Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics 16.7 Go! Go! Go!(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics 16.7 Go! Go! Go! Jack stared in horror at Annie. She must have borrowed a costume from the theater! 杰克惊恐地盯着安妮。她一定是从戏院借了一套戏服! He remembered Plato's words: A girl will get in terrible trouble if she tries to attend the Olympic Games. 他想起了柏拉图的话:一个女孩如果想参加奥运会,就会惹上大麻烦。 Jack shook his head at her and pointed his finger, as if to say, Get out of here! 杰克对她摇了摇头,用手指着她,好像在说,滚出去! But Annie just waved at him again. 但安妮只是再次向他挥了挥手。 Jack kept shaking his head at Annie. He even shook his fist. 杰克不停地向安妮摇着头。他甚至挥舞着拳头。 Annie turned back to watch the race. 安妮回头看比赛。 "It's not a joke!" Jack shouted. “这不是玩笑!”杰克喊道。 Plato turned and looked at him. 柏拉图转过身来看着他。 "Of course not," said Plato. "We take the games very seriously."Jack felt his face grow hot. He glared at Annie's back. “当然不是,”柏拉图说。“我们非常重视奥运会。”杰克觉得自己的脸热了起来。他怒视着安妮的后背。 Just then the trumpet sounded. 就在这时,喇叭响了。 "The chariots are taking their places," said Plato. 柏拉图说:“战车正在就位。” Jack saw the dozens of chariots lined up on the racetrack. Each chariot was pulled by four horses. 杰克看见数十辆战车在跑道上排成一排。每辆车由四匹马拉着。 Jack glanced back at Annie. She was looking up at him, pointing at the chariots. 杰克回头看了一眼安妮。她抬头看着他,指着那些战车。 The trumpet sounded again. 喇叭又响了起来。 The horses took off. 马起飞了。 The crowd went wild. They were cheering and screaming and stamping their feet. 人群变得疯狂起来。他们欢呼、尖叫、跺脚。 Clouds of dust rose up as the chariots raced around the track. 当战车在跑道上奔跑时,尘土飞扬起来。 Annie turned back to watch the race. She began jumping up and down. 安妮回头看比赛。她开始跳上跳下。 "Go! Go! Go!" she shouted. “走!走!走!”她喊道。 A few people began staring at the strange small soldier with the high-pitched voice. 有几个人开始盯着这个声音尖细的奇怪的小兵。 Jack couldn't take it anymore. He had to get Annie away before it was too late! 杰克再也受不了了。他必须趁还来得及把安妮弄走! He shoved his notebook into his pack. 他把笔记本塞进背包。 "I have to go!" he shouted to Plato. “我得走了!”他对柏拉图喊道。 The philosopher looked surprised. 哲学家看起来很惊讶。 Jack was afraid to tell him that Annie had broken the rules. 杰克不敢告诉他安妮违反了规定。 "I had a great time. But I have to go home now,"said Jack. "Thanks for everything!" “我玩得很开心。但是我现在必须回家了。”杰克说。“谢谢你的一切!” "Have a safe journey," said Plato. “旅途平安,”柏拉图说。 Jack waved and started down the steps. 杰克挥了挥手,走下台阶。 As he climbed down, he saw Annie pull off her helmet. 当他爬下来的时候,他看到安妮摘下了她的头盔。 Her pigtails flew up and down as she jumped and shouted, "Go! Go! Go!"Her soldier's cape fell off. 随着她跳上跳下的动作她的辫子也随之舞动:“走!走!走!她喊着,然后她身上那件士兵的披风掉了下来。 Now lots of people were staring at her. 现在很多人都盯着她看。 Someone shouted for the guards. 有人喊卫兵。 Annie was too busy cheering to notice anything. 有人忙着欢呼,什么也没注意到。 Jack moved as quickly as he could. 杰克以最快的速度移动。 But two big guards got to Annie first. 但是两个大警卫先抓住了安妮。

