Magic Tree House 14.7 The Burning of the Books(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.7 The Burning of the Books The Dragon King watched the bonfire as it blazed up toward the sky. Around the fire the air was thick and wavy. Bamboo books were stacked beside the fire, waiting to be burned. 龙王看着熊熊的篝火直冲云霄。火堆周围的空气浑厚而起伏。竹制的书被堆放在火旁,等待焚烧。 "Hurry!" said the scholar. “快!”书生说。 They jumped down from the cart and joined the crowd by the bonfire. 他们跳下马车,加入了篝火旁的人群。 The Dragon King shouted to the soldiers. They began throwing the books into the fire. The bamboo crackled as it burned. 龙王向士兵们喊道。他们开始把书扔进火里。竹子在燃烧时噼啪作响。 "Stop!" cried Annie. “住手!”安妮叫道。 Jack grabbed her. "Quiet!" he said. 杰克抓住她。“安静!”他说。 Annie pulled away. "Stop!" she shouted again. But her voice was lost in the noise of the roaring fire. 安妮离开。“住手!”她又喊了一声。但她的声音被熊熊燃烧的炉火淹没了。 "There's your story!" said the scholar. Re pointed to a bamboo book that had fallen off a waiting stack. “这就是你的故事!”书生说。“我们指着一本从等待的书架上掉下来的竹书。 "I'll get it!" said Annie. She dashed over to the book. “我去拿!”安妮说。她冲过去拿书。 "Annie!" cried Jack. But she had already snatched up the bundle of bamboo strips and was charging back to them. “安妮!”杰克喊道。但她已经抓起那捆竹条,朝它们冲去了。 "Got it! Quick, put it in your sack!" she said. “明白了!快,把它放进你的袋子里!”她说。 Jack put the bundle of bamboo strips in his sack. 杰克把那捆竹篾放进口袋里。 Then he looked around fearfully. He gasped. 然后他害怕地环顾四周。他气喘吁吁地说。 The Dragon King was glaring at them! Then he headed their way. 龙王正瞪着他们呢!然后他朝他们的方向走去。 "Seize them!" the Dragon King shouted. “抓住他们!”龙王喊道。 "Run through the burial grounds!" the scholar said to Jack and Annie. "The soldiers will be afraid to follow. They fear the spirits of the ancestors!""Thanks!" said Jack. "Thanks for everything!""Good luck!" cried Annie. “抓住他们!”穿过墓地!”书生对杰克和安妮说。士兵们会害怕跟随。他们害怕祖先的灵魂!”“谢谢!”杰克说。“谢谢你的一切!”“祝你好运!”安妮喊道。 Then she and Jack took off. Soldiers shouted after them. An arrow whizzed by. 然后她和杰克离开了。士兵们在后面叫喊着。一支箭嗖嗖地飞过。 But Jack and Annie kept running. They ran down the path to the burial grounds. They jumped over the low brick wall and ran between the huge mounds of earth. 但是杰克和安妮继续跑。他们沿着小路跑向墓地。他们跳过低矮的砖墙,跑在巨大的土堆之间。 Suddenly arrows filled the air around them. The archers were shooting from the tower! 突然,箭在他们周围的空中飞舞。弓箭手们正从塔上射击! "Look!" cried Jack. “看!”杰克喊道。 There was a doorway in one of the mounds. Jack and Annie ducked inside. 在其中一个土墩上有一个门。杰克和安妮钻了进去。 They were in a long hall lit with oil lamps. "It's so quiet," said Annie. She walked down the Passageway. 他们在一个点着油灯的长廊里。“太安静了,”安妮说。她沿着过道走去。 "Hey, there are some steps here.""Don't go any farther!" said Jack. “嘿,这里有台阶。”“别再走了!”杰克说。 "Why not?" said Annie. “为什么不呢?”安妮说。 "We don't know what's down there," said Jack. "This is a burial tomb, remember? It's creepy.""Let's just take a quick look," said Annie. "Maybe it's the way out of here."Jack took a deep breath. “我们不知道下面有什么。”杰克说。“这是坟墓,记得吗?”这是令人毛骨悚然。”“让我们快速看一下,”安妮说。“也许这是出去的路。”杰克深吸了一口气。 "You might be right," he said. "Okay, but go slow."He didn't want to stumble upon a dead body. “你可能是对的,”他说。“好吧,但是慢慢来。”他可不想撞见一具尸体。 Annie started down the steep steps. Jack followed. 安妮开始走下陡峭的台阶。杰克跟着。 The lamps lit their way as they kept going down and down. Finally, they reached the bottom. 他们不停地往下走,灯光照亮了他们的路。最后,他们到达了底部。 Jack blinked. Even though oil lamps glowed everywhere, it was hard to see at first. 杰克眨了眨眼睛。尽管到处都是油灯,起初还是很难看清。 When Jack's eyes got used to the strange light, his heart nearly stopped. 当杰克的眼睛习惯了这种奇怪的光线时,他的心脏几乎停止跳动。 "Oh, man," he breathed. “哦,伙计,”他喘着气说。 They were in a room filled with soldiers thousands of them. 他们在一个满是士兵的房间里——成千上万的士兵。

