Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.6 The Vikings Are Coming(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.6 The Vikings Are Coming "Annie!" Jack cried. "Vikings!"Annie looked out the tree house window. “安妮!”杰克喊道。“维京人!”安妮从树屋的窗户向外看。 "Vikings?" "They're headed straight for the island!" said Jack. “维京人?”杰克说:“它们正朝岛上飞去!” He turned back to the stone steps. 他转身向石阶走去。 "Where are you going?" cried Annie. “你要去哪儿?”安妮叫道。 "To warn the monks!" Jack said. “警告修士们!”杰克说。 "I'll come too!" cried Annie. She scrambled out of the tree house. “我也要去!”安妮叫道。她爬出了树屋。 "Hurry!" said Jack. “快点!”杰克说。 Jack didn't even use the rope. He pulled himself up the steep steps with his hands. 杰克甚至不用绳子。他用双手爬上陡峭的台阶。 As Jack and Annie climbed up the face of the cliff, clouds began to cover the sun. When they reached the top, a fog had almost hidden the serpent ships. 当杰克和安妮爬上悬崖时,乌云开始遮住太阳。当他们到达山顶时,一场雾几乎把蛇船遮住了。 "Run!" cried Annie. “快跑!”安妮叫道。 The fog blanketed the whole island. Jack and Annie could barely see the path to the monastery. 雾覆盖了整个岛。杰克和安妮几乎看不到通往修道院的小路。 When they arrived at the gate, the misty white world was silent. 当他们走到门口时,那雾蒙蒙的白色世界寂静无声。 "Vikings!" Jack cried. "Vikings!" “维京人!”杰克喊道。 "The monks are still in church!" said Annie. She yanked the bell rope. “维京人!”“修士们还在教堂里!”安妮说。她猛拉铃绳。 Dong! Dong! 咚!咚! Jack and Annie watched as Brother Patrick and the other monks ran out of the church. 杰克和安妮看着帕特里克师兄和其他修道士跑出教堂。 "The Vikings are coming!" Jack shouted. “维京人来了!”杰克喊道。 Brother Patrick's rosy face turned white. 帕特里克红扑扑的脸变白了。 "Make haste!" he said to the other monks. "Gather the books and hide."The monks ran into the library. Brother Patrick turned to Jack and Annie. “快点!”他对其他修道士说。“把书收集起来藏起来。”修道士们跑进了图书馆。帕特里克兄弟转向杰克和安妮。 "We have a secret hiding place, a cave on the other side of the island," he said. "You can come with us. But I am not certain you will be safe." “我们有一个秘密的藏身之处,在岛的另一边的一个山洞,”他说。“你可以和我们一起去。但我不能肯定你是否安全。” "Don't worry," said Jack. "We're going to try to go home." “别担心,”杰克说。“我们要试着回家。” "Do not use the steps," Brother Patrick said. "The Vikings will climb them." “不要用台阶,”帕特里克说。“维京人会爬上去的。” "Then how do we get down?" said Jack. “那我们怎么下去呢?”杰克说。 "Go that way," said Brother Patrick, pointing. "At the cliffs edge are two large rocks. “往那边走,”帕特里克指着我说。悬崖边上有两块大石头。 A path between those rocks will take you down to the shore. Then you can walk around to your boat." “往那边走,”帕特里克指着我说。岩石间的小路会把你带到岸边。然后你可以绕着你的船走。”悬崖边上有两块大石头。 "Thanks!" said Annie. “谢谢!”安妮说。 "Be careful!" said Brother Patrick. He hurried inside the library. “小心!”帕特里克说。他匆匆进了图书馆。 "Wait!" came a thin voice as Jack and Annie turned to run. “等等!”当杰克和安妮转身逃跑时,传来了一个尖细的声音。 It was Brother Michael. He hobbled over to them, holding out his book of Irish tales. 是迈克尔。他一瘸一拐地走到他们跟前,手里拿着他的爱尔兰故事集。 "Take it," he said. “拿去,”他说。 "Are you sure?" Jack asked. He knew it was Brother Michael's life's work. “你确定吗?”杰克问。他知道这是迈克尔毕生的心血。 "Please," said Brother Michael. "It is better that the world should have some of it than none at all. Just in case... “请,”迈克尔说。“这个世界拥有一些财富总比什么都没有好。以防…… "We'll take good care of it," said Jack. He gently placed the jeweled book in his leather bag. “我们会好好照顾它的,”杰克说。他轻轻地把镶着宝石的书放进他的皮包里。 "Good luck!" said Annie. “祝你好运!”安妮说。 Annie and Jack waved good-bye to the old man. 安妮和杰克向老人挥手告别。

