Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.5 Warships on the Waves(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.5 Warships on the Waves "We found our story!" said Jack. “我们找到了我们的故事!”杰克说。 "Yay!" said Annie. “耶!”安妮说。 "Indeed," said Brother Patrick. "But alas, Brother Michael has not yet completed his work. You will have to return for it." “是的,”帕特里克说。但是,迈克尔兄弟的工作还没有完成。你得回去拿。” "Oh, shoot," said Annie. “哦,糟了,”安妮说。 Jack was disappointed, too. 杰克也很失望。 "I don't know if we'll be able to come back," he said. “我不知道我们是否还能回来,”他说。 "I don't know if we can even leave without the story," said Annie. “我甚至不知道我们能不能离开这个故事,”安妮说。 Brother Patrick looked puzzled. 帕特里克一脸迷惑。 The two kids looked at each other, then back at Brother Patrick. It was too hard to explain about the tree house and how the magic worked. 两个孩子互相看了看,然后又看了看帕特里克。要解释树屋和魔法是怎么起作用的实在是太难了。 Jack shrugged. 杰克耸耸肩。 "We'll just have to try," he said. “我们只能试一试,”他说。 Outside, the church bell began ringing. 外面,教堂的钟声开始响起。 "It is time now for our sunrise prayers," said Brother Patrick. 'Will you join us?" “现在是做日出祷告的时候了,”帕特里克说。你愿意加入我们吗?” "Thanks, but we better try to go home now," said Jack. “谢谢,但是我们最好现在就回家。”杰克说。 Brother Patrick nodded and led them into the garden. When he opened the gate, they stopped. 帕特里克哥哥点了点头,领着他们走进花园。当他打开门时,他们停止了。 The horizon glowed pink and purple. The sun had started to rise. 地平线发出粉红和紫色的光。太阳已经开始上升。 No one spoke as the great, fiery ball rose slowly over the ocean. 当那个巨大的火球慢慢地从海上升起的时候,谁也没有说话。 Finally, Brother Patrick broke the silence. "Shine, O light of the sun," he said softly, "on this day filled with wonder." 最后,帕特里克打破了沉默。“闪耀吧,太阳的光芒,”他温柔地说,“在这充满奇迹的日子里。” "That's beautiful ," said Annie. “太美了,”安妮说。 Jack smiled. He agreed. 杰克笑了笑。他也这样认为。 Brother Patrick turned to them. "It is such sights as this that inspire our book-making," he said. "Now go,and may God be with you on your voyage home." 帕特里克转向他们。“正是这样的景象激发了我们的图书制作,”他说。“现在去吧,在你回家的路上,愿上帝保佑你。” "Thanks," said Jack and Annie. “谢谢,”杰克和安妮说。 "Do you need me to guide you to your boat?" he asked. “需要我把你带到你的船上吗?”他问。 "I don't think so," said Jack. “我不这么认为,”杰克说。 "Follow the path to the top of the cliff," said Brother Patrick. "Then use my rope to help you down the steps." “沿着这条路走到悬崖顶上,”帕特里克说。“那就用我的绳子帮你下台阶吧。” "Okay," said Annie. "Bye!" And she went through the gate. “好吧,”安妮说。“再见!”她穿过了大门。 Jack wanted to go home, but he hated leaving the monastery. It was filled with people doing his favorite things: reading and learning. 杰克想回家,但他讨厌离开修道院。那里满是做着他最喜欢的事情的人:读书和学习。 "I really like it here," he said to Brother Patrick. “我真的很喜欢这里,”他对帕特里克说。 "I'm glad. But you must go now, while the weather is with you," said the monk. "Everything can change in an instant."Then Brother Patrick turned and went into the church. “我很高兴。但是你现在必须走了,因为天气还在。”和尚说。“一切都可能在瞬间改变。”然后帕特里克转身走进教堂。 Jack hurried out the gate. Before he went further,he stopped and pulled out his note-book. 杰克匆匆走出大门。还没走远,他停下来,拿出了笔记本。 He quickly made two lists: 他很快列出了两份清单: To make a book Sheep skin Goose quill Paints To make paint Earth Plants "Come on!" Annie called the steps. “我们走吧!”安妮在树上叫道:“来吧!”安妮叫着台阶。 "Coming," Jack called. “来了,”杰克。 He put away his notebook and ran along the dirt path to the edge of the cliff. 他收起笔记本,沿着土路跑到悬崖边。 Overhead, flocks of gulls circled in the purple sky. 头顶上,一群海鸥在紫色的天空中盘旋。 Their cries sounded like screams. 他们的哭声听起来像尖叫。 "What's wrong with them?" Jack said. “他们怎么了?”杰克说。 "Maybe they always do this at sunrise," said Annie. “也许它们总是在日出的时候这样做,”安妮说。 "Let me go first."Clutching the rope, she started down the steps. “让我先走。”她抓着绳子,开始走下台阶。 Jack grabbed the rope and started down. 杰克抓住绳子,开始往下走。 The birds' cries went on. They worried him. They sounded like warnings. 鸟儿继续叫着。他们担心他。它们听起来像警告。 Jack reached the rocky ledge and let go of the rope. 杰克到达了岩石边缘,松开了绳子。 "Let's go!" Annie called from the tree house. “我们走吧!”安妮从树屋里喊道。 Jack looked at the horizon one last time. 杰克最后看了一眼地平线。 His heart nearly stopped. A ship was out-lined against the sky! Behind it, he saw two smaller ships. 他的心脏几乎停止了。一艘船在天空的衬托下脱颖而出!,他看到了两个小的船只。 As the ships came into view, their bright sails were filled with wind and their serpent prows blazed in the new sunlight. 当船只进入视野时,他们明亮的帆被风吹得满满当当,蛇形船头在新的阳光下闪闪发光。 "Oh no," Jack whispered. "Vikings!" “哦,不,”杰克小声说。“维京人!”

