Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.7 Fogbound(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.7 Fogbound At the rocks, the sea gulls still screeched. Jack could barely see the steep path leading down into the fog. 岩石边,海鸥仍在尖叫。杰克几乎看不到通向大雾的陡峭小路。 "Go slowly," Jack whispered to Annie as they started down. “慢慢走。”他们开始下山时,杰克小声对安妮说。 "Whoops!" said Annie. She slipped and fell forward, bumping into Jack. "My foot got caught in my stupid dress--""Shh!" said Jack. “哎呀!”安妮说。她滑了一跤,向前跌倒,撞上了杰克。“我的脚被我那破衣服缠住了——”“嘘!”杰克说。 He held on to Annie. They listened as pebbles and rocks rolled down the cliff. Jack took a deep breath. 他抓住安妮。卵石和岩石从悬崖上滚下来,他们静听着。杰克深吸了一口气。 'We've got to watch out for Vikings, too," he whispered. “我们还得小心维京人,”他低声说。 They started down the steep path again. They went one step at a time. The sound of the waves against the rocks grew louder. 他们又开始沿着陡峭的小路走下去。他们一步一步地前进。海浪撞击岩石的声音越来越大。 Finally, they stepped down onto a flat strip of pebbles. 最后,他们走到一块平坦的鹅卵石上。 "Where are we?" whispered Annie. “我们这是在哪儿?”安妮小声问。 "I don't know," said Jack. “我不知道,”杰克说。 "Oh, look!" said Annie. She pointed to the shoreline. “哦,看!”安妮说。她指着海岸线。 Through the fog rose the serpent prows of the Viking ships! 透过雾升起了维京人的蛇形船头! Jack and Annie crept closer to the ships. Their sails were down. Each ship had been tied to a tall jagged rock. They seemed deserted as they bobbed in the shallow waves. Jack really wanted to check out the ships. 杰克和安妮蹑手蹑脚地靠近那些船。他们放下了帆。每艘船都被绑在一块高低不平的岩石上。它们在浅波中颠簸,似乎无人来往。杰克真的很想看看那些船。 But he was afraid of wasting time. 但他害怕浪费时间。 "We'd better find the tree house," he said to Annie. “我们最好找到树屋,”他对安妮说。 They crept away from the three Viking ships. 他们悄悄离开了那三艘维京船。 Suddenly, they both froze. 突然,他们都僵住了。 Through the mist, they saw a group of Viking warriors. The Vikings were looking at the top of the cliff. 透过薄雾,他们看到一群维京战士。维京人正看着悬崖的顶端。 Their long yellow hair hung down from beneath their iron helmets. They carried round wooden shields and swords and axes. 他们长长的黄头发从铁盔下垂下来。他们手持木制盾牌、剑和斧头。 "It looks like they're planning to climb the cliff,"whispered Annie. “看起来他们打算爬上悬崖。”安妮小声说。 "We need to hide until they go," whispered Jack. "Then we can look for the tree house." “我们得躲起来,等他们走了再说。”杰克小声说。“那我们就去找树屋吧。” "Let's hide in a ship!" said Annie. “我们躲在船上吧!”安妮说。 "Good idea," said Jack. They crept back to where the ships were tied. “好主意,”杰克说。他们蹑手蹑脚地回到绑船的地方。 Jack was happy to see that the sides of the smallest ship were very low. They would easily be able to climb over them. 杰克很高兴看到最小的船的船舷都很低。他们很容易就能从上面爬过去。 "You go first," said Annie. “你先走。”安妮说。 Jack waded through the shallow water. It was cold! 杰克趟过浅水。很冷! He reached the ship and grabbed one side. He pushed himself up and onto the ship's deck. 他走到船边,抓住船的一侧。他挺身爬上甲板。 The ship jerked forward. Jack looked at the shore. It was now thirty feet away. The ship's anchoring rope was pulled tight. The serpent prow bobbed up and down with the waves. 船颠簸着向前驶去。杰克看着海岸。现在它离我们有三十英尺远了。船的锚索被拉得很紧。蛇形船头随着波浪上下颠簸。 The fog and the movement of the ship made Jack feel as if he was in a dream. For a moment, he forgot to be scared of the Vikings. 雾和船的移动使杰克感觉好像在做梦。有那么一会儿,他忘记了害怕维京人。 "This is so cool," he called. "Come on, Annie!"Annie started to wade out to the ship. Suddenly,she disappeared. “这太酷了,”他喊道。“来吧,安妮!”安妮开始涉水到船上去。突然,她失踪了。 "Annie?" called Jack. “安妮?”杰克喊着。 Her head popped out of the water. She splashed with her arms. 她的头伸出了水面。她用胳膊泼水。 "It--it's deep!" she gasped. "My dress-- too heavy!" “水——水很深!”她喘着气说。“我的衣服——太重了!” "Use the rope!" called Jack. "Like when we climbed the stairs!" “用绳子!”杰克叫道。“就像我们爬楼梯一样!” Annie grabbed the rope that stretched from ship to shore. It held her weight as she began inching along it. 安妮抓住那根从船上拉到岸上的绳子。当她开始沿着它慢慢移动时,它支撑着她的重量。 "Hold on tight!" cried Jack. “抓紧!”杰克叫道。 "I--I am!" gasped Annie. “我——我是!”安妮喘着气说。 She kept going, hand over hand, along the rope, toward the ship. 她两手交替,沿着绳索,继续向船走去。 When Annie got close to the ship, Jack reached out to help her. As he pulled her in, the side of the ship dipped down. 当安妮靠近船时,杰克伸出手去帮助她。当他把她拉上船时,船的一侧下沉了。 Then the rope went slack, and the Viking ship slid out to sea. 接着,缆绳松了,这艘维京船滑向了大海。

