
文本、声音、剪辑:孟飞Phoenix 孟叔说: 孟叔喜欢拍照,所以经常感受到 当我们倾心拍照,意欲珍藏美好, 却往往觉得镜头难以尽显事物之美。 因为那份本真无法被凝固在画面之上, 而这个道理同样适用于我们自己。 When we try to capture beautiful moments in photos, we often find that the images don't do the scene justice. But just because a camera fails to capture the true essence of something doesn't mean that it's any less beautiful. The same is true for ourselves. 当我们试图在照片中捕捉美好的瞬间时,我们经常会发现照片并不能完全展现出场景的美。但是,相机无法真正捕捉到事物的真正本质,并不意味着它不美。这同样适用于我们自己。 It's easy to compare ourselves to others and feel that we don't quite measure up. We see images of what we think is "perfection," and we feel like we don't match up. But just like how a camera fails to capture everything about a sunset, those images don't capture everything that's unique and wonderful about ourselves. 我们很容易将自己与他人进行比较,并感觉自己不完全达到标准。我们看到所谓的“完美”照片,觉得自己不如他人。但是,就像相机无法捕捉日落的全部美丽一样,那些照片也不能捕捉到我们自身独特而精彩的部分。 We need to understand that we are all beautiful in our own way, just like the sky is beautiful in its own way. When we embrace our unique beauty, we gain confidence in ourselves. Instead of trying to conform to what we think society wants, we can accept and love ourselves the way we are. 我们需要明白,我们每个人都有自己的独特之美,就像天空有它自己的美丽之处一样。当我们接受自己的独特之美时,我们会变得更加自信。我们不需要试图迎合社会的期望,而是可以接受和爱自己的本来面目。 It may take time to gain this kind of confidence, but it's a journey worth taking. Instead of relying on external validation, we should acknowledge our own unique abilities, strengths, and attributes. We need to stop comparing ourselves to others and start loving and appreciating ourselves for who we are. 获得这种信心可能需要时间,但这是值得努力的旅程。我们需要停止与他人比较,开始珍视自己独特的能力、优点和特质。我们需要停止依赖外界的认可,开始爱和欣赏自己的本来面目。 So the next time you look at a photo and feel like you don't measure up, remember that you are like the sky - completely unique and breathtaking in your own way. Embrace yourself and your individuality, and hold your head high, knowing that you are just as beautiful as anything else in this world. 因此,当你看到照片并感到自己不够美时,记住你和天空一样-在自己的独特方式中完全独一无二且令人惊叹。接受自己和自己的个性特点,自信挺立,知道你和世界上任何其他事物一样美丽。 录音、剪辑、主播: 孟飞Phoenix Picture by: 孟飞Phoenix BGM: Nocturne in E flat major, Op. 9 no. 2

