Magic Tree House Civil War on Sunday 21.04 Freedom Fighter(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Civil War on Sunday 21.04 Freedom Fighter Jack carried the water bucket into the tent.The scene inside was like a nightmare. 杰克把水桶抬到帐篷里。里面的场景像一场噩梦。 The tent was hot and stuffy.A dozen injured soldiers lay on small cots.Some called for food.Others begged for water or just moaned. 帐篷又热又闷。十几名受伤的士兵躺在小床上。有些人要求食物。其他人乞求水或只是呻吟。 Jack wanted to rush back outside.But Annie got right to work. She rolled up her sleeves and smiled. 杰克想冲出去。但安妮有权工作。她卷起袖子笑了。 "Hi, everybody!"she said cheerfully. “大家好!”她高兴地说。 None of the soldiers smiled back. 没有一个士兵笑着回应。 "I have good news!"she said."We've brought lunch!"Annie moved down the row of cots. She handed out pieces of bread and chunks of potatoes to all the patients. “我有好消息!”她说。“我们带了午饭!”安妮走下那排帆布床。她给所有的病人分发了一些面包和土豆块。 "You'll be feeling better soon," she said to one sick man. “你很快就会感觉好些的,”她对一个病人说。 "You'll see your family again," she told another. “你会再见到你的家人的,”她告诉另一个人。 Jack looked around nervously.He wasn't sure what to do. 杰克紧张地环顾四周。他不知道该怎么办。 "Give them water, Jack!"Annie called to him. “给他们水,杰克!”安妮喊他。 Jack saw a tin cup beside each man's cot.He picked up the first cup.Carefully, he used the ladle to fill it with water. 杰克看到每个人的小床旁边都有一个锡杯。他拿起第一个杯子。他小心翼翼地用勺子盛水。 Keeping his eyes down, Jack handed the cup to the patient. He felt shy and uncomfortable. He didn't know what to say. 杰克垂下眼睛,把杯子递给病人。他感到害羞和不舒服。他不知道该说什么。 Jack moved on to the next patient, then the next. He gave each wounded man a cup of water. But he never looked right at any of them or spoke a word. 杰克转向下一个病人,然后是下一个。他给每个受伤的人一杯水。但是他从来没有正视过他们,也没有说过一句话。 Soon Jack and Annie had finished passing out food and water. 很快杰克和安妮就分发完了食物和水。 "Good-bye!"Annie said. “再见!”安妮说。 She waved and left the tent. Jack quickly followed her. 她挥手离开了帐篷。杰克很快跟上了她。 "Let's go home now," he begged once they were outside. “我们现在回家吧,”他们一出去,他就央求道。 "We've got what we came for.""If we leave now, the patients in the next tent will go hungry and thirsty," said Annie. “我们得到了我们想要的。”“如果我们现在离开,下一个帐篷里的病人会又饿又渴,”安妮说。 Jack sighed. 杰克叹了口气。 "Okay," he said."But after we take care of them, we're leaving for sure."He followed Annie into the next tent. “好的,”他说。“但在我们照顾好他们之后,我们肯定会离开。”他跟着安妮进了下一个帐篷。 Just like the last tent, it was filled with wounded soldiers. But the soldiers in this tent were all African-Americans. 就像上一个帐篷,里面全是伤兵。但是这个帐篷里的士兵都是非洲裔美国人。 "Hi, everybody!"Annie said, smiling warmly. “大家好!”安妮说,热情地微笑着。 Again, she passed out potatoes and bread.She also talked and made jokes. 她又分发了土豆和面包。她还会说笑话和编笑话。 Jack poured water into each of the tin cups. Again, he didn't speak to any of the soldiers.But as he handed over the last cup, a patient spoke to him. 杰克往每个锡杯里倒水。再说一次,他没有向任何一个士兵屈服。但当他递上最后一杯时,一个病人对他说。 "Thank you for your kindness, son," the soldier said. “谢谢你的好意,孩子,”士兵说。 Jack glanced shyly at the man on the cot. He was an elderly, silver-haired black man. 杰克害羞地看了一眼小床上的男人。他是一个年老的满头银发的黑人。 "You're welcome," said Jack. “不客气,”杰克说。 He tried to think of something else to say. He remembered Annie's cheerful words. 他试图想出别的话来说。他记得丹尼愉快的话。 "You'll get well soon," he told the patient."You'll be with your family again."The man shook his head. “你很快就会好的,”他告诉病人。“你会和家人团聚的。”