Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.9 The Silk Path(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Day of the Dragon King 14.9 The Silk Path "What's going on?" said Jack. “怎么回事?”杰克问。 "I don't know," said Annie. "But we'd better follow it."She hurried after the ball of silk thread. “我不知道,”安妮说。“但我们最好跟着它走。”她急忙追赶那团丝线。 Jack put the bamboo book into his sack and took off after her. 杰克把那本竹书放进口袋,跟着她走了。 They followed the trail of thread down the row,where it turned down another row. 他们顺着丝线沿着一排往前走,又拐进另一排。 "Hey, that's impossible!" said Jack. "That's scientifically impossible!""I told you, it's magic!" cried Annie. “嘿,这不可能!”杰克说。“这是科学不可能的!”“我告诉过你,这是魔法!”安妮叫道。 Jack couldn't believe it. But he kept following the thread. 杰克简直不敢相信。但他一直在压低线的声音。 Suddenly the trail of thread was gone. The ball had completely unrolled. 突然,丝线的痕迹消失了。球完全展开了。 Jack and Annie stood still for a moment and caught their breath. 杰克和安妮静静地站了一会儿,屏住了呼吸。 "What--what now?" said Jack. “怎么——现在又怎么了?” "I guess we go up those stairs," Annie said. “我想我们应该上那些楼梯,”安妮说。 "What stairs?" said Jack. “什么楼梯?”杰克问。 "There."Jack looked through the dim light and saw the entrance to a stairway only a few feet away. “在那里。”杰克透过昏暗的灯光看到了几英尺外的一个楼梯入口。 "Let's get out of here!" he said. “我们离开这里吧!”他说。 They ran up the stairs. At the top, they saw that they were in the hall that led to the entrance of the mound. 他们跑上楼梯。到了山顶,他们看到他们进入了通往土墩入口的大厅。 They walked and walked and walked down the lamp-lit passage. Finally, Jack stopped. 他们在灯火通明的过道上走啊走啊。最后,杰克停了下来。 "I don't remember this hall being so long," he said. “我不记得这个大厅有这么长,”他说。 "Me neither" said Annie. "I guess those weren't the same stairs that we went down. “我也是。”安妮说。“我想那不是我们下楼梯的那个楼梯。 "What should we do now?" said Jack. “我们现在该怎么办?”杰克说。 "We'd better keep going," said Annie. “我们最好继续走,”安妮说。 "Yeah, we don't have much choice," said Jack. “是啊,我们别无选择,”杰克说。“去吧。”安妮说。 They started walking again. They rounded a corner and came to a door. 他们又开始走。他们转过一个拐角,来到一扇门前。 "Oh, great!" said Annie. “哦,太好了!”安妮说。 "Wait. We don't know what's on the other side,"said Jack. "Go slow. Be careful.""Okay," said Annie. ”等。我们不知道另一边是什么。”杰克说。“走慢。小心。”“好吧,”安妮说。 Slowly and carefully, she opened the door. Then she peeked out. 她慢慢地小心地打开了门。然后她偷偷往外看。 "Yippee," she said softly. “耶,”她轻声说。 Annie stepped into the fading daylight. Jack stepped out after her. 安妮走进渐渐消失的日光中。杰克跟着她走了出来。 The sun had gone down. 太阳下山了。 They were standing outside the gate of the Dragon King's palace. They could see the market not faraway. The stalls were closing for the day. 他们站在龙王宫殿的门外。市场就在不远处。当天摊位都关门了。 "We're safe!" said Annie. “我们安全了!”安妮说。 Jack breathed a huge sigh of relief. 杰克松了一口气。 Just then, a gong sounded. It was coming from the tower of the city walls! 就在这时,一个锣响了。它是从城墙的塔上发出来的! "Oh, man! They're going to close the gates!" said Jack. “哦,男人!他们要关大门了!”杰克说。 He clutched his sack as they took off. They charged up the street. They ran past the market. They ran past the rich houses.. .past the poor houses. 他紧抓着口袋,向街上冲去。他们跑过市场。他们跑过了富有的房子经过了贫穷的房子。 Their straw shoes fell off. But Jack and Annie kept running barefoot. 他们的草鞋掉了,但杰克和安妮仍然赤脚跑。 Just as the giant wooden gates started to close, they tore through them. 就在巨大的木门开始关闭时,他们冲了进去。 They charged across the bridge and kept running up the dirt road, past the farmhouse, and through the field. 他们冲过桥,继续沿着土路跑,经过农舍,穿过田野。 By the time they reached their tree, Jack's lungs ached. His heart pounded. His feet burned. 当他们到达树上时,杰克的肺部开始疼痛。他的心砰砰直跳。他的脚烧伤。 He followed Annie up the rope ladder. When they got inside the tree house, Jack collapsed. 他跟着安妮爬上绳梯。当他们进入树屋时,杰克倒下了。 "Let's--go--home," he said, out of breath. He reached for the Pennsylvania book. “我们——回家吧。”他上气不接下气地说。我渴望着宾夕法尼亚的那本书。 "Wait," said Annie, looking out the window. "They found each other.""Who--found--who?" said Jack, panting. He dragged himself to the window and looked out. “等等,”安妮看着窗外说。“谁——找到——谁?”杰克气喘吁吁地说。他挣扎着走到窗前向外看。 Two figures embraced at the edge of the field. 两个人影在田野边上拥抱在一起。 "The silk weaver and the man who takes care of the cows!" said Annie. “那个丝织工和那个照顾奶牛的人!”安妮说。 "Oh, yeah," said Jack. “哦,是的,”杰克说。 "Bye!" Annie called to them. The couple waved back. “再见!”安妮对他们喊道。这对夫妇也挥了挥手。 Annie sighed happily. "We can leave now," she said. 安妮高兴地叹了口气。“我们现在可以走了,”她说。 Jack opened the Pennsylvania book and pointed at the picture of the Frog Creek woods. 杰克打开宾夕法尼亚的书,指着弗格-克里克森林的照片。 "I wish we could go there," he said. The wind started to blow. Jack looked out one last time at the Chinese couple. They seemed to be glowing like stars. “我希望我们能去那里,”他说。开始刮风了。杰克最后一次向外看了看那对中国夫妇。他们似乎像星星一样发光。 The tree house started to spin. 树屋开始旋转。 It spun faster and faster. 它旋转得越来越快。 Then everything was still. 然后一切都静止了。 Absolutely still. 然后一切都静止了。

