
公众号MissRui同步更新全文~ 这期敏感词汇非常多,我会(平复心情)慢慢上传原文的 Introduction In this programme, we hear from companies that have got rid of managers and say it has helped staff do a better job, made them happier and saved money. And what could be the pitfall of not having bosses? Neil and Georgina discuss the topic and ... without bossing you, they teach you vocabulary. This week's question One of the biggest problems in hierarchies is the excess cost of management and bureaucracy. But how much is that estimated to cost the US economy every year? Is it: a) 3 million dollars? b) 3 billion dollars? c) 3 trillion dollars? Listen to the programme to find out the answer. Vocabulary 1.hierarchy等级制度 system of organising people according to their level of importance 2.coercion胁迫 the use of force to persuade someone to do something they do not want to do 3.commitment承诺 a promise or firm decision to do something 4.left behind落后 remain at a lower level than others because you are not as quick to improve, develop or progress 5.take full advantage (of)充分利用 make good use of an opportunity to progress or achieve a goal 6.be held accountable被问责​(对自己的行为负责) accept responsibility for the consequences of your actions Link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/6-minute-english/ep-200806

