Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.4 Books of Wonder(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.4 Books of Wonder The monastery had a stone wall all around it. 修道院四周有一堵石墙。 Brother Patrick took Jack and Annie through the gate. 帕特里克带着杰克和安妮穿过大门。 Beyond the gate was a small church with a hanging bell. 门外是一个挂着钟的小教堂。 There was also a vegetable garden and six stone huts shaped like giant beehives. 还有一个菜园和六座形状像巨大蜂箱的石屋。 "We grow all our own food," said Brother Patrick. “我们所有的食物都是自己种的,”帕特里克哥哥说。 "Carrots, turnips, spinach, wheat, and beans."He led them to the entrance of the first hut. Jack and Annie peeked inside. A monk was pulling flat bread from a low stone oven. 胡萝卜、萝卜、菠菜、小麦和豆类。他把他们领到第一间小屋的入口处。杰克和安妮往里面偷看。一个修道士正从一个低矮的石炉中取出面包。 "This is our bakery," Brother Patrick said. “这是我们的面包店,”帕特里克说。 "It smells good!" said Annie. “闻起来好香!”安妮说。 "Come along," Brother Patrick said. “来吧,”帕特里克哥哥说。 He pointed to each hut as they passed. 当他们经过的时候,他指了指每一间小屋。 "There are our sleeping quarters," he said. "And that's where we spin our cloth. In here, we cobble our sandals. There we carve our wooden tools."In each of the huts, Jack and Annie could see monks. They were busy spinning or cobbling or carving. “那是我们睡觉的地方,”他说。“那就是我们织布的地方。在这里,我们修补凉鞋。我们在那里雕刻木制工具。在每一间小屋里,杰克和安妮都能看到修道士。他们忙着纺纱、修鞋或雕刻。 Finally, Brother Patrick came to the largest beehive-like hut. 最后,哥哥帕特里克来到最大的像蜂箱一样的小屋。 "I have saved the best for last," he said. “我把最好的留在最后,”他说。 "This is where we do our most important work."He stepped inside. “这是我们做最重要工作的地方。”他走进去。 Jack and Annie followed. 杰克和安妮跟了上去。 The hut was warm and peaceful, yet very alive. It glowed with the golden light of many candles. 小屋温暖而宁静,但很有生气。它与许多蜡烛的金光闪闪发光。 Monks sat at wooden tables. Some were reading. 修道士坐在木制的桌子。一些人阅读。 Others played chess. Best of all, some were writing and painting in books. 有些人下棋。最好的是,有些人在书中写作和绘画。 "This is our library," said Brother Patrick. "Here we study math, history, and poetry. We play chess. And we make books." “这是我们的图书馆,”帕特里克哥哥说。“在这里,我们学习数学、历史和诗歌。我们下棋。我们还做书。” "Jack," said Annie. "I think this is it." “杰克,”安妮说。“我想就是这样了。” "What?" said Jack. “什么?”杰克说。 "Civilization!" said Annie. “文明!”安妮说。 Brother Patrick laughed. "Yes, this is where civilization hides," he said. "On top of our lonely island in the sea." 哥哥帕特里克笑了。“是的,这就是文明的藏身之处,”他说。“在我们海上的孤岛上。” "Oh, man," said Jack. "I love this place." “哦,天哪,”杰克说。“我爱这个地方。” "What kind of books do you make here?" asked Annie. “你在这里写什么样的书?”安妮问。 "Books of wonder," said Brother Patrick. "We record Christian stories as well as the old myths of Ireland." “神奇的书,”帕特里克说。“我们不仅记录了爱尔兰的古老神话,也记录了基督教的故事。” "Myths?" said Jack. “神话?”杰克说。 "Yes," said Brother Patrick. "They were gathered from our storytellers--the old women who sing the tales of long ago, when people believed in magic." “是的,”帕特里克哥哥说。“它们是从讲故事的人那里收集来的——那些唱着很久以前人们相信魔法的故事的老妇人。” "Wow," said Annie. “哇,”安妮说。 "Come," said Brother Patrick, "look at the book of Brother Michael. He has worked on it his whole life."Brother Patrick led Jack and Annie over to an old monk. The monk was painting a blue border around one of the pages in a book. “来吧,”帕特里克哥哥说,“看看迈克尔哥哥的书。他一生都在做这件事。帕特里克哥哥带着杰克和安妮来到一个老修道士那里。这个修道士正在一本书的一页边上画一条蓝边。 "Michael, these two Master Librarians from faraway would like to see your work," said Brother Patrick. “迈克尔,这两位来自遥远地方的图书管理员想看看你的作品,”帕特里克修士说。 The old monk looked up at Jack and Annie. His wrinkled face broke into a smile. 老修道士抬头看了看杰克和安妮。他那布满皱纹的脸突然绽开了笑容。 "Welcome," said Brother Michael in a thin, shaky voice. “欢迎,”迈克尔哥哥用细而颤抖的声音说。 "Hi," said Annie. “嗨,”安妮说。 Brother Michael showed them the cover of his book. It was decorated with gleaming red and blue jewels. 迈克尔哥哥给他们看了他书的封面。它装饰着闪闪发光的红色和蓝色珠宝。 Then he turned the pages. Each was covered with fancy writing and paintings in green, gold, and blue. 然后他把页面。每张纸上都写满了新奇的文字和画,有绿色的、金色的和蓝色的。 "I wish I could paint like that," said Annie. "It's beautiful," whispered Jack. “我希望我能画成那样,”安妮说。“真漂亮,”杰克低声说。 "Thank you," said Brother Michael. “谢谢你,”迈克尔说。 "How do you make a book like this?" asked Annie. “你怎么做这样一本书?”安妮问。 "I write on sheepskin and use goose quill pens, said Brother Michael. "My paints are made of earth and plants." “我在羊皮上写字,用鹅毛笔,”迈克尔哥哥说。“我的颜料是用泥土和植物做成的。” "Wow," said Annie. “哇,”安妮说。 "Show Michael what you are seeking." Brother Patrick said. “让迈克尔看看你在找什么。”哥哥帕特里克说。 "Oh, right!" said Jack. He pulled paper Morgan had given them. He showed the Latin writing to the old monk. “哦,对了!”杰克说。他拿出摩根给他们的文件。他把拉丁文给老修道士看。 Brother Michael nodded. 哥哥迈克尔点点头。 "Yes," he said with a smile. "I know that one quite well."Brother Michael turned to the page he had been painting with a blue border. He pointed to the writing at the top of the page. “是的,”他笑着说。“我对这条很熟悉。”迈克尔翻到他一直画着蓝色边框的那一页。他指了指那一页上面的字。 "Oh, man," whispered Jack. “哦,天哪,”杰克小声说。 The words were:Serpens Magna 这句话是:Serpens Magna

