Magic Tree House Civil War on Sunday 21.02 Cruel War(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Civil War on Sunday 21.02 Cruel War Glaring sunlight filled the tree house."It's really hot here,"said Jack."Especially in these clothes," said Annie.Their clothes had magically been changed. 耀眼的阳光充满了树屋。“这里真的很热,”杰克说。“尤其是穿着这些衣服,”安妮说。他们的衣服神奇地变了。 Annie wore a long dress.Jack wore scratchy pants and a long-sleeved shirt. His backpack was now a leather knapsack. 安妮穿着一件长裙。杰克穿着粗糙的裤子和长袖衬衫。他的背包现在是一个皮革背包。 "Where are we?"asked Annie.They looked out the window together.The tree house had landed in a tree at the edge of a field - the same field on the cover of the book. “我们在哪里?”安妮问。他们一起向窗外望去。树屋落在了一片田地边缘的一棵树上,那片田地也在书的封面上。 "It looks so peaceful," said Jack."Where's the Civil War?" “看起来很平静,”杰克说。“内战在哪里?” "There," whispered Annie with a shiver.She pointed to the woods beyond the field. “那里,”安妮颤抖着小声说。她指着田野外面的世界。 Jack saw a soldier riding a horse out of the woods.The horse was covered with mud.The soldier's blue uniform was torn.His arm was bloody. 杰克看见一个士兵骑着马走出了树林。这匹马浑身是泥。士兵的蓝色制服被撕破了。他的胳膊流血了。 Another man rode into the field.His blue uniform was in rags,too.His head was bandaged. 另一个人骑马进入了田野。他的蓝色制服也破烂不堪。他的头缠着绷带。 "Oh, man," whispered Jack."Who are they?" “哦,伙计,”杰克小声说。“他们是谁?” He opened the Civil War book and found a painting of some soldiers in blue.He read to Annie: 他翻开内战书,发现了一幅蓝色的士兵画像。他读给聂听: 1861 - 1865The Civil War called the "War Between the States," because it was fought between the Southern and Northern States of the United States. Southerners wore gray uniforms and were called Confederate soldiers. 1861-1865年内战被称为“州际战争”,因为它发生在美国南部和北部各州之间。南方人穿着灰色制服,被称为联邦士兵。 Northerners wore blue uniforms and were called Union soldiers. 北方人穿着蓝色制服,被称为联合士兵。 "So they're Union soldiers," said Jack.He pulled out his notebook and wrote: “所以他们是联邦士兵,”杰克说。他拿出笔记本,写道: Civil War (1861 -1865) Blue = North = Union Gray = South = Confederate Jack looked at his book again.He read The Civil War was a cruel and bloody war. More people died in this war than in all of America's other wars put together. One out of every five young men in the nation died or was wounded. 邦联杰克又看了看他的书。他认为内战是一场残酷血腥的战争。在这场战争中死去的人比美国其他所有战争中死去的人加起来还要多。全国五分之一的年轻人死亡或受伤。 "That's so sad," said Annie. “那太可悲了,”安妮说。 Jack wrote in his notebook:Cruel war 杰克在笔记本上写道:残酷的战争 "Wow, they keep coming," Annie said. “哇,他们一直来,”安妮说。 Jack looked up.More Union soldiers were coming through the field.These didn't have horses. 杰克抬起头。更多的联邦士兵正穿过田野。这些没有马。 They all looked sad and weary.Some of them limped.Some of them helped others along.One man stumbled and fell down. 他们看上去都很悲伤和疲惫。有些人一瘸一拐的。他们中的一些人帮助其他人前进。一个人绊倒了。 "I have to help - " said Annie. “我必须帮忙——”安妮说。 "Wait!"said Jack. “等等!”杰克说。 She started down the rope ladder. 她开始走下绳梯。 "You can't help!"said Jack."A kid can't help..."But Annie kept going. “你帮不了!”杰克说。“一个孩子帮不了……”但安妮一直坚持。 "Don't forget - we have to find some special writing for Morgan!"Jack called in a loud whisper."Something to follow!" “别忘了——我们得为风琴找些特别的写法!”杰克大声耳语道。“有事跟着!” He packed the Civil War book and his notebook in his knapsack.Then he started down the ladder. 他把内战书和笔记本装进了背包。然后他开始走下梯子。 When he stepped onto the ground, Jack saw Annie in the distance. 当杰克踏上地面时,他看见安妮站在远处。 She was holding her hand out to the fallen soldier.She helped him to his feet. 她向倒下的士兵伸出手。她扶他站起来。 The soldier slowly started walking again.Annie walked beside him. 士兵又慢慢开始走了。安妮走过他身边。 "Oh, brother," said Jack. And he hurried to catch up with Annie. “哦,兄弟,”杰克说。他赶紧追上了安妮。 The sun was scorching hot as Jack ran through the dry field. 杰克跑过干燥的田野时,太阳火辣辣的。 He was sweaty in his scratchy clothes. 他穿着粗糙的衣服,汗流浃背。 He caught up with Annie.Together, they walked silently with the soldiers. 他赶上了安妮。他们和士兵一起默默地走着。 At the edge of the field was a steep hill. Everyone stopped and gazed at the sight below them - rows and rows of white tents. 田野的边缘是一座陡峭的小山。每个人都停下来,凝视着他们下面的景象——一排排白色帐篷。 "Thank goodness," said the soldier beside Jack."We're saved." “谢天谢地,”杰克旁边的士兵说。“我们得救了。”

