Magic Tree House Dingoes at Dinnertime 20.06 Hand to Hand(MT微口语)

MT英语(ID:mtkouyu) 专辑:【英文原版童话故事】 文本整理:Doris Magic Tree House Dingoes at Dinnertime 20.06 Hand to Hand Jack and Annie climbed onto the rock ledge and stepped into the cave. The air inside was cleaner and cooler than the air outside. 杰克和安妮爬上了突出的岩石,走进了山洞。里面的空气比外面的空气干净、凉爽。 "I can't see anything," said Jack. “我什么也看不见。”杰克说。 He patted the head of the baby kangaroo. 他拍了拍小袋鼠的头。 "Me neither," said Annie. “我也是。”安妮说。 Arf! Arf! 汪!汪! "I guess we'll have to follow Teddy's bark," said Annie. "Let's hold hands." She held out her free hand to Jack. Jack took it. “我想我们得跟着泰迪的吠走了。”安妮说。“让我们握手。”她把那只空着的手伸向杰克。杰克把它。 Then he put his other hand out and touched the wall. 然后,他伸出另一只手,摸了摸墙壁。 The joey moved in his pack. 小袋鼠在他的背包里移动。 Jack and Annie walked into the darkness. 杰克和安妮走进黑暗中。 Arf!Teddy kept barking, leading them on.Arf!Arf!Arf! 汪!泰迪不停地叫,引着它们往前走。汪!汪!汪! Suddenly, Jack felt something thump against his leg. He stopped and gasped. 突然,杰克感到有东西猛撞他的腿。他停了下来,倒吸了一口气。 "What is it?" said Annie. “这是什么?”安妮说。 Arf!It was Teddy! His tail was wagging and hitting Jack's leg. 汪!是泰迪!它的尾巴摇摆着,打在杰克的腿上。 "What is it, boy?" Jack asked him. “怎么了,孩子?”杰克问他。 Teddy let out a howl. 泰迪嚎叫了一声。 As he howled, an amazing thing happened. 就在他嚎叫的时候,一件令人惊奇的事情发生了。 A white line began to glow in the air. The glowing line grew until it looked like a giant snake. 一条白线开始在空中闪烁。那条发光的线越来越长,看起来像一条巨蛇。 Then glowing hand prints appeared below the snake. 然后蛇下面出现了发光的手印。 Jack felt Annie squeeze his hand. 杰克感觉到安妮在捏他的手。 "I think it's painted on the wall," she said. “我想它是画在墙上的,”她说。 "But what is it?" whispered Jack. “那是什么?”杰克低声问。 "I don't know," said Annie. “我不知道。”安妮说。 She let go of Jack and put her hand inside one of the painted hand prints. 她放开杰克,把手伸进画好的手印里。 Jack did the same. 杰克也这么做了。 Despite the glowing painting, the rock felt smooth and cool. It almost seemed to breathe. 尽管岩石上画着发光的图画,但岩石给人的感觉是光滑而凉爽的。它几乎像在呼吸。 A ghost-like whistling sound came through the darkness. Then a loud boom! 一声幽灵般的哨声从黑暗中传来,然后是一声巨响! "What's that?" Jack quickly took his hand off the wall. “那是什么?”杰克迅速地把手从墙上拿开。 The boom came again. 巨响再次传来。 "It sounded like thunder," said Annie. “听起来像打雷。”安妮说。 Arf! Arf! 汪!汪! "Teddy's leaving!" said Annie. She grabbed Jack's hand. They turned back the way they had come and followed Teddy's barking again. “泰迪要走了!”安妮说。她抓住杰克的手。他们折回来时的路,又跟着泰迪的叫声走。 Arf! 汪! They followed the little dog until they saw a flash of light. 他们跟着小狗,直到看到一道闪光。 "Lightning," said Annie. "Lightning and thunder! “闪电,”安妮说。“闪电和雷声! We're at the front of the cave! Yay!"Annie pulled Jack toward the mouth of the cave and out, into a pouring rain. 我们在山洞前面!耶!安妮拉着杰克向洞口跑了出来,淋进了瓢泼大雨。

