Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics 16.5 Hi, Zeus(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics 16.5 Hi, Zeus "This is the very first day of the games," Plato told Jack, "the day of the chariot races." “今天是运动会的第一天,”柏拉图对杰克说,“是战车比赛的日子。” "Oh, wow," whispered Jack. “哦,哇,”杰克小声说。 He couldn't believe he was going to see a chariot race. The modern Olympic Games didn't have chariot races. 他不敢相信他要去看一场战车比赛。现代奥运会没有战车比赛。 They walked toward the race track. Plato pointed to a large building near the road. 他们朝跑道走去。柏拉图指着路边的一幢大楼。 "That is the gymnasium," he said. "It is where our athletes train. They practice running and throwing the javelin and discus." “那是体育馆,”他说。“这是我们运动员训练的地方。他们练习跑步、投掷标枪和铁饼。” "We have a gymnasium at our school in Frog Creek," said Jack. “在弗拉格克里克我们学校有一个体育馆,”杰克说。 "We call it a gym.""People all over the world copy us Greeks," Plato said. “我们叫它体育馆。”“全世界的人都在模仿我们希腊人,”柏拉图说。 "Wait," said Jack. "I have to take notes for Annie. “等等,”杰克说。“我得为安妮记笔记。 He pulled out his notebook and wrote: 他拿出笔记本,写道: Ancient Greeks invented gyms"Okay, we can go," said Jack. He tucked his notebook under his arm. 古希腊人发明了健身房。“好吧,我们可以去,”杰克说。他把笔记本夹在腋下。 As they moved along, Plato pointed to a beautiful tree nearby. 他们走着走着,柏拉图指着附近一棵美丽的树。 "The olive tree is our sacred tree," he said. "The winners of the games will wear crowns made from its branches." “橄榄树是我们的圣树,”他说。“本届奥运会的获胜者将佩戴用树枝做成的王冠。” "Oh, wow," said Jack. And he wrote: olive trees is sacred Next they passed a beautiful statue of a lady. “哦,哇,”杰克说。他写道: 橄榄树是神圣的接着他们经过一尊美丽的女士雕像。 Who's that?" said Jack. 那是谁?”杰克问。 Nike, the goddess of victory," said Plato. Nike,胜利女神,”柏拉图说。 Jack quickly wrote: 杰克很快地写道: Nike, the goddess of victory"Nike is important to the games," said Plato. "But the most important Olympic god is in there."He took Jack to a brick building with huge columns. “Nike对比赛很重要,”柏拉图说。“但最重要的奥运之神就在那里。”他把杰克带到一座有巨大圆柱的砖砌建筑前。 They stepped through the door. It was a temple. Jack gasped. 他们走进了门。那是一座寺庙。杰克气喘吁吁地说。 In front of them loomed the biggest statue he had ever seen. 在他们面前隐约出现了他所见过的最大的雕像。 The statue was at least two stories high. It was a bearded man sitting on a throne. 这座雕像至少有两层楼高。那是一个坐在宝座上的大胡子男人。 "This is the temple of Zeus. And that is a statue of Zeus himself," said Plato. "The Olympic Games are played in his honor. He is the chief god of the Greek gods and goddesses." “这是宙斯的神庙。那是宙斯自己的雕像。”柏拉图说。奥运会是为了向他表示敬意而举办的。他是希腊诸神之首。” "Oh, man," whispered Jack. “哦,天哪,”杰克小声说。 "Yesterday all the athletes came here," said Plato. “昨天所有的运动员都到这里来了,”柏拉图说。 "They swore to Zeus that they had trained for ten months. And they promised to obey the rules of the games."The statue of the mighty Greek god stared down at Jack. 他们向宙斯发誓说他们已经训练了十个月。他们承诺遵守游戏规则。伟大的希腊神的雕像俯视着杰克。 Jack felt very small. 杰克觉得自己很渺小。 "Hi, Zeus," he said. His voice was small, too. “你好,宙斯。”他说。他的声音也很小。 Suddenly, trumpet sounds came from outside. 突然,外面传来了喇叭声。 "The hour has come," said Plato. "We must hurry. “时机已经到来,”柏拉图说。“我们必须快点。 The Olympic parade begins!" 奥运游行开始了!”

