睡吧,我的小宝贝,睡呀睡 | 迪新读诗(麦格兰岛)

麦格兰岛 --- 迪新读诗 --- Sweet and Low 西风吹 作者:[英] 阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生 翻译:迪新 朗读:迪新 Sweet and Low 西风吹 By Alfred Tennyson 翻译:迪新 Sweet and low, sweet and low, Wind of the western sea, Low, low, breathe and blow, Wind of the western sea! Over the rolling waters go, Come from the dying moon, and blow, Blow him again to me; While my little one, while my pretty one, sleeps. 甜蜜蜜,甜蜜蜜, 西风吹呀吹, 轻轻地,轻轻地, 西风吹呀吹! 从远方的月亮吹过来, 翻着细浪花儿白, 载着宝贝轻轻吹, 睡吧,我的小宝贝,睡呀睡。 Sleep and rest, sleep and rest, Father will come to thee soon; Rest, rest, on mother's breast, Father will come to thee soon; Father will come to his babe in the nest, Silver sails all out of the west Under the silver moon: Sleep, my little one, sleep, my pretty one, sleep. 小宝宝,睡觉觉, 爸爸快来了, 宝宝睡,妈妈抱, 爸爸快来了, 爸爸来抱他的小宝贝, 月儿弯弯西风吹, 银光闪闪船儿归, 睡吧,我的小宝贝,睡呀睡。

