Magic Tree House Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.8 Lost at Sea(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.8 Lost at Sea Annie fell to the deck of the ship. 安妮倒在船的甲板上。 Jack pulled the rope out of the water. The end of it was still tied in a loop. 杰克把绳子拉出水面。它的末端仍然被绑在一个环中。 "What happened?" asked Annie. “发生了什么事?”安妮问。 "We're heading out to sea," said Jack. "I guess all the pulling lifted the rope off the rock."Annie sat up and looked at the misty whiteness. “我们要出海了,”杰克说。“我想所有的拉力都把绳子从岩石上拉了下来。”安妮坐起来,看着朦胧的白色。 "I can't see the island," she said. "I can't see anything," said Jack. Annie looked at Jack. “我看不见那个岛,”她说。“我什么也看不见,”杰克说。安妮看着杰克。 "Do you think this is our darkest hour?" she asked. “你认为这是我们最黑暗的时刻吗?”她问。 "I don't know," said Jack. "Maybe the book will help."He pulled out their research book. He found a picture of a Viking ship. He read the caption aloud: “我不知道,”杰克说。“也许这本书会有帮助。”他拿出他们的研究手册。他发现了一张海盗船的照片。他大声念着说明文字: Viking warships were the best ships of their times. 维京战舰是他们那个时代最好的船只。 When there was no wind, the crew would take down the sails and row with oars. The smallest ships had four rowers, and the largest had as many as thirty-two. Rowers sat on boxes that stored their belongings. 没有风的时候,船员们就扯下船帆,用桨划船。最小的有四个桨手,最大的有三十二个桨手。赛艇手坐在箱子上,箱子里放着他们的物品。 "Great," said Annie, jumping up. "This isn't our darkest hour!""Why do you say that?" asked Jack. “太好了,”安妮说着跳了起来。“这不是我们最黑暗的时刻!”“你为什么这么说?”杰克问。 "There's still hope," said Annie. "We can row to the other side of island and find tree house.""Are you nuts?" said Jack. “还有希望,”安妮说。“我们可以划船到岛的另一边,找到树屋。”“你疯了吗?”杰克说。 "Please, Jack," said Annie. "Can we just try?"She grabbed one of the oars. She could barely lift it. “求你了,杰克,”安妮说。“我们能试试吗?”她抓住一只桨。她几乎抬不起来。 "Forget it, Annie," said Jack. "It takes four big Viking guys to row this thing. You're too little. I'm too little." “忘了它吧,安妮,”杰克说。“这需要四个大块头的维京人来划船。你太弱小了。我也太弱小了。” "Come on, Jack. Just try," said Annie. "You get an oar, too. We'll sit on boxes across from each other." “来吧,杰克。试试看,”安妮说。“你也有一只桨。我们将面对面坐在箱子上。” "Oh, brother," said Jack. “哦,拜托,”杰克说。 Annie dragged her long oar over to a storage box. 安妮拖着长桨来到一个储物箱前。 "I'm not doing this alone," she said. “我不是一个人在做这件事,”她说。 Jack groaned. Then he dragged an oar to the box across from Annie. 杰克呻吟着。然后他把桨拖到安妮对面的箱子上。 "Cool!" said Annie. She peered into a storage box. “酷!”安妮说。她朝一个储物箱里看了看。 "Look, one for each of us!"She lifted out two small Viking helmets. “看,我们每人一个!”她拿出两顶维京人的小头盔。 "Maybe these were made for Viking kids who sometimes ride in this ship," said Annie. “也许这些是为维京小孩做的,他们有时会乘坐这艘船,”安妮说。 "Maybe," said Jack. “也许,”杰克说。 He hadn't thought of Vikings as real people before-people with families and little kids. 他以前从没想过维京人是真正的人——有家有小孩的人。 Annie pulled off her scarf and put a helmet on her head. 安妮脱下围巾,把头盔戴在头上。 "Now I feel like a Viking, too," she said. "I bet it will help me row."She handed Jack a helmet. He put it on. It made him feel a little different. “现在我也觉得自己像个维京人,”她说。“我打赌它会帮助我划船。”她递给杰克一顶头盔。他把它戴上。这让他感觉有点不一样。 "I don't know about this," he said. The helmet wasn't as heavy as the one he had worn in the time of castles. But it was still pretty heavy. “我不知道,”他说。这顶头盔没有他在城堡时代戴的那顶重。但它还是很重。 "Well, I'm braver with mine on," said Annie. “好吧,我穿上我的衣服更勇敢,”安妮说。 Jack smiled. He didn't know how Annie could be braver than she already was. 杰克笑了笑。他不知道安妮怎么能比现在更勇敢。 "Ready to row?" she asked. “准备划船了吗?”她问。 "Yup," said Jack. He was feeling braver himself. “是的,”杰克说。他自己也觉得更勇敢了。 The wind picked up as Jack lifted his heavy oar over the side of the ship. 杰克把沉重的船桨举过船舷时,风刮得更大了。 He lowered it into the water. But the cur-rent was so strong that the oar was ripped from his hands. 他把它放进水里。但是水流太猛,桨都从他手里扯下来了。 Jack fell over backward as his oar slipped into the sea. 当杰克的桨滑进海里时,他向后跌倒了。 "I lost my oar!" Annie yelled. “我的桨丢了!”安妮喊道。 Jack looked up as rain started to fall. The sky was black. A gush of seawater poured over the side of the ship! 开始下雨时,杰克抬起头来。天空是黑色的。一股海水从船的侧面涌了出来! "Brrr!" said Annie as she tried to stand. “呼!”安妮说,她试图站起来。 The black sky shook with thunder and flashed with lightning. 黑色的天空雷电交加,电闪雷鸣。 Jack crawled to the side of the ship and pulled himself up. 杰克爬到船边,爬了上去。 Another huge wave was coming right toward them! 另一个巨浪正朝他们袭来! "It's our darkest hour now!" cried Annie. "Get Brother Michael's book!"Jack reached into his leather bag. He pulled out the jeweled book and held it up. “现在是我们最黑暗的时刻!”安妮叫道。“把迈克尔哥哥的书拿来!”杰克把手伸进他的皮包里。他掏出镶着宝石的书,举了起来。 "Save us, story!" he cried. “救救我们,故事!” He looked at the sea again. What he saw made him scream. 他又看了看大海。他所看到的使他尖叫起来。 Rising from the oncoming wave was a giant sea serpent! 一只巨大的海蛇从迎面而来的波浪中升起!

