, and arrows. 有真正的青铜剑、匕首、斧头、矛、弓和箭。 There were even life-size wooden chariots with horses. The horses looked completely real. They were different colors with white teeth and red tongues. 甚至还有真人大小的木制马车和马。这些马看起来完全是真的。他们有不同的颜色,白色的牙齿和红色的舌头。 "I have to take some notes about all this," said Jack. “我得把这一切都记下来。”杰克说。 He pulled out his notebook and pencil. Then,kneeling on the brick floor, he wrote: 他拿出笔记本和铅笔。然后,跪在砖地上,他写道: No two faces the same not even the horses"Ja-ack," said Annie. "You know what?""What?""I think we're lost," she said. 没有两张脸是一样的,连马也不一样。“你知道吗?”“什么?”“我想我们迷路了,”她说。 "Lost?" Jack stood up. "We're not lost.""Yeah? Then which way is out?" said Annie. “丢了?”杰克站了起来。“我们不是失去了。”“是吗?那么哪条路是出去的?”安妮说。 Jack looked around. All he could see were rows of soldiers. In front of them, to the right, to the left,behind them--nothing but clay soldiers. 杰克环顾四周。他所能看到的只有一排排士兵。在他们前面,在他们右边,在他们左边,在他们后面——除了泥兵什么也没有。 "Which way did we come?" said Annie. “我们是从哪边来的?”安妮问。 "I don't know," said Jack. “我不知道,”杰克说。 All the rows looked the same. They stretched out endlessly. 所有的行看起来都一样。它们无休止地伸展着。 Jack tried not to panic. 杰克尽量不惊慌。 "I'd better look this up," he said. “我最好查一下,”他说。 "Forget it," said Annie. "Morgan said the research book would guide us. But in our darkest hour, only the ancient legend would save us.""Is this our darkest hour?" asked Jack. “算了吧,”安妮说。摩根说,这本研究书将指导我们。但在我们最黑暗的时刻,只有古老的传说能拯救我们。”“这是我们最黑暗的时刻吗?”杰克问。 Annie nodded. "Yeah, it's pretty dark."It does seem to be getting darker in here, thought Jack. The air was getting thicker too. It seemed harder to breathe. 安妮点点头。“是的,很黑。”这里似乎是越来越黑了,杰克想。空气也越来越浓了。呼吸似乎更困难了。 "Let's ask for help," said Jack. “让我们寻求帮助,”杰克说。 He reached into the sack and pulled out the bamboo book. He held it up and said, "Save us!"As Jack waited, the tomb seemed unbearably quiet. 他把手伸进口袋,拿出了那本竹制的书。他举起它说:“救救我们!”杰克等待的时候,坟墓里似乎安静得让人无法忍受。 Jack held the book up again. "Please help us find our way out," he said. 杰克又把书举起来。“请帮助我们找到出路,”他说。 He and Annie kept waiting. But nothing happened. 他和安妮一直等着。但是什么都没有发生。 The air was growing even thicker. The light was getting dimmer. The countless rows of soldiers seemed creepier. 空气变得更浓了。光线越来越暗。数不清的一排排士兵似乎更令人毛骨悚然。 Help did not come. 救援没有来。 Jack felt faint. "I--I guess we'll just have--have to--""Look!" Annie said. 杰克感觉头晕。“我——我想我们只能——不得不——”“看!”安妮说。 "What?""The ball of thread! It rolled out of your sack!" she said. “什么?”“线团!”它是从你的口袋里滚出来的!”她说。 "So what?" said Jack. “那又怎样?”杰克说。 He looked at his cloth sack lying on the floor. The ball of yellow silk thread had rolled out. And it was still rolling, leaving a trail of yellow thread! 他看着躺在地上的布袋。黄色的丝线团滚了出来。它还在滚动,留下一串黄色的线!

