
周二三四下午2点视频直播:【一直播】英语PK台 微信公众号:【英语PK台】推送直播全文本 京晶抖音:1604401542 趣味英语学习小视频 B站官方:英语PK台 直播视频精华剪辑 ​ Dialogue : (课堂全文本于微信公众号【英语PK台】课后发送,参与直播互动中译英练习需加京晶微信goingforgold2018 拉入群 dialogue 1 Jingjing: Good to see you again, Mark. Have you heard about any _________? Mark: If it's anything other than the ______, I'd be happy to ____ it. Jingjing: Well, there's a lot of ____, on social media at least, about _____. Mark: I see them ____—but I haven't seen much about it ____. What's all the ____? Jingjing: There's been an ____ problem with _____. So, 翻译练习1. Mark: That'd be nice. My heart ________, because I know they have to ________. Jingjing: And to get ___. Yeah, I feel for _____ too. Mark: So, tell me about one of the things ______. Jingjing: OK, question: If you were ___ food, and saw a ____ on the app where you could _____, would you click it? Mark: What, you mean the ____ would know he (or she) ______ for me? Jingjing: Exactly. The carrier wouldn't have to ________. Mark: Hmm, I suppose that's _____. I don't think I'm so _____ I ____ an extra five minutes. Jingjing: Wouldn't you be worried about your _____? Mark: In five minutes, _____. 翻译练习2. So, my food would be a little ————. Jingjing: Ha ha. That's just what a lot of people said on ————. Mark: Yeah, it's not likely to ——- anything. But this conversation has made me ———. Let's order something! Jingjing: Sure. Let me ——-my app. dialogue 2 Jingjing: Mark, while we were eating, I was reading a little more about ________. Mark: You know, I haven't seen that many ____—or any in ____. It ____ me that they ride on the ____, and the wrong way on those narrow ______ along ____ roads. But I get that people are ____. Jingjing: And they get paid per 翻译练习3. Mark: That ———. Anyway, what was the other news you found? Jingjing: Here, one company made a series of _______ and required their carriers to ____ them. Mark: That sounds like a____, though I doubt if _____ is really the issue. How's it _____? Jingjing: Well, it's actually caused more ____ than it's _____. Mark: That goes against _______. Is there _____? Jingjing: I don't have _____ on what I'm reading here. But there are a few pictures people have taken from their ______—of delivery guys watching safety videos in the ________. Mark: That's ____ time, for sure. Oh, but when the ____, they might not have ____ the ___ as carefully as they would have without their _____, right? Jingjing: That's what people think. Mark: It'd be ____ to have a ___ bike and a phone on the street still ____. That's like a _____ from a movie. Jingjing: That'd be a ____ to forget. Mark: Well, let's hope ____ gets better and better. I might try that ___ you told me about. Jingjing: Why didn't you tell me to ____ it just now? Mark: Uh, like I said, I was _____! new words and phrases from dialogue 1 hubbub: My heart goes out to : I feel for : the blog-o-sphere: from dialogue 2 bugs me: access lane: adds up: common sense: ​

