Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.2 The Steep Climb(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Viking Ships at Sunrise 15.2 The Steep Climb Jack opened his eyes. 杰克睁开眼睛。 The light was still gray, but the air was even damper and colder than in Frog Creek. 天色仍是灰蒙蒙的,但空气比弗拉格克里克更潮湿、更冷。 "Wow, I'm in a long dress," said Annie. "It's scratchy. Hey, I've got a little purse on my belt. It has my library card in it!"Jack looked down at his own clothes. “哇,我穿着长裙,”安妮说。“这是粗糙的。嘿,我皮带上有个小钱包。里面有我的借书证!杰克低头看了看自己的衣服。 He was wearing a shirt and trousers, made of heavy wool. He also wore leather slippers. And in place of his backpack was a leather bag. 他穿着一件厚羊毛做的衬衫和裤子。他还穿着皮拖鞋。代替他背包的是一个皮包。 "Wow," said Annie, looking out the window. "This really looks like the Dark Ages."Jack looked out, too. He couldn't see any-thing through the mist. “哇,”安妮说,看着窗外。“这看起来真的像黑暗时代。”杰克也往外看了看。透过雾他什么也看不见。 "It's just because the sun's not up yet," he said. "I'd better check the book."Annie handed the Ireland book to Jack. He opened it and read aloud: “这只是因为太阳还没有升起,”他说。“我最好看看这本书。”安妮把爱尔兰的书递给杰克。他打开信,大声念道: The early Middle Ages were once known as the"Dark Ages" because learning and culture nearly vanished throughout Europe. Scholars today praise the brave Irish monks who helped keep Western civilization alive. 中世纪早期曾被称为“黑暗时代”,因为学习和文化几乎在整个欧洲消失。今天的学者们赞扬了勇敢的爱尔兰修道士,因为他们帮助保持了西方文明的活力。 "What do 'civilization' and 'monks' mean?" asked Annie. “‘文明’和‘修道士’是什么意思?”安妮问。 "I think civilization is when people have books and art and good manners," said Jack. "Monks are religious people who spend their time praying and reading and helping people.""Well, I don't see any civilization or monks out there," said Annie, pointing at the mist. “我认为文明就是当人们有了书籍、艺术和良好的举止,”杰克说。“修道士是虔诚的人,他们把时间花在祈祷、阅读和帮助别人上。”“嗯,我在那里看不到任何文明或修道士。”安妮指着雾说。 Jack pulled out his notebook. He wrote: 杰克拿出他的笔记本。他写道: Brave monks in Ireland Then he looked at Annie. "If we find civilization, I think we'll find the lost story," he said. 爱尔兰勇敢的修道士然后他看着安妮。“如果我们找到了文明,我想我们就能找到丢失的故事,”他说。 "Let's go," said Annie. She lifted her skirt and climbed out the window. “我们走吧,”安妮说。她撩起裙子,爬出窗户。 Jack read more in the Ireland book. 杰克读了更多关于爱尔兰的书。 The monks copied the ancient writings of the Western world. Before printing was invented, all books had to be written and copied by hand. 修道士们复制了西方世界的古代著作。印刷术发明之前,所有的书都必须手写和复制。 "Hey, we're on a cliff!" Annie called from outside. “嘿,我们在悬崖上!”安妮从外面喊道。 "Above the ocean!""Be careful!" said Jack. “在海洋!”“小心!”杰克说。 He stuffed the Ireland book and his note-book into his leather bag. Then he climbed out the window. 他把爱尔兰书和笔记本塞进了他的皮包里。然后他爬出了窗户。 Annie was peering over the edge. Jack looked, too. 安妮从边上往外看。杰克也看了看。 There was a rocky shore twenty feet below. Waves slapped against the rocks. Sea gulls swooped and glided above the sea. 下面二十英尺有一个多岩石的海岸。波浪拍打着岩石。海鸥在海面上俯冲滑行。 "It doesn't look like there's any civilization down there," said Jack. 杰克说:“下面看起来好像没有什么文明。” "Maybe we should climb those," said Annie. She pointed to steep steps cut into the cliff. “也许我们应该爬那些,”安妮说。她指着切进悬崖的陡峭的台阶。 Jack looked up. The cliff also rose above them in the mist. 杰克抬起头来。在雾中,悬崖也在他们上方升起。 "We better wait till the sun comes up," he said. “我们最好等到太阳升起来。”他说。 "Let's just go super slow," said Annie. She started up the stone steps. “让我们走得超级慢,”安妮说。她开始走上石阶。 "Wait, Annie!" said Jack. "They might be slippery.""Whoa!" she said, almost falling backward. "I tripped on my darn dress!""I told you to wait," Jack said. "It's too dangerous."Just then something fell from above. “等等,安妮!”杰克说。“它们可能很滑。”“哇!”她说,几乎向后跌倒。“我被我补好的裙子绊倒了!”“我叫你等着。”杰克说。“太危险了。”就在这时,有什么东西从上面掉下来。 "Watch it!" said Jack. He put his hands over his head. “小心!”杰克说。他把手放在头上。 "Hey, it's a rope!" said Annie. “嘿,是一根绳子!”安妮说。 Jack saw a thick rope dangling down the stairs. 杰克看见一根粗绳子从楼梯上垂下来。 "Where'd this come from?" he asked. “这是从哪儿来的?”他问。 "It's like when Morgan dropped the ladder to us,"said Annie. "I bet someone's trying to help us.""Yeah, but who?" said Jack. “就像摩根扔下梯子来找我们一样,”安妮说。“我敢打赌有人想帮助我们。”“是啊,但谁呢?”杰克说。 "Let's find out," said Annie. She grabbed the rope. “让我们看看,”安妮说。她抓住了绳子。 "I'll use it first. Once I'm at the top, you can come after me.""Okay, but hurry," he said. "And be very careful."Jack waited as Annie started climbing up the steps. “我先用它。一旦我到了顶峰,你就可以跟着我了。”“好吧,但是快点,”他说。“要非常小心。”杰克等着安妮开始爬上台阶。 Annie held on to the rope as she climbed slowly up the stairs. Soon she vanished over the top of the cliff. 安妮紧紧抓住绳子,慢慢地爬上楼梯。不久她就在悬崖顶上消失了。 "What's up there?" Jack shouted. But his voice was lost in the sound of the waves. “怎么了?”杰克喊道。但他的声音被海浪的声音淹没了。 He grabbed the rope and started up the steep steps. 他抓住绳子,开始爬陡峭的台阶。 At the top of the cliff, he pulled himself over the edge. 在悬崖的顶端,他把自己拉下了悬崖。 "Aha!" boomed a deep, jolly voice. "It's another little invader!" “啊哈!”一个低沉而愉快的声音轰鸣着。“又是一个小入侵者!”

