Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics 16.3 The Secret Poet(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics 16.3 The Secret Poet The bearded man smiled at Annie. 大胡子男人对安妮微笑。 "My name is Plato," he said. “我叫柏拉图,”他说。 "Plato?" said Jack. That name sounded familiar. “柏拉图?”杰克说。这个名字听起来很熟悉。 "You may have heard of me," he said. "I am a philosopher.""What's that mean?" said Annie. “你可能听说过我,”他说。“我是个哲学家。”“这是什么意思?”安妮说。 A lover of wisdom," said Plato. 爱智慧的人,”柏拉图说。 "Wow," said Annie. “哇,”安妮说。 Plato smiled at her. 柏拉图朝她微笑。 "It's odd to see a girl walking so bravely through Olympia," he said. "You must be from far away." “看到一个女孩如此勇敢地穿过奥林匹亚真奇怪,”他说。“你一定是从很远的地方来的。” "We're Jack and Annie," said Annie. "And we come from Frog Creek, Pennsylvania. It's very far away."Plato looked puzzled. “我们是杰克和安妮,”安妮说。“我们来自宾夕法尼亚州的弗拉格克里克。非常远。“柏拉图看上去很困惑。 Annie turned to Jack. 安妮转向杰克。 "I think we should show him our cards," she said in a low voice. “我想我们应该让他看看我们的牌,”她低声说。 "He's a lover of wisdom."Jack nodded. “他热爱智慧。”杰克点了点头。 He reached into his bag and took out the secret library cards. He showed them to Plato. 他把手伸进包里,拿出了秘密借书证。他把它们拿给柏拉图看。 The letters M and L that stood for Master Librarian glittered on the cards. 卡片上代表图书管理员大师的字母M和L闪闪发光。 "Amazing!" said Plato. 柏拉图说:“了不起!”。 "I've never met such young Master Librarians. Why have you come to Olympia?"Jack pulled out the piece of paper with the title of the story. “我从未见过这么年轻的图书管理员。你为什么来奥林匹亚?杰克拿出写有故事标题的那张纸。 "We're looking for this story," he said. “我们正在寻找这个故事,”他说。 "Oh, yes," said Plato softly. "This was written by a brilliant poet-a friend of mine, in fact." “哦,是的。”柏拉图轻声说。“这是一位才华横溢的诗人写的——实际上是我的一个朋友。” "Do you know where the poet lives?" asked Jack. “你知道诗人住在哪里吗?”杰克问。 "Very near here," said Plato. “离这儿很近,”柏拉图说。 "Will you take us there?" asked Annie. “你能带我们去那儿吗?”安妮问。 "Yes, but I must warn you never tell anyone who the poet is," said Plato. "It's a secret." “是的,但我必须警告你千万不要告诉任何人诗人是谁,”柏拉图说。“这是一个秘密。” "We won't," whispered Annie. “我们不会的。”安妮小声说。 Plato led them away from the outdoor theater. 柏拉图把他们带离了露天剧场。 They started down a dirt road. It was crowded with people heading to the games. 他们沿着一条土路出发。那里挤满了去看比赛的人。 Plato stopped at the door of a sand-colored house with a brick roof. 柏拉图停在一幢沙色砖瓦屋顶的房子门前。 He opened the door and led Jack and Annie into an empty courtyard. 他打开门,把杰克和安妮领到一个空院子里。 "Wait here," he said. He disappeared through a doorway. “在这儿等着,”他说。他从一个门口消失了。 Jack and Annie looked around. 杰克和安妮环顾四周。 Rooms opened onto the sunny courtyard. 房间朝向阳光充足的庭院。 Everything was quiet. 一切都很安静。 "The people who live here must have gone to the games," said Annie. “住在这里的人一定是去看比赛了,”安妮说。 "I bet you're right," said Jack. “我想你是对的。”杰克说。 He pulled out the-Greek book and found a picture of a house. He read aloud: 他拿出那本希腊书,发现里面有一所房子的图片。他大声朗读: Men and women lived in separate parts of a Greek house. Women spent most of their time spinning and weaving and taking care of the kitchen. Boys were sent away to school when they were seven. Girls were not allowed to go to school. 男人和女人住在希腊房子的不同地方。妇女大部分时间都在纺纱、织布和料理厨房。男孩们七岁时就被送去上学了。女孩不允许上学。 "Girls can't go to school?" said Annie. "How do they learn to read and write?"At that moment Plato returned. With him was a young woman dressed in a long tunic with a colored border. She was holding a scroll. “女孩不能上学?”安妮说。“他们是怎么学习读写的?”就在那时,柏拉图回来了。和他在一起的是一个年轻的女人,穿着一件有彩边的长束腰外衣。她手里拿着一个卷轴。 Annie smiled a big smile. 安妮笑得很开心。 "Finally," she said. "Another girl." “最后,”她说。“另一个女孩。” "Jack and Annie, meet our secret poet," said Plato. “杰克和安妮,来见见我们的秘密诗人,”柏拉图说。

