Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics 16.4 Not Fair!(MT微口语)

Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics 16.4 Not Fair! Jack opened his eyes. 杰克睁开眼睛。 The young woman smiled at Jack and Annie. 年轻女子对杰克和安妮微笑。 "How did you learn to read and write?" Annie asked. “你是怎么学会读书写字的?”安妮问。 "I taught myself," the woman answered. “我是自学的,”女人回答。 "She wrote a poem and brought it to me," said Plato, "because I have written and told people that I think Greek girls should go to school and learn things." “她写了一首诗,并把它拿给我,”柏拉图说,“因为我写过诗并告诉人们,我认为希腊女孩应该去上学,学习一些东西。” "Is that the poem?" said Jack. He pointed to the poet's scroll. “这就是那首诗吗?”杰克问。他指着诗人的画卷。 "Yes," said the young woman. “是的,”年轻女人说。 "It's a wonderful story," said Plato. "But she will get in trouble if it is read in our land. You must take it back to your faraway home, it will be safe." “这是一个精彩的故事,”柏拉图说。“但如果这封信在我们的国土上被宣读,她会惹上麻烦的。你必须把它带回家,它会很安全的。” The poet handed Jack her scroll. He put it into his backpack. 诗人把她的书卷递给杰克。他把它放在背包里。 "Tell us your name," said Annie. "So we can tell people who wrote the story." “告诉我们你的名字。”安妮说。“这样我们就可以告诉写这个故事的人了。” The young woman shook her head."I cannot," she said. 年轻女子摇了摇头。“我不能,”她说。 When she saw Annie's sad face, she added, "You can tell people it was written by Anonymous." 当她看到安妮悲伤的脸,她补充说,“你可以告诉人们这是匿名者写的。” "That's your name?" asked Annie. “那是你的名字?”安妮问。 "No, anonymous means that no one knows who wrote it," said Plato. "不,匿名的意思是没人知道是谁写的"柏拉图说"不,匿名的意思是没人知道是谁写的" "But that's not true!" said Annie. “但那不是真的!”安妮说。 "I'm afraid the risk is too great," said Plato. “我恐怕风险太大了,”柏拉图说。不可能!”安妮说。 Annie looked back at the woman. 安妮回头看了看那个女人。 "I'm sorry," said Annie. "It's not fair-not at all." “对不起,”安妮说。“这不公平——完全不公平。” The poet smiled at her. "I am happy that you will take my story to your country," she said. 诗人对她微笑。“我很高兴你能把我的故事带到你的国家,”她说。 "Perhaps someday women everywhere will write books just like men." “也许有一天,世界各地的女人都会像男人一样写书。” "They will," said Jack. "I promise. “他们会的,”杰克说。“我保证。 The young woman looked at him, puzzled. 年轻女子迷惑地看着他。 "It's true!" said Annie. “这是真的!”安妮说。 "Thank you, Annie," the young woman said. "And thank you, Jack." She bowed, then hurried out of the courtyard. “谢谢你,安妮,”年轻女人说。“谢谢你,杰克。”她鞠了一躬,匆匆走出院子。 "Wait!" said Annie. “等等!”安妮说。 She started to go after the poet, but Plato stopped her. 她开始追求诗人,但柏拉图阻止了她。 "Come along," he said. "The games will start soon."Plato then led Jack and Annie out of the Greek house back onto the dirt road. “来吧,”他说。“比赛马上就要开始了。”柏拉图带着杰克和安妮走出希腊人的房子,回到土路上。 "Girls can't write stories," grumbled Annie. "They can't go to school. They can't be in plays. I've had enough of ancient Greece. Let's get out of here." “女孩子不会写故事,”安妮抱怨道。“他们不能去上学。他们不能演戏。 我受够了古希腊。让我们离开这里。” "Wait," said Jack. "What about the Olympics?" “等等,”杰克说。“那奥运会呢?” "Oh, yeah," said Annie. Her eyes got brighter. "I almost forgot." “哦,是的,”安妮说。她的眼睛变得明亮起来。“我差点忘了。” "Well " said Plato slowly. "I would like to take you both to the games. I have special seats in the viewing box. However..." He looked at Annie. 柏拉图慢吞吞地说。“我想带你们俩去看比赛。我在观影包厢有专门的座位。然而……”他看着安妮。 "Don't tell me," she said. "Girls can't go to the Olympics either."Plato shook his head. “别告诉我,”她说。“女孩子也不能参加奥运会。”柏拉图摇了摇头。 "A girl will get in terrible trouble if she goes to the games," he said. 他说:“如果一个女孩去看比赛,她会惹上大麻烦的。” Annie sighed. "It's really, really not fair," she said. 安妮叹了口气。“这真的,真的不公平,”她说。 "I'm sorry," said Plato. "My country is a democracy. We believe in freedom for our citizens. But I'm afraid right now that only means men." “对不起,”柏拉图说。“我的国家是一个民主国家。我们相信公民的自由。但恐怕现在这只意味着男人。” "Annie's right. It's not fair," said Jack. " “安妮的吧。这不公平,"杰克说。 I think we should go home now.""No, Jack. You go to the Olympics," said Annie. 我想我们现在应该回家了。”“不,杰克。你去参加奥运会,”安妮说。 "At least you can tell me about it. Take notes." “至少你可以告诉我。做笔记。” "What about you?" Jack said. “你呢?”杰克说。 "I'll go back to that play at the theater" Annie said. "Meet me when you're done." “我会再去剧院看那出戏的。”安妮说。“做完了再来找我。” Jack didn't want to leave Annie alone. But he also didn't want to miss the Olympics. 杰克不想把安妮一个人留下。但他也不想错过奥运会。 "Go! Have fun!" Annie said. She began walking away. "I'll see you later! Bye, Plato!" “去!玩得开心!”安妮说。她开始走开。“回头见!”再见,柏拉图!” "Bye, Annie," said Plato. “再见,安妮。”柏拉图说。 Annie turned back again and waved. 安妮又回过头来挥手。 "I'll tell you all about it!" Jack called. “我要把一切都告诉你!”杰克叫。 "This way,"said Plato. 柏拉图说:“这种方式。 He and Jack turned and joined the crowd heading toward the Olympic grounds. 他和杰克转过身,和人群一起向奥运场馆进发。

