萝卜(Robert Pattinson)-《Lying In A Hammock...Minnesota》(失眠音乐台)

欢迎收听失眠音乐台 我是主播Julia 《Lying In A Hammock At William Duffy's Farm In Pine Island, Minnesota》 作者:James Wright 翻译:吴刚 Over my head, I see the bronze butterfly, 在我的头顶,我看见青铜色的蝴蝶 Asleep on the black trunk, 眠于黑色的树干 Blowing like a leaf in green shadow. 如同一片树叶,在绿荫中翕动 Down the ravine behind the empty house, 空屋背后的山谷 The cowbells follow one another 牛铃,一声,接着一声 Into the distances of the afternoon. 遁入午后深处 To my right, 在我的右边 In a field of sunlight between two pines, 两棵松树间的一片阳光中 The droppings of last year’s horses 马儿旧年的遗矢 Blaze up into golden stones. 已被烤成了金黄的石头 I lean back, as the evening darkens and comes on. 我仰面躺定,暮色悄然掩来 A chicken hawk floats over, looking for home. 昏鸦怠然飞过,觅着归途 I have wasted my life. 生命,我已然将你虚掷 睡不着? 不如进来听首歌❤

