Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics 16.2 Any Girls Here(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics 16.2 Any Girls Here Jack opened his eyes. Warm sunshine streamed in to the tree house. 杰克睁开眼睛。温暖的阳光洒进树屋。 "We sure don't need the flashlight here," he said. “我们这里当然不需要手电筒,”他说。 "Look, Morgan gave us clothes like the ones we wore in Pompeii," said Annie. “看,摩根给我们的衣服就像我们在庞贝时穿的一样,”安妮说。 Jack looked down. 杰克低头看。 His clothes were similar to the ones he'd worn in the Roman town of Pompeii: a tunic and sandals. He also had a leather bag in place of his backpack again. 他的衣服和他在罗马庞贝城时穿的很像:束腰外衣和凉鞋。他又用一个皮包代替了他的背包。 Annie looked out the window. 安妮向窗外望去。 "And we landed in an olive tree-just like Pompeii!"said Annie. “我们降落在一棵橄榄树上——就像庞贝古城一样!”安妮说。 Jack looked out the window. He caught his breath. 杰克向窗外望去。他屏住了呼吸。 "Are we in the wrong place?" he asked. “我们是不是走错地方了?”他问道。 "I don't know," said Annie. "Look past the trees. “我不知道,”安妮说。“看看那些树。 Doesn't it look like a big fair?"Jack looked. Annie was right. Past the olive grove was a field filled with white tents. Beyond the field were red-brick 'buildings with columns and huge crowds of people. 这看起来不像个大型展览会吗?”杰克了。安妮是正确的。穿过橄榄树林,是一片长满白色帐篷的田野。田野的另一边是带圆柱的红砖建筑和拥挤的人群。 "What's going on?" Jack asked. “怎么回事?”杰克问。 He pulled the research book out of his leather bag. 他从皮包里拿出了那本研究书。 He found a picture of the scene outside. Below the picture were these words: 他发现了一张外面现场的照片。图片下面写着: The Olympic Games began in ancient Greece over2,500 years ago. Every four years, more than 40,000people traveled to Olympia, the town where the festival of athletic games took place. 奥运会起源于2500多年前的古希腊。每隔四年,就有超过40000人来到奥林匹亚,这里是举办运动会的地方。 "Oh, man," Jack whispered. “哦,天哪,”杰克小声说。 "We're at the ancient Olympics!""Cool," said Annie. “我们在古奥运会!”“酷,”安妮说。 Jack wrote in his notebook: 杰克在笔记本上写道: Olympia- first Olympics take place"Come on, let's go watch!" Annie said. She started down the rope ladder. “来吧,我们一起去看!”安妮说。她开始顺着绳梯往下走。在他的笔记本: Jack threw his notebook and the research book into his leather bag. 杰克把他的笔记本和研究书扔进了他的皮包里。 "Don't forget we have to get Morgan's story, too,"he said as he followed Annie. “别忘了,我们还要得到摩根的故事,”他边说边跟在安妮后面。 Annie waited as Jack stepped to ground. Then they walked through the grove to where the tents were. 安妮等着杰克走到地上。然后他们穿过树林,来到帐篷所在的地方。 Jack heard pipe music and smelled food roasting over fires. Groups of men talked excitedly to one another. 杰克听到笛声,闻到了烤火上食物的味道。一群群人兴奋地相互交谈着。 "That's funny," said Annie. "I don't see girls here.""Oh, sure, there're girls," said Jack. “真有趣,”安妮说。“我在这里没看到女孩。”“哦,当然,有女孩,”杰克说。 "Where?" said Annie. "Show me."Jack looked around. But he only saw men and boys.--no women or girls at all. “在哪里?”安妮说。“给我。”杰克环顾四周。但他只看到男人和男孩。——没有女人或女孩。 Then he saw an outdoor theater. A woman was standing on the stage. She had yellow hair and a purple tunic. 然后他看到了一个露天剧场。一位女士正站在舞台上。她有一头黄色的头发和一件紫色的束腰外衣。 "There," said Jack, pointing. “那儿。”杰克指着说。 "What's she doing?" asked Annie. “她在做什么?”安妮问。 A soldier was on the stage with her. He wore a long cape. A helmet with a red crest hid his face. 一个士兵和她在舞台上。他穿着一件长斗篷。他的脸被一顶有红冠的头盔遮住了。 The woman and the soldier were waving their arms and talking loudly to each other. 那个女人和那个士兵挥舞着胳膊,大声地交谈着。 "I think they're doing a play," said Jack. "I'll look."He pulled out the Greek book and found a picture of the theater. “我想他们在演一出戏,”杰克说。“我来看看。”他拿出那本希腊书,发现了一张戏院的照片。 "Listen," he said. He read aloud: “听着,”他说。他大声朗读: The Greeks were the first to write plays. Many English words for the theater come from Greek words, such as drama, scenery, and chorus. Many Greek plays are still performed today. 希腊人是最早写剧本的人。很多英语中剧场的单词都来自希腊语,比如戏剧,风景和合唱。许多希腊戏剧至今仍在上演。 "Hey, Jack," said Annie. "You're wrong."When Jack looked up, he saw the woman had pulled off her wig. It was a boy dressed up as a woman! “嘿,杰克,”安妮说。“你错了”。杰克抬起头,看到那女人摘下了假发。那是一个打扮成女人的男孩! "See, even she's a boy," said Annie. "That's weird.""Hmm," said Jack. He went on reading: “看,她还是个男孩,”安妮说。“奇怪。”“嗯,”杰克说。他接着读道: A few actors would play many different parts in the same play. Women were not allowed to act, some played the female roles, too. 几个演员会在同一出戏中扮演许多不同的角色。女性不被允许演戏,一些人也扮演女性角色。 "woman wanted to be in a play?""That's not fair," said Annie. 女人想去演戏?”“这不公平,”安妮说。 "Don't worry about it," said Jack. He put the book away. "Let's just take a peek at the Olympics, then find our story."He nudged Annie to move along. “别担心,”杰克说。他把书收起来。“让我们先看一看奥运会,然后找到我们的故事。”他轻推安妮让她走。 Just then he heard a voice. 就在这时,他听到了一个声音。 "Wait!"They turned around. A man with a short white beard was walking toward them. “等等!”他们转过身来。一个留着短白胡子的男人朝他们走来。 "Hello," said the man. He was looking right at Annie. "Who are you?""Who are you?" Annie asked boldly. “你好,”那人说。他正看着安妮。“你是谁?”“你是谁?”安妮大胆地问。

