Magic Tree House Tigers at Twilight 19.9 The Hermit(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Tigers at Twilight 19.9 The Hermit Kah and Ko smoothed the man's hair with their little paws and patted his cheeks gently. 卡和柯用他们的小爪子抚平了那个男人的头发,轻轻地拍了拍他的脸颊。 The man smiled and whispered to the langurs. His eyes stayed closed. 那人微笑着对叶猴们耳语。他的眼睛一直闭着。 Teddy walked up to the man and licked his hands. 泰迪走到那个男人跟前,舔了舔他的手。 The man still didn't open his eyes. But he stroked Teddy's fur. 那人还是没有睁开眼睛。但他抚摸着泰迪的毛。 "Knock, knock," Annie said softly. “敲门,敲门,”安妮轻声说。 "Is someone there?" the man asked. “有人在那儿吗?”那人问。 He turned his face toward Jack and Annie. Now his eyes were open, but he did not seem to see them. Jack realized that the man was blind. 他把脸转向杰克和安妮。现在他的眼睛睁开了,但他似乎看不见它们。杰克意识到那个人是盲人。 "Hi, I'm Annie," said Annie. " “嗨,我是安妮,”安妮说。 And I'm Jack," said Jack. 我是杰克,”杰克说。 The blind man smiled. 盲人笑了。 "Good," he said, nodding. "Would you like to visit with me?" “很好。”他点点头说。“你愿意和我一起去拜访吗?” "Sure," said Annie. “当然,”安妮说。 She and Jack sat down next to the man. "Do you live in this forest?" Annie asked. 她和杰克坐在那个男人旁边。“你住在这森林里吗?”安妮问。 "Yes," he said. “是的,”他说。 "Are you a hermit?" Jack asked. “你是个隐士吗?”杰克问。 "Yes," the blind man said. “是的,”瞎子说。 "What's a hermit?" said Annie. “什么是隐士?”安妮问。 "Hermits live far away from other people," said the blind man. "We like to be alone to think. I live in the forest so I can learn from nature." “隐士离别人很远,”瞎子说。“我们喜欢独自思考。我住在森林里,所以我可以向大自然学习。” "How do you learn?" asked Jack. “你是怎么学的?”杰克问。 "I listen," said the blind man. “我听。”瞎子说。 "Listen to what?" asked Jack. “听什么?”杰克问。 "To the chatter of the monkeys, the rumble of the elephant, the roar of the tiger," said the man. "I have listened for so long, they have all begun to sound like one voice--the one great voice of the forest." “猴子的唠叨,大象的隆隆声,老虎的咆哮,”这个人说。“我听了这么久,它们听起来就像一个声音——森林里一个伟大的声音。” "Did the voice tell you that a tiger got caught in a trap last night?" asked Annie. “那个声音告诉你昨天晚上有只老虎掉进陷阱了吗?”安妮问。 "Yes," the hermit said. “是的。”隐士说。 "And did it tell you that after we saved him, he tried to attack us?" said Jack. “它有没有告诉你,在我们救了他之后,他想攻击我们?”杰克说。 The blind man smiled. 盲人笑了。 "Please bring me one of the white flowers floating on the stream," he said. “请给我拿一朵漂浮在小溪上的白花来,”他说。 Jack wondered why the hermit was changing the subject. 杰克不知道隐士为什么要改变话题。 But Annie jumped up and hurried to the stream. 但是安妮跳起来,急忙跑向小溪。 She pulled at one of the large flowers. It came up, muddy root and all. She took it to the blind man. 她扯了扯其中一朵大花。它长出来了,连根都是泥的。她把它拿给盲人。 "Thank you," he said. “谢谢你,”他说。 The man touched the flower's large white petals and its dirty root. 男人摸了摸那朵花的白色大花瓣和肮脏的根。 "This perfect lotus blossom grows from dark, thick mud," he said. "Its beauty cannot live without its ugliness. Do you understand?" 他说:“这朵完美的莲花是从又黑又浓的泥中生长出来的。”它的美离不开它的丑。你明白吗?” "Yes," said Jack and Annie. “是的,”杰克和安妮说。 "When you saved the tiger, you saved all of him,"said the blind man. "You saved his graceful beauty-and his fierce, savage nature. You cannot have one without the other." “当你救了老虎,你就救了它所有的人,”瞎子说。“你救了他那优雅的美貌——还有他那凶狠、野蛮的本性。两者缺一不可。” "Oh.. .right," said Jack. “哦,好吧,”杰克说。 "Take this lotus as a thank-you gift from all the forest for saving our fierce friend," said the blind man. “收下这朵莲花,作为森林里所有人的礼物,感谢你救了我们凶猛的朋友。”瞎子说。 "Our world would not be complete without him." “没有他,我们的世界就不完整。” Annie took the gift from the hermit. "A gift from a forest far away," she said. 安妮从隐士那里接过礼物。“来自遥远森林的礼物,”她说。 Arf! Arf! Teddy wagged his tail. The langurs clapped. 汪!汪!泰迪摇摆他的尾巴。叶猴鼓掌。 "We can go home now," said Jack, "if we can just find the way." “我们现在可以回家了,”杰克说,“如果我们找到路的话。” "Do not worry," said the blind man. "Your house in the trees is close by. The elephants walked in a large circle. So you are back at the place where you started." “别担心,”瞎子说。“你在树上的房子就在附近。大象们围成一圈走着。所以你回到了你开始的地方。” "Really?" said Jack. “真的吗?”杰克说。 The blind man pointed to the sky. 盲人指着天空。 There was the magic tree house, high in a nearby tree. 有一个神奇的树屋,高高的在附近的一棵树上。 "Oh, great," breathed Jack. “哦,太好了。”杰克轻声说。 "I told you not to worry," said Annie. She and Jack pulled on their socks and shoes and stood up. “我告诉过你不要担心,”安妮说。她和杰克穿上袜子和鞋子站了起来。 Before they left, Annie touched the hand of the blind man. 在他们离开之前,安妮摸了摸盲人的手。 "Thanks for everything," she said. “谢谢你所做的一切,”她说。 The man held her hand for a moment. Then he took Jack's hand. Jack felt a wave of calm wash over him. 男人握了一会儿她的手。然后他拉着杰克的手。杰克感到一阵平静袭上心头。 "Thank you," he said to the blind man. “谢谢你,”他对瞎子说。 Kah and Ko chattered and held out their long arms. 卡和柯叽叽喳喳地说着,伸出长长的手臂。 Jack and Annie hugged the two langurs "We'll miss you," said Annie. 杰克和安妮拥抱着两只叶猴。“我们会想念你的,”安妮说。 "You were great tour guides," said Jack. "Goodbye."Then he and Annie took off for the magic tree house with Teddy scampering after them. “你们是很棒的导游,”杰克说。“再见。然后他和安妮动身去了魔法树屋,泰迪在后面蹦蹦跳跳。 At the rope ladder, Jack put Teddy into his pack and climbed up. 在绳梯旁边,杰克把泰迪放进他的包里,爬了上去。 Annie carried the lotus blossom as she followed them. 安妮拿着荷花跟在他们后面。 Inside the tree house, Jack picked up the Pennsylvania book. But before he made a wish, he looked out the window with Annie. 在树屋里,杰克拿起了那本宾夕法尼亚的书。但在他许愿之前,他和安妮看了看窗外。 In the distance, they saw Saba and the other elephants bathing in the stream. 远处,他们看到萨巴和其他大象在小溪里洗澡。 They saw Kah and Ko swinging on vines. 他们看见卡卡和柯在藤蔓上荡来荡去。 They saw the tiger sunbathing in the grass, licking his sore leg. 他们看到老虎在草地上晒太阳,舔着他酸痛的腿。 They saw tiny deer grazing. 他们看见小鹿在吃草。 They saw bright birds in the trees. 他们在树上看到了明亮的鸟儿。 They saw the blind man sitting in front of his cave. 他们看见瞎子坐在山洞前。 He was smiling. 他面带微笑。 Jack opened the book. He pointed to a picture of the Frog Creek woods. 杰克打开书。他指着弗拉格-克里克森林的一张照片。 "I wish we could go home," he said. “我希望我们能回家,”他说。 The tree house started to spin. 树屋开始旋转。 The wind started to blow. 开始刮风了。 It blew harder and harder. 风吹得越来越大。 Then everything was still. 然后一切都静止了。 Absolutely still. 绝对静止。

