Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics 16.6 Mystery Man(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics 16.6 Mystery Man Plato and Jack hurried past the crowds standing at the sides of the race track. Everyone was shouting and cheering. 柏拉图和杰克匆匆走过站在跑道两侧的人群。每个人都在喊叫和欢呼。 "I have seats next to the judges," said Plato. He pointed to a tall stand with row of benches. “我坐在裁判旁边,”柏拉图说。他指着一个有排长凳的高台。 Plato led Jack through the crowd and up the steps to their seats. 柏拉图领着杰克穿过人群,走上台阶,来到他们的座位上。 "Wow, thanks," said Jack. “哇,谢谢,”杰克说。 He had a great view. 他的视野很好。 The Olympic parade had already started. Musicians playing pipes were at the front. Behind them marched the Olympic athletes the best in all of Greece. 奥运阅兵式已经开始。演奏管乐器的音乐家们在前面。他们身后是全希腊最优秀的奥林匹克运动员。 Jack sighed as he watched the parade going around the track. Annie would really love this, he thought. 看着游行队伍绕着跑道行进,杰克叹了口气。他想,安妮一定会喜欢的。 "The athletes in front are the runners," said Plato. “前面的运动员就是赛跑运动员,”柏拉图说。 "Foot races are the oldest event of the games."Jack pulled out his notebook and wrote: "竞走是奥运会最古老的项目。"杰克拿出笔记本,写道: Oldest event is foot race"Behind the runners are the boxers," said Plato. 最古老的项目是竞走。柏拉图说:“在赛跑者之后是拳击手。” "They're wearing special gloves and bronze helmets."Jack wrote: “他们戴着特制手套和青铜头盔。”杰克写道: Boxers wear gloves and helmets"Behind them are the wrestlers," said Plato. 拳击手戴着手套和头盔,“后面是摔跤手,”柏拉图说。 And Jack wrote: Wrestlers 杰克写道:摔跤手 When Jack looked up again, he saw a soldier staring up at him from the sidelines. 当杰克再次抬起头时,他看到一名士兵从边线上盯着他看。 The soldier was dressed like the actor from the outdoor theater. He had on a long cape and a red-crested helmet that covered most of his face. 那个士兵穿得像露天剧场里的演员。他披着一件长长的斗篷,头戴一顶红头头盔,几乎把脸都遮住了。 But something was strange. This soldier was short really short. 但有些事情很奇怪。这个士兵很矮,真的很矮。 "Here come the discus and javelin throwers," said Plato, "and then the men in armor." “先来的是掷铁饼和标枪的人,”柏拉图说,“然后是穿盔甲的人。” "What do they do?" asked Jack. “他们是做什么的?”杰克问。 "They race wearing full armor," said Plato. Jack smiled to himself. He knew Annie would think that was funny. “他们穿着全副盔甲比赛,”柏拉图说。杰克暗自笑了。他知道安妮会觉得这很有趣。 He wrote in his notebook: 他在笔记本上写道: Some runners race in armor Jack finished writing. 杰克完成了写作。 He looked back at the short soldier. 他回头看了看那个矮个子士兵。 "In a moment, the chariot races will begin," said Plato. "Winning a chariot race is the greatest honor of the games." 柏拉图说:“战车比赛马上就要开始了。”赢得战车比赛是奥运会最大的荣誉。 Jack just nodded. He was still studying the short soldier, who seemed to be looking back at him. 杰克只是点点头。他还在打量着那个矮个子士兵,那个士兵似乎也在回头看他。 Suddenly, a small hand came out from the soldier's cape. The hand gave a little wave. 突然,一只小手从士兵的披风里伸出来。那只手轻轻一挥。 Jack gasped. It was Annie's hand waving! 杰克气喘吁吁地说。是安妮的手在挥手! The short soldier was Annie. 那个矮个士兵叫安妮。