那人摇摇头。 "No. I'll never be with my family again," he said quietly."My wife and children were sold long ago." “不。我再也不会和家人在一起了,”他平静地说。“我的妻子和孩子很久以前就被卖掉了。” "Sold?"said Jack. “卖了?”杰克说。 "Yes.We were slaves," the man said. “是的。我们是奴隶,”那人说。 "You were a slave?"asked Jack. “你是奴隶?”杰克问道。 "All of us in this tent were once slaves," the man said."We ran away from our owners in the South to fight to end slavery, to fight for freedom for our people. I ran barefoot for over thirty miles to tell the Union soldiers that the Confederates were going to attack."The man fell silent. “我们在这个帐篷里的所有人都曾经是奴隶,”那个人说。“我们远离南方的主人,为结束奴隶制而战,为我们的人民争取自由而战。我光着脚跑了30多英里,告诉联邦士兵,联邦军要进攻了。”那人陷入了沉默。 "You're a very brave freedom fighter," said Jack. “你是一个非常勇敢的自由战士,”杰克说。 "Thank you, son."The man closed his eyes. “谢谢你,儿子。”那人闭上了眼睛。 Jack wanted to know more about slavery. But he didn't want to bother the weary patient. He pulled out the Civil War book. 杰克想更多地了解奴隶制。但是他不想打扰这个疲惫的病人。他拿出内战书。 He found a picture of African-Americans standing on a platform.The men, women, and children had chains on their hands and feet.Jack read: 他发现了一张非洲裔美国人站在平台上的照片。男人、女人和孩子的手上和脚上都戴着镣铐。杰克读道: In the 1800s, the United States was divided over the issue of slavery.The North wanted the country to end all slavery.But the South wanted to keep slaves because more than four million African-American slaves worked in the huge plantation fields there.This disagreement between the North and South led to the Civil War. 19世纪,美国在奴隶制问题上存在分歧。北方希望这个国家结束所有的奴隶制。但是南方想要保留奴隶,因为超过400万非裔美国奴隶在那里的大种植园工作。南北之间的分歧导致了内战。 Jack looked down at the man's face. He looked very weary. 杰克低头看着那个人的脸。他看上去很疲倦。 Jack pulled the nurse's list of rules from his knapsack. 杰克从背包里拿出护士的规则清单。 Lessen sorrow and give hope he read. 减轻悲伤,给希望。 Jack put the list away. He leaned close to the man and spoke in a soft voice: "One day your great-great-grandchildren will be doctors and lawyers," he said. 杰克把名单收起来。他凑近那个人,用柔和的声音说道:“有一天你的曾孙们会成为医生和律师,”他说。 The man opened his eyes. 那人睁开了眼睛。 Jack went on."They'll help run the government and schools. 杰克继续说道。“他们将帮助管理政府和学校。 They'll be senators and generals and teachers and principals."The man stared hard into Jack's eyes. "Can you see the future, son?" he asked. 他们将是参议员、将军、教师和校长。"那个人紧紧地盯着杰克的眼睛。"你能看到未来吗,小子?”他问道。 Jack nodded."In a way..."he said. 杰克点点头。“在某种程度上……”他说。 The man smiled a beautiful smile."Thank you, son," he said. 那人笑得很美。“谢谢你,小子,”他说。 Then he closed his eyes again. 然后他又闭上了眼睛。 "Good luck," whispered Jack.He hoped the brave man would live to enjoy freedom. “祝你好运,”杰克小声说道。他希望这个勇敢的人能活着享受自由。 "Ready to go home now, Jack?"said Annie. She had finished passing out the food. “准备好回家了吗,杰克?”安妮说。她已经分发完了食物。 Jack nodded. 杰克点点头。 As he and Annie stepped out of the tent, they heard someone shout, "She's back!"A horse-drawn wagon was barreling into the camp. 当他和安妮走出帐篷时,他们听到有人说,“她回来了!”一辆马拉的马车飞速驶进营地。 "Who's back?"asked Annie. “谁回来了?”安妮问。 "Clara Barton," a patient said."She runs this hospital." “克拉尔·巴顿,”一个病人说。“她经营这家病院。” "Clara Barton!"said Annie I don't believe it!" “克拉尔·巴顿!”安妮说我不相信!” "Who's Clara Barton?" He'd heard the name before, but could not remember who she was. “克拉尔·巴顿是谁?“他以前听过这个名字,但不记得她是谁。 "Who's Clara Barton?"said Annie, "Are you nuts?"She ran to meet the wagon. “克拉尔·巴顿是谁?”安妮说,“你疯了吗?”她跑去迎接马车。

